How did this make any sense?

I got around to watching all of LoK (and what a mess that was), and it ends on this. If you just watch the show, it simply looks like they're going into the spirit world as friends. You would NEVER PICK UP that they were a couple unless you read the post where the creators told you they were.

Remember at the end of Last Airbender where Korra and Aang kiss, and it's this BIG MOMENT, because their love as evolved over the series? Yeah, looks like they're trying to pull the same here. Poorly.

they were doing flirty shit through the whole season.

>You would NEVER PICK UP that they were a couple unless you read the post where the creators told you they were.
Why is Sup Forums so horrible at getting subtext?

She literally nursed her back to health while to guys were off dick bending. Watch the fucking show

>She literally nursed her back to health
bruh helping someone in a wheelchair get dressed =/= nursing them back to health. kya probably did any healing she could before korra left for the south pole. there's nothing about asami to suggest that she'd know how to care for someone in korra's condition.

What did you expect from Bryke? But most likely they deliberately made Korra into trash so Nickelodeon would give the rights to Avatar series back to them.

prove it

Oh, and Kataang was handled very poorly, so that's not a great example for contrast.

user's probably talking about Korra blushing when Asami complimented her hair and then Korra said she looked "snazzy" (really?), that's the only moment that really comes close to flirting between the two of them that season.

I said nursed you dick shit. Nobody said Asami was a doctor. You think doctors spend all day feeding their patients, helping them get dressed, and wiping their asses?


Okay but there was still nothing to suggest Asami did any nursing. They definitely would have mentioned it.

Take your shipping goggles off, and try to be objective.

If Asami was a man we wouldn't be having threads with autists being unable to pick up subtle flirting

They grew close through season 3, kept in correspondence between seasons, and were a bit flirty and decided to get together at the end of season 4

This is all Sup Forums talking out its fucking ass. I remember people who wanted them to get together talking in season 3 about how they were growing closer and everyone else went "They're just friends it's Nick they wouldn't allow a gay relationship" and the shippers kind of accepted it.

look you guys, there was zero chemistry prior to the end, but nobody wouldn't notice that very last bit at the end was bullshit gaypandering. ONLY that bit.
I'm just hoping i'm not seeing that in new doctor who. there's hints but I can deny it for now, and Ima try my goddamn best. because a gay main character is pretty much a solid disqualifier for me.

If Asami was a man the ship would be hated by EVERYONE because it would somehow top Kataang as being the most boring, vanilla fictional couple to ever exist. Korrasami's only saving grace is that it's two girls, and I say that as someone who likes the ship. I hate you Bryke.

You mean the new companion chick? IIRC it was confirmed that she's a lesbian.

>because a gay main character is pretty much a solid disqualifier for me.
That's dumb. I get that they're a bit over-represented now, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying it.

>relationship developed from one moment of bashful hair complement

>relationship developed throughout the entire series

>relationship developed throughout the entire series
Their relationship wasn't developed at all past season one, let alone romantically especially in season 3.

I think they look good together. I think it's much better than Mako ending up with either, I like the direction his character went. There was one date where Korra went out with Bolin in S1 that I thought they would have worked really fuckin good together but Bryke turned Bolin into way too much of a goofball after that I got turned off it.

If any of the four were gonna end up together, I think Korra and Asami together's the best option.

She spent the entire time Korra was down and out by her side while the guys were Dickin around as I stated

I actually think how book 4 was set up, Masami getting back together would have been a better choice.

Like don't get me wrong, I wanted to like Korrasami, but Korra was neutered into becoming a crippled kitten and Asami had the personality of an old wig. I'm just waiting for the canon kiss and then I'm probably gonna drop it.

Just admit it, Korra has no redeeming factors.

I hate Korra, but I'm not making excuses for ATLA's poor writing either.

I just don't think Mako had great chemistry with either. I feel like his character was designed for the sake of needing a hot guy for a love triangle so it just felt kinda artificial.

I really liked him being on his own with the prince guy in S4.

>She spent the entire time Korra was down and out by her side while the guys were Dickin around as I stated
>implying off-screen assumptions are a valid point
Just stop.

Yeah from what little we can gather from Korra and Asami's interactions, Asami doesn't seem to actually know how to really comfort Korra or help her. All of her advice is vague and rebuffed with "no you don't understand!!" from Korra. It's probably too much to hope the comics will actually address that.

antes del final de temporada, me empezo a gustar el arte de korrasami. Pero cuando llego el gran final simplemente no tenia sentido lo que vehian mi ojos. Simplemente no lo podia creer, pense por varias semanas pensando una y otra ves sobre ese final entre korra y asami hasta que finalmente me di cuenta de que no tenia nada de sentido. Hasta que un amigo me dijo que ese final se pudo interepretar de muchas formas y pude haceptar eso, hasta unos meses despues el Creador de la serie dijo que si era sierto, a Korra y Asami les gusta practicar la tijera. esa es la unica forma de entender de que terminan en una relacion amoroza, lo cual solo me hizo enojar. Me estas diciendo. el nulo desarroyo romantico y ese final forsado a mas no poder echos por el propio creador solo como regalo de boda de unos amigos gay es simplemente algo que no se puede aceptar bajo ninguna puta sircunstancia, echa a la basura el la historia el desarroyo de todos los otros personajes que eran mas interesante y esa batalla final epica que culmina con la creacion de un nuevo portal, perdidas de seres queridos sacrificios heroicos me encanto eso. Pero no, todos el mundo prefirio asami y korra mostrando su amor por que es tan progresista y mierda y cosas. y el unico argumento que tienenen los defensores del korrasami son cosas que "Tu no entendiste el subtexto" o "no prestaste atencion en nada de la serie" y mi favorita personal "eres un homophobic". Desde mi simple perspectiva es que el creador tratando de meter su agenda politica a una de las mejores series de esta generacion, termino arruinandola y llenando de mierda cualqueir oportunidad de crear una buena serie animada occidental bunos personajes y buena historia...
Pero almenos tenemos voltron en netflix, veamos cuanto tardan en hacer gay a un personaje apra atraer a mas espectadores.


No habla Espanol

Before the end of the season, I began to like the art of Korrasami. But when the big end came, it just did not make sense what my eyes were wearing. I just could not believe it, I thought for several weeks thinking over and over about that final between korra and asami until finally I realized that it did not make any sense. Until a friend told me that the end could be interpreted in many ways and I could do that, until a few months later the Creator of the series said that if it was true, Korra and Asami like to practice scissors. That is the only way to understand that they end up in a love relationship, which only made me angry. You're telling me. The null romantic development and that end forsado to but not be able to echos by the own creator only as wedding gift of some gay friends is simply something that can not be accepted under any puta sircunstancia, throws in the trash the history the development of all The other characters that were more interesting and that final epic battle that culminates with the creation of a new portal, lost loved ones heroic sacrifices I love that. But no, everyone preferred Asami and Korra showing their love for being so progressive and crap and things. And the only argument that defenders of korrasami have are things that "You did not understand the subtext" or "you paid no attention to the series" and my personal favorite "you are a homophobic." From my simple perspective is that the creator trying to put his political agenda to one of the best series of this generation, I ended up ruining it and filling with shit any opportunity to create a good animated western series bunos characters and good story ...
But at least we have voltron in netflix, let's see how long it takes to make a character gay to attract more viewers.

blame it on bryke.
maybe not korra and asami getting together, but every other decision made by him has not made the series or even the comics good.
the writers were originally planning on katara and zuko becoming an item before nickelodeon decided it'd make more sense for the kids to have aang and katara end up together.
excluding shipping, season 3-4 of the first avatar had aang and zuko most noticeably act extremely out of character, along with katara serving a more passive role and sokka being the one-liner comedic relief instead of an actual witty guy.
you also have to consider that people hated that avatar was coming back and the main focus wasn't on aang but on korra.
nickelodeon rushed the episodes out too and there were scheduling issues and production mishaps.
if you need to blame anyone for the bad writing, keep in mind bryke fucked most of avatar up and is mostly in control of the plot while nickelodeon barely had the chance to have the legend of korra canceled due to budget cuts.
plus, some of the original writers of the show left so there's that too.

If Asami was a man at the very least there would be a foundation for attraction. Not that it would mean anything either without romantic context which is completely missing from Korrasami.

They literally stated Asami was by her side while she was sick

None of them should have ended up together. And if they wanted to force them to anyway it should have been someone that you could atleast acknowledge korra had feelings for which unfortunately reduces the options to Mako.

> In all the history of ever, people have never just fallen in love and went with it.
> college lesbians aren't a thing

How is that an argument for ending a tv show on a whim and then making it out like they planned it all along.

LoK isn't real life, it's a show directed by Bryke. They could have done the right thing and let Korra be single at the ending, or ship her with someone. They chose the second and for her partner they chose the least reasonable option.

Have we not established that /co is genuinely autistic and cannot pick up on subtle context and needs things carefully spoon-fed to them?

I get so tired of it sometimes.

I agree, it's stupid.

Bitch about how terribly it was handled as much as you want, but to claim it was a literal last minute addition is just dumb.

Korra was dealing with brain damage and swami was busy being decoration for the show

>They could have done the right thing and let Korra be single at the ending

By your standards and not theirs, the creators of the fucking show

How does Korra being in a superficial relationship and basing her worth on that match korra coming into her own at all?

And considering who wrote the show i wouldn't put too much into who created it.

I would believe this if they didn't get so pissy about standing up for their crap show

editors note korra became gay in her way to the spirit world

Beating a dead horse wouldn't you say?