The Scotsman fucked her 100 times!

The Scotsman fucked her 100 times!

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He fucked her once. Her womb is crazy.


>Jack's Katana couldn't break Scotsman's Sword
>Scotsman's sword cannot hurt Aku
>Aku can be hurt by Jack's Sword
>Aku can break Scotsman's sword
where's the logic in this?

>The Scotsman fucked her 100 times!
but after that, the condom broke.
And then the fun REALLY started.

But seriously OP, have you never been in a long-term relationship? You reach 100 fucks like a half year in.

Jack's katana was made by three literal gods.

how many times would you dick into Ashi, Sup Forums?

Jack had an anti Aku sword, Scotsman doesn't.

Jack's sword isn't in general amazingly strong. It just has the unique ability to harm Aku.

Jack overpowers Aku
Aku overpowers Scotsman
Scotsman overpowers Jack
Think of it like rock paper scissors

That's not the issue. He impregnated her 100 times.

so how can magic runes protect a sword from the only sword that can hurt aku but cant protect said sword from aku?

He impregnated her once. She had centuplets. They were all twins.

Because Jack's sword isn't indestructible. People think because it was forged by gods it's the perfect sword, but it's not. The only special things about it are that it can harm Aku and I guess that it doesn't get dull.

Scotsman's sword has MAGIC ROONS which give it additional strength against even attacks that are designed to shatter other swords like Jack used. That said, blocking a powerful strike is entirely separate from getting full-on blasted with Aku lasers.

Twice. First time they had 99 identical daughters. Second time they had another daughter. She's the one that was playing the bagpipes in front of the others.

>Jack's Katana couldn't break Scotsman's Sword
The sword is righteous. It's a tool of justice, just like Jack's katana. The katana won't hurt it.
>Scotsman's sword cannot hurt Aku
Scotsman's sword is not a weapon of the gods designed to kill the ultimate evil
>Aku can be hurt by Jack's Sword
Jack's katana is a weapon of the gods designed to kill the ultimate evil
>Aku can break Scotsman's sword
Aku's very powerful.

Because resisting a sword and resisting a magical explosive heat beam are two entirely different things. Scotsman's sword is magic, Jack's is holy. It's like how in Pokemon, you have bug types that can resist fighting, and are weak to rock. Just because bug resists fighting, and is weak to rock, doesn't make rock effective vs. fighting.

so were those men who got wrecked his sons?
because aku =/= heavenly anti aku magic

Where you getting 100 daughters from? Isn't the headcount 30?

>where's the logic in this?

Just because things don't work in one retardedly oversimplified and 100% consistent way independent of circumstance doesn't mean they don't make sense. Pay attention, autist.

>Jack's Katana
Is hydrofluoric acid.
>Scotsman's Sword
Is plastic.
Is metal.

Now substitute into your original greentext.

>Hydrofluoric acid won't eat through plastic.
>Plastic won't cut metal.
>Metal can be dissolved with hydrofluoric acid.
>Metal can cut plastic.

All four of those above points are real world facts. There's nothing illogical about any of it.

this is more likely

she got a womb like mofuckin kinkos

The daughters do look like they're all the same age.

I'm not sure about that. Besides the assassin bots Jack is always shown to be a sword breaker.

It bothered me too, but rememebr Jacks sword also broke. I think it would've been better if the sword was still in one piece though.

>Jacks sword also broke
No, he lost it.

In the earlier seasons, you don't remember that? When he had to get it repaired?

Probably just once and run away. Bitch is crazy.

One of us must have come from the Berenstein universe cause I don't remember that at all

Just a few octuplets.

>.aif soundbanks
do my deceive me?

where are those gods now?

Wasn't that in the non canon comics?

Doing what gods do best and staying out of the situation they want solved and can solve in five second so the human can do it

That was a comic, not an episode you fucking schizophrenic.

So was it the runes etched into the sword itself that allowed the Scotsman to come back as a spirit? Maybe there were some conditions or something, like if a true warrior of Celtic blood died wielding it against a worthy foe, something something magical ghost!

watching the show they created

no, an allied army

What makes you assume she was the mother of any of the scotsman's kids?
Think for a second, How old did Flora and her sisters look to you? Maybe in their twenties, well it's been 50 years since we last saw the scotsman so if he was Jack's age he would be about 75 years old, however I always figured the scotsman and his wife was maybe 10 years older than Jack so that would make him around 85 when he died.
Women reach menopause between 30-40 years old, and scotsman's wife would have been between 55-65 when Flora was born.

Scotsman got remarried, either that or knocked up a ton of women.

In their realms. Aku is no longer "ALL LIFE THREAT" so they don't give a fuck.

Oh boy, I have the same memory that this guy does of an episode where it breaks.
First I thought it was "Jack and the Ultra-robots" but I just skimmed the episode and it wasn't.
I specifically remember an episode where it gets repaired and it was in an earlier episode.


Maybe their daughters are adopted


over and over until she got knocked up, and began to get confused as to why she was getting so fat out of a sudden

this desu

they all look same age too


I know it's hard to believe she too it at least 100 times. Such a dainty wee lass like her.

Don't you pull this Mandela effect bullshit on me son. You are probably just thinking of the episode where it shows the mystical spirit forgers working on the sword and its mistaken it for a episode where it breaks.

Maybe he isn't even their father. Perhaps it's just an honorific title given to the Clan's elder.

Maybe the only reason that the women are even fighting is because Aku had all the men killed whilst the Scotsman was away on his travels and he came back to raise them all as warriors.




Because the transitive property of mathematics rarely applies to real life. If Player A has more home runs than Player B and Pitcher C strikes out Player A, does that mean that Player B cannot hit a home run off of Pitcher C?

Song is irish punk rock but still vaguely thread related.

Don't fucking remind me.

She was pregnant when they rescued her. It's why she was so moody. Scotsman was adventuring to avoid her from killing him in pregnant rage

But can plastic cut metal


That's already included in the post user, what are you doing?

>Plastic won't cut metal.

This is a suitable eulogy for the Scotsmans body if not his soul






>ditched her for two years

Yeah, I can see why she was super pissed for most of that episode.


The assassins bot prove that anything Jack cannot break is not because of the lack of the ability of the sword, but Jack's lack of strength to overcome them.

I am certain if Jack had the weird arm thing, he could have destroyed the sword.

Sauce me, my man.

I can believe that Scotsman's sword can hurt Aku, just not as strongly as Jack's katana can. Jack's katana was specifically forged as a sword of justice though, so if it's used against a good man like the Scotsman it doesn't do it's thang.

she fucked him actually

he fucked her 100 times, but only the first time was necessary for procreation

Some of those were granddaughters.

My headcanon.

I think as the Strongest Warrior, the Scotsman impregnated all of the woman in his tribe in order to raise an army to stand against Aku.

So you think the daughters are 50 years old?

you sir have 10/10 music taste

Scotsman > Genghis Kahn

This would have been kinda awesome. Though I don't think the kids would have taken well to him killing their mother and the others who had raised them even if they were abusive since they knew no better.


>Tfw this will never happen

Isn't that just a blatant worse drawn version of Princess Daphne's mom from Dragon's Lair II?

>Implying a>b b>c a>c is true in real life

in a row?

theres the logic

You're thinking of Jack's Sandals, where he has to get his sandals repaired and he stays with this old Japanese sandalmaker.

I guess it's because Jack's sword isn't just the only weapon that can harm Aku, but also because it was made expressly for killing Aku. It's supposed to be a channel for the wielder's own righteousness and purity. Maybe Jack just simply didn't want to break the Scotsman's sword, just deflect it? Unlike that other magical sword, forged with dragon fire and all, which simply broke as soon as it touched the katana (because it was evil, you know).

>so were those men who got wrecked his sons?
The Scotsman and his daughters would've reacted a bit more emotionally than "Welp! Let's go home" if they were at all related.

this could mean the Scotsman's daughters are stronger than the Scotsman himself

Scottsman sword= a +4 weapon
Jacks sword= A +5 holy avenger katana.

Magic womb, laddie

Jacks sword is Kryptonite to Aku.

Centuplets is an amazing term.



leaving out the best part, the scotsman praising jack

Considering that the daughters of aku are a litter, this is just as likely. In fact, could be how humanity has survived this long in the age of aku.
