Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates Pt. 3

Picking up where I left off today technically. Starting with Issue #13 in Humphries run on Ultimates through Fialkov's. Also for those of you that want a link, the files are uploading meow and should be ready before the thread is over with.

Other urls found in this thread:



Zip zop zoobity bump.

Wuv you guys.



Literally two pages in and nukes are firing from seceded states. I love this universe.

Love Ult. Cap. He definitely has an ego but he's more/less probably accurrate in how quickly he could pull off the operation. Doesn't hurt that he's physically superior to 616 Cap in every way. The only thing I'm uncertain about is their fighting abilitites. I feel 616 Cap has more field experience but Ult. Cap is more used to going up against Superhumans (which is what Cap is).

Ult. Cap actually commanding his team? What a world we live in.








>You're nothing but a dumb idea I had five years ago.



Aww snap


He says "Fraternity of Raptors"


Interesting development.

God dammit, Hank.

>We had these great ideals about open borders!
>But now that we're actually responsible for the future of the nation, we suddenly discover that open borders are a bad thing!
Really gets the ol' cogitator tickin'

At this point, have they explicitly spelled out Morez' identity, or is it merely obvious to any child?

Bumping for OP being awesome

They've hinted but under no circumstances should you feel bad for not getting it.


Hey, glad you decided to keep going.
Thanks for taking the time.

When did they kill the Ultimate Iron Man armour? I really liked the grey, red and gold one.

Samsies. But it seemed as the Universe went on his armor gradually continued to upgrade until he more/less has armor that could put up a serious fight with 616 iRon man.

ALso I need to dip out for a bit. So here's a link to keep you busy in the meantime.


Shit I forgot the password. It's "Ultimates"









>He resigned the position...of...well...Captain America.
>Effective five minutes ago.
>He said he'd send the SHIELD back tomorrow.
Ultimate Cap has evolved so much from his initial appearance.

>Roger, Rogers.

I said it before and I'll say it again, I love this version of Ultimate Cap's costume. It looks like is most assuredly is designed for wartime (helmet, paldrons) which makes sense considering he has done nothing but conquer warzones said the start of Humphries run.

I'd vote for Cap. Couldn't be worse than any of our past presidents.



That bottom panel is awesome.

>Bring the pain!
If I didn't know this was ULt. Cap before, now I would know.

>Imaginary Friend
Well fuck you too Steve.





I nearly lost my shit when I first read this issue. This is a truly "Ultimate" idea....

Last time I dip out. Neighbor stuff is resolved. I sincerely apologize. Also has anyone tried out the link?




So different from the day Hydra Cap was sworn in to be Director of SHIELD. I love it.



>America is my White House.
One day on the job and already he's my favorite president.

>Wait, are you punching someone?


President Cap cannot be stopped!




>That top panel.
Cap looks pissed


I never liked you, Flumm.

I really like Monica Chang as the Black WIdow. ANother example of a great preexisting character that would meet the diversity quota but no one gives a shit about her....


Captain America is having a hell of a first week as president.

See? Might makes right.

I forget, what exactly was Project Pegasus in the Ultimate Universe?


I think a lot of people saw this one coming. I didn't my first time reading.





















