There was episode of Captain Planet when they literally said to kids to not have kids

There was episode of Captain Planet when they literally said to kids to not have kids


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How wise of them

And yet Ted Turner has five children.

But that's a good idea.

We got a big ass world population problem as it is.
And really the most ethical solution is to fucking decrease them being created, cause it's starts to get more morally gray the more the fucking thing becomes a living being.

>African guy has only 2 kids while american 8 kids

yeah right

We don't have an overpopulation problem, we have a population density problem.

There's plenty of room on the planet, we just cluster everyone into urban centers where they have to live like sardines.

The solution isn't for people to not have kids (that isn't going to happen), but for the vast expanses of unused land to be developed and for industries and jobs to be introduced in those sectors.

yeah right because building houses on deserts is solution

The only people who believe the overpopulation meme are liberals who have never set foot outside of Manhattan or Los Angeles in their entire lives.

Anybody who believes that there is no more room left in America has never had to drive through the flyover states.

There's plenty of inhabitable land to be developed, there's just no jobs there (duh) so people still flock to big cities to get work.

We need more antinatalist themes in media.

Wheeler is Catholic.

If we're talking about Africans or Asians, they most definitely should have less kids — those guys breed like cockroaches regardless of whether they can support a large family or not. With white people it's the opposite: if our parents' generation did more breeding, we would never had the labor shortage and the emigration problems to begin with.

it worked for Las Vegas

You don't know what you are talking about. Over-population isn't about living space.

Climate change and the rise of nationalism will correct that unfortunate problem for them.

They say you should have a small family wich is probably a good idea. It's probably the best idea of the show. One kid more makes more problems for nature than driving with a truck to work every day for the rest of your life.


From conception, Captain Planet was always a means for Ted Turner to pump propaganda into children. It's interesting to see that episode in retrospect, because years later Turner would say that the world's population should be decreased by 95% and America should adopt China's forced one child policy.

lifesitenews .com/news/video-ted-turner-reduce-population-by-five-billion-people

Said by someone who has 5 kids

hypocrisy level max

Vegas dies when everyone decides to stop giving it water.

Or he is just an elitist.
>Only the best people can have kids.

When the Middle East turns uninhabitable, the immigrant crisis today will look like nothing.

>Hegel and Schopenhauer fighting over Kant
>Schopenhauer saying "will to power"

>America should adopt China's forced one child policy
I knew something about Captain Planet seemed a little off to me and now I know why, the creator is an absolute lunatic.

I remember this episode.

It was weird.
The main character of the ep was Pibald or something?

Wheeler: Where'd all these kids come from?!
Linka: Oh-ho...YOU knoooooow...

Piebald. And his daughter was a cute.

There was something very weird about the rat people design.

There is a conservative in the UK that got shit for endorsing overpopulation bullshit and suggesting the solution is driving around vans that forcefully euthanize people, (literally did a Hitler)

So your suggestion that this is a us against them liberal/conservative issue is bullshit.

Well the problem is we have too many babies...and not enough food.

The answer is simple.
Eat the babies.

Human filth didgsust me and i cant wait for the next plague to take our surplus population

Kant was a Kunt

What's the problem with just having more farmers?

Overpopulation has nothing to do with physical space to live retard, it has more to do with the agricultural and health systems keeping us alive. Overall being in a first world country like most of us are here it really will never become a problem in our lifetimes.

For one of the most powerful people in the world it doesn't fucking matter. He's an oligarch, oligarchs are almost always hypocrites.

It's more a matter of food and energy production with other factors such as the job market. It's not a matter of literally having space to put people. It's the amount of arable land we have, the amount of fuel we have etc. We're looking at a 50-60% decrease in jobs in the next 20-30 years due to automation and we're already struggling to find jobs for people. It's going to be hard enough to make UBI work for the people alive now let alone if we keep bloating the population.

Either we can manage the population ourselves or nature will. We literally won't have enough food or energy to feed everyone, and the changes necessary to improve the efficiency of supplying increased levels of food/energy are expensive. Expensive things cannot be obtained by people without jobs anyway so it's a moot point, increasing numbers of people with a decreasing numbers of jobs.

Nothing at all, but that's not even necessary, there is already enough food to feed the world, or at least enough crop producing land if the crops were charged, coffee and tabacco to wheat for example, there is just no motivation to distribute food at least well enough to prevent starvation, and beyond that you have other issues like wars preventing food distribution, warlords, and dictators that intentionally starve people, or like North Korea dumping needed food into the ocean so Thier people don't think Thier government needs help from outside people.

If there were means, motivation, or enough will, the population of the world could easily, no matter how theoretically, live well and comfortably and at peace, but first you'd have to convince people to give a shit about someone outside Thier little world and stop the extremists and would be rulers or the world to calm the fuck down.

it will never happen as long as they control the gambling and legal prostitution
we need that shit