Hey Sup Forums Remember that one time Garfield caused some kid to shoot up her school?

Hey Sup Forums Remember that one time Garfield caused some kid to shoot up her school?

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>MFW I am from San Diego

He's doin us all proud.


I wonder if she would have the sense of humor to autograph a print of this.

>TFW its real

wow thats just sad, what a shitty life to live.

>Tried as an adult
usa makes no sense


He told some wikipedia retards to fuck off (not literally) when they removed garfields gender because of an old quote about the cat relating to everyone.

There is an edit war going on currently about Garfield's gender. There's a quote from a Mental Floss piece being used to support none; there's no source cited there for male.

It seems to me there are three options:

List its gender as none, citing Mental Floss
List his gender as male, either citing a source in the infobox or with a source cited elsewhere in the article
Omit his gender entirely

Option 1 might entail pronoun changes throughout the article.

What I would like to see is discussion here about which option is best supported by sources and best complies with WP policy. Edit summaries are not a substitute for talk-page discussion. I would prefer to have the discussion move here naturally, but if I need to enforce it by reverting it to the last version before the edit war started and protecting the article, I'm prepared to do so. —C.Fred (talk) 15:36, 25 February 2017 (UTC)

this is why i stopped editing wikipedia. plus they deleted all my articles

>“Garfield is male. He has a girlfriend, Arlene."
Jim Davis literally addressed, i think they stopped since.

Here in the US, we punish murderers, we don't put them in nice middle class hotels for a couple of months.

theyre a child though and should be trialed as such. Still the us is weird and also rewards vigilantism

Nah, more than old enough to be disposed of permanently.

>plus they deleted all my articles
Why? What did you write about?

Yes, that's what you should be focusing on. Not things like this.
It was the gay in her that caused this.

It all ties in together.

i had about a fair few articles, all were anime and manga related + the authors of manga. Most were deleted because they were stubs or lacked enough sources. Each one had sources though and i expanded what i could but they wouldnt remove the stub classification. They werent deadlinks either, made sure of that. I wrote them out of passion and to the wikipedia standard but those guys are so fucking autistic that theyd rather delete stuff than find sources for it. I actually translated a lot of the stuff direct from the japanese pages and included sources from them.

A lot of people had the same thing happen to them. Instead of being about expanding knowledhe wikipedia is about populatiry

With a haircut like that, it's no wonder why.

It does once you realize they do this shit so they dont have to adress the systematic problems that cause the problems in the first place.

Easier to get dumb emotional people mad at a scapegoat.

>Easier to get dumb emotional people mad at a scapegoat.
in regards to what? anyway its too late to take back your guns and restructure your school system, or is it?

>I asked for a radio, he bought me a gun.

the NRA is literally the most powerful lobbies in the USA. You can't even suggest a stricter background checks without a huge struggle.

In fact the shootings are probably going to get worse because it looks like the requirements are actually going to get looser.

not to mention all the publicity every shooting gets showing how easy it is to dumbass teenagers who cant control their outbursts.

They should just let her out already.

Remove gang violence (which is a product of a degenerate demographic unique to the US), and our supposed shooting epidemic vanishes.

The NRA opposes "common sense" restrictions because they're Trojan horses for full bans. Luckily, voters don't fucking want bans, and aren't being fear baited like they were during the Civil Rights era attempts to ban guns

name five (5) countries that have had a school shooting that arent 3rd world in the last 5 years

A scapegoat? This sociopath tried to murder elementary school children and joked about it.

Nah. I'm content with the occasional blood she'd (and I include my own) in exchange for rights I value.

So you place the lives of children below your right to own an assault rifle.
