What was the point of the scene where Luke walks up to the 4 titted blue alien and milks its tits then drinks it in...

What was the point of the scene where Luke walks up to the 4 titted blue alien and milks its tits then drinks it in front of Rey?

Was this symbolic of sexual tension? Was it meant to be gross? Just... what the fuck was the point

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To show how crappy his day-to-day life had become.

It's ok to breastfeed message.

Antagonizing the Star Wars plebs.
The vulgarity and annoyance of IMDB/reddit sensibility movie goers IS the essence of this film.
All through the entire movie I couldn't get the image of Johnson plunging his dagger into a hot pocket out of my head. This film is a noose around the neck of Star Wars cancer. Johnson then kicks away with the stool.

it was supposed to be funny lol

What was the point of it not being a large breasted Twi'lek erotically moaning

Do you niggas even know where milk comes from? How you get butter and cheese? Get over yourselves.


Did the thing actually moan erotically???

>what was the point?
To show that even the most powerful Jedi only survives with the help of gurrrlll power.

I also humans fart, shit and piss. Where was that in the movie?

Why does he drink the milk?


>Depicting hunter-gather foraging on a desolate rock
>Pedantic bodily functions

Pick one

Chewie roasts a porg. Why do they show Luke doing this? It's to humiliate his character.

secretly its ok for woman to whip there tit(s) out in public and breastfeed... we all know the shill sw has become.

Shows mark hamill drinking from kathleen kennedys tits as hes got nothing else

The look on his face when he drinks the milk was great.

Also what's with Luke and coloured milk? First blue, now green.

Why is this in a movie?
Why is this in a movie for children?

It means you paid money to watch this in a Star Wars movie.

They're trying to replicate Yoda's descent into senility after living alone for years like in the OT, this new trilogy doesn't have an ounce of original thought

It represents the life giving properties of women that all life forms depend on, even Luke Skywalker. Even all alone on a planet, he depends on women.

But of course a chauvinist like you wouldn't understand.

Do you not get the colours?

this, unfortunately

>we want the Tim and Eric audience

The alien symbolizes the government.

>blue milk

It's Kathleen Kenededy's middle finger to OT fans who wanted Luke to be the protagonist with his green lightsaber. They take our hero, and have him literally milk a green substance (his power/saber) from a obese sloth with tits (OT fans) and sucks it down from a what looks like a baby bottle. FUCK Disney Kennedy and Johnson.

I want to get off Mr. Disney's Wild Ride


to make luke look like a fucking babby

Literally it was just a "blue milk" joke. That is ALL.

If he stops drinking that milk will he die
He didn't milk so good

Yeah the island scenes were full of callbacks to luke's past. The X-wing under the water (like on dagobah) Luke swinging across a chasm.

He's a big guy

But seriously it would be very painful if he didn't drink it. It's essentially opium.

Goddamn it just comes out as bane speech.

giv kafleen keniddy milkies

To have a moment of comic relief. Only Sup Forums could be autistic enough not to recognize an obvious comedy like this.

That's you tard.

That's the audience

Damn it.

Its too show how disgusting wh*te people are drinking milk when all the other races are lactose intolerant

While these was stupid, I seriously can't believe people think this is as bad as the prequel. This was just mediocre, whereas the prequel were literally incompetently made with shit cinematography, horrendous CGI and some of the worst in a hollywood movie.


I might be crazy, but I thought the point of the scene was to show how he's been surviving out there all these years. I mean, shit dude, the immediate following scene shows Luke spear fishing.

It's a joke about blue milk from the first movie.

cash cow. it's mocking the public.

It's the miracle of life


I don't understand either but I loved how he just stared at her smugly after drinking it. Mark Hamill nailed the acting in this film.

Bullshit it comes from banthas not giant mommy monsters

This easily surpass past awkard moments in the movies, holy fuck what was Rian Johnson thinking
Wost thing is that he is in charge of the next trilogy


The memes from this shitpile are great.
>tfa was all about finding luke
>he does shit all
>and is now a furry who gropes wild animals


It was to symbolize Luke wouldn't be shit without women. It ties in with Rey taking over the franchise and being far superior than Luke with a fraction of the experience.

"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."

it's to show that even though hes a jedi master he's still human with a day-to-day life.

It's perfect really if you can accept this movie as a deconstruction of Star Wars, George's inane "poetry" and the whole Campbellian hero's journey theory.

annnnnnnd... fpbp

Awkward quip moment

>correct answer given the the first reply
>board continues to piss and moan for the rest of the thread



enjoy the rest of your timeline

I am still fucking flabbergasted at this being a thing

See he gets milk from the alien. Milk is a white supremacist symbol. Rey is the future of the Jedi. Luke is the flawed past. Luke represents the racist, homophobic, and misogynist elements of the past that will be killed off and replaced by the the new feminine future.

Or they could have just though "this would be neat."

While this may be true, there are a thousand other ways you could portray and get across this point before you arrive at this bullshit. At that point, there has to be something additional to it. You don't start with the weird, surreal option 1000 when options 1 through 999 will have worked just fine.

>milk = green
>green = frog
>frog = pepe


Why not? Clearly it made the point very well, given that everyone is whining that it ruined Luke Asa character

>Le prequals are bad, Reddit Letter Media told me
>*does epik mong voice* Half in le Bag!!
Go back

Because everything in a movie is deliberate. Portraying Luke slurping down green milk from alien crotch teats was a conscious directorial decision and you have to wonder why they went with that particular image.