CL Comfy Thread: The Return

Common questions;

>Why the fuck did you make ANOTHER CL thread, faggot?

Why the fuck do you keep making SJ, SU, SvE threads, faggot?

>Aren’t you pushing your luck with these threads?

>Shit, anons should I rewatch/start watching the show?

Hard to say. Many will say yes because we loved it. Many will say no for a variety of reasons as well. Read the thread (if it gets past 10 posts again) and look deep into your heart to make your own conclusion.

>Will this get a Netflix/Adult Swim continuation/reboot?

It got a live action continuation called Code Lyoko: Evolution. But for an Adult Swim reboot/continuation, this show was made in France and isn’t really under CN’s control.
There are novels as well but they take place in a slightly different timeline/finding an English version of them is tricky. A kind user or two may provide links if we’re lucky enough.

>Should I watch CL: Evolution?

Major consensus is NO. Poor writing and flanderization of characters being major factors. It had to undo some of the ending of the original show to be a thing. People often compare it fanfiction in terms of quality. Protip: If it has the word ‘Evolution’ in the title it’s most likely shit anyways.

>Can I get my Scyphozoa/forehead fetish/ahegao lewds here?


Other urls found in this thread:


Ah, I remember you from the last one. You are the poster of images, no?

I love these comfy cl threads

Did Evolution get English subtitles? I'm assuming a dub didn't happen.

I think it does. I mean in the last thread one of the people were able to watch it (I assume they were English speakers)

I think it did get dubbed a bit by CN because I heard they picked up 5 episodes or something back in the day.

I do too. I never want the comf to end.

Through the miracle of wishful thinking, you are given the opportunity to replace the head writers of SJ, SU, or SvTFE under the condition that you add in the CL kids to the main cast in any way or form, even if it means changing their species/abilities. Which show would you pick and how would you fulfill the deal? What evil will you invoke upon the show and its fandom with your newfound power?

mfw new thread

This show had the derpiest stills.

Also had pretty unique voice acting now that I think of it. Have the VAs done anything else?

Eh, I think a third thread really is pushing it but we'll see.

Nth for Code Lyoko looks gorgeous and big foreheads are cute. If the thread is still alive tomorrow morning Euro time I'll doodle some more shit that was requested in previous threads, if not this was fun while it lasted.

Which VAs are you referring to? The original or the dubs?

Dubs. They sound so unique

I hope this series one day gets a proper reboot, completely ignoring the fact that Evolution was ever a thing. Less drama between Ulrich and Yumi, and no references to memes like a lot of modern cartoons are doing.

It's a monkey paw thing. I think it's best it stays resting in peace.

Antagonizing people seems like a good way to start thread
surely this wont be filled with shitposting

Aelita is too pure

I want to cuddle her on the couch while we binge netflix

>forehead fetish

welp i wanna draw now some Sissi forehead molestation.

>Can I get my Scyphozoa/forehead fetish/ahegao lewds here?
Yumi and Ulrich being Scyphozoaed into porking

Sarcasm is unbecoming of you, user.

I heard they had a couple of cameos in Ratatouille and they did work in Dragon Ball Z The Big Green dub

>anons want a reboot
Why can't we just accept a good thing as it is.

Because executives, money, and fanboys.

>There are novels as well but they take place in a slightly different timeline/finding an English version of them is tricky. A kind user or two may provide links if we’re lucky enough.

Actually, the English fan translation has been up for a couple of years now, and I never understood how so few have heard of it. Anyway here are the books for anyone curious.

Book 1 (The Underground Castle):
Book 2 (The Nameless City):
Book 3 (The Return of the Phoenix):
Book 4 (The Army of Nothing):

Also, reminder that Telecharger is French for download

You're all welcome

There's only one episode of Evolution was dubbed and that was episode 5. Also Evolution never aired on Cartoon Network, but on something called Kabillion.


Ok, team. We need good questions to get the ball on this thread rolling.

Reveal your deepest burning, embarrassing, or weird head canon or desire that you've had about this show. HARD MODE: No fetishes.

>HARD MODE: No fetishes
Aw man. Well in that case I guess this is a bit sad, but watching this show just makes me wish I could be a young teenager again. Except one with better friends like the Lyoko gang.

Also I think the reason I like Milly a lot is because when I was that age I had a crush on a girl a couple of years below me, but it was stupidly taboo (just like it's presented in the show) and I was too much of an anxiety riddled social reject to ever do anything about it. When I watch the first episode where she's upset about being rejected by Ulrich and then after the return to the past he decides "fuck Sissi's bullshit" and asks her to the prom anyway, it kind of breaks my heart a little bit.

I honestly wouldn't want a continuation/reboot unless they could guarantee similar production values. CG has certainly moved on and would look tons better, but 2D animation has regressed like fuck because people want to do it cheap. Code Lyoko in fucking Flash or something similar with shitty simple backgrounds is not something I would want to see.

>wish I could be a young teenager again. Except one with better friends like the Lyoko gang.

I think we all low-key project on to these characters and want to be them lol


While CL was airing on Miguzi here in Burgerland, Cartoon Network was also producing the "city" bumpers and it always burnt my baguettes that Teen Titans was the only Miguzi show getting to participate in them.

So I'd always tried to figure out how everything else airing on Miguzi (besides TT) would fit together in their own City Bumpers and/or interacting with Toonami offerings or other licensed shows.

Also there was a kind of meta-canon phase toward the end of the US broadcast run where Aelita would have a snarky rivalry with Ben Tennyson because all the Code Lyoko schedule slots were being systematically killed for Ben 10 reruns. In a modern interpretation of the Miguzi Cinematic Universe, they'd probably spearhead a begrudging team-up against the TTGO and Ultimate Alien casts.


It always seemed to me like Xana used the least effective means to attack the heroes given his clear demonstration of power. Season 1 Xana could override vehicles and overload power transformers. So instead of trying to drive a bus all the way across town to a chemical plant, why not just go max speed then slam into a concrete wall? Or snap a power line and drop it on one of the heroes when walking under it. Season 2 Xana was powerful enough to possess people, then why not just possess someone with a gun? Certainly more lethal than that zapping thag has no effect.

>W-w-what? Rick, what're y-
>W-who's XANA?

Then after that, XANA could deploy all the nukes and basically annihilate the entire planet lut of his bloodlust. He would obviously be able to do that since he took control of a satellite that shot a fuckig lazer without any government officials noticing.

Well Xana certainly wasn't perfect. It had to consistently grow more intelligent/powerful gradually. Call it an excuse but I don't think it was crafty enough at those specific points in time to come up with those kinds of schemes.

I would argue that it's less crafty and requires less intelligence to make a bus just crash into a solid object than send it to a chemical plant.

While I agree Evolution was a disservice to the CL series, I've been looking for an iTunes rip (since neither CL or CLE are on blu-ray) so the clip of the Virtualization sequence I'm using is of the best quality available.

Anyone know where to find it (specifically episode 18).

Most of them were in Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy.

I think the main character was even voiced by William's VA.

Because there's potential. The original show was pretty good, but greatly flawed and full of underdeveloped plot threads and even ones that were dropped entirely. A reboot with a higher budget and tighter story could work in the right hands.

Depends. It does take intelligence to come up with the best way to ensure something dies and stays died. A bus hitting a wall would surely kill, but there can be survivors. Crashing it into a chemical plant and there's no way anyone on the bus will come out of it alive.

I thought that X.A.N.A. was a prototype for Aelita, and that we'd see X.A.N.A. in a physical form that looked like a twisted, glitched out Aelita. This was before I found out that she was actually human.

I wonder what sort of rumors and false leaks were made back in the day. Only one I recall was a semi-true spoiler about Aelita having been human, but falsified with stuff about her being a replicate of the real Aelita who had died along with her mother. Unless it something like a mistranslation.

I remember hearing that rumor and others back when the show first came out. I remember hearing another one where the principle was secretly Franz Hopper, or something.

I'm holding you to this.
Let's see what you've got.

OP is retarded and failed to explain what the fuck "CL" is.

>Code Lyoko looks gorgeous and big foreheads are cute.
I completely agree, unique artsytles are the best.
In fact, I only remember being weirded out by their foreheads during the first episode I ever watched, but that's actually why I stayed to watch in the first place.

Are you going to? Foreheads are the best.

The image should be explanation enough.

Was I the only one who never noticed the foreheads the first time I watched the series?

What do you think of them now?

Eh, they're fine for the most part. The only ones that really stand out to me are Yumi and Odd. Yumi's not even a fivehead, she's a sixhead. Aelita looks normal though.

I think Odd's sticks out more because his hair really draws it up.
Aelita's hair covers it up enough that she's got the least extra brain space.

I like Yumi's sixhead, it's cute.

>ruh-roh, weird shit happens in the real world
>get in the fucking computer, assholes
>oh man fighting all this shit is so easy
>jk we killed it
>eat shit tower
I didn't dig this shit even as a kid

>one where the principle was secretly Franz Hopper, or something.

You know, it's weird how only ONE episode in the entirety of the show even had Delmas recall Hopper and slightly recognize Aelita. You'd think that would have happened a few more times.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

It is pretty cute, but it definitely stands out. Her head's 50-60% forehead.

>If I bullshit and trivialize it, it'll sound really bad when it wasn't
Here's the (you)

>excluding the comfy SoL stuff
For shame.

Some shots it gets even more so.

It's especially weird since they didn't even change her name. She looks the same, has the same name, that should have caught his attention more then it did.

Good lord, this looks like one of those cartoon scenes where a character becomes super smart due to their brain being made larger, and thus their head gets bigger.

No, she was Aelita STONES at the school, not Hopper or Schaffer. As for her appearance, it had been 10 years, so a lot of the faculty had likely forgotten about her, and those who migh have had a vague recollection probably just figured it was a coincidence.

Like this?

IRL, anybody slightly suspicious would probably rationalize it as being a relative, like a cousin or something and leave it at that.

Yeah, pretty much. Great, now I'm getting flashbacks to that one episode of Jimmy Neutron where Sheen suddenly gained a massive intelligence boost.

I vaguely recall that episode.
Got a screencap?

I've been meaning to watch through Jimmy Neutron again, but I'm not sure it'll hold up as well as Code Lyoko has.

Yeah, I've got one.

It' Some are still pretty good, others not so much. Me personally, I think it went down in quality later on in the series, but you should give it a watch and decide for yourself.

I think Yumi and Sissi definately got the most exagerrated shots. How can 4headlets even compete?

At the end of this episode, Yumi takes off Jeremie's glasses like her clone did to embarrass him.
How'd she know that?

I want to pat Yumi and Aelita's butts.

Maybe Milly's too

But not best girl's?

I just told you I wanted to pat their butts.

But none of them are in your image for some reason

>This entire OP
Man some of you guys just can't not mimic general behavior, can you?



They're French, it's fine.

I'm still surprised The Head / CL crossovers don't happen on a daily basis in these threads.

Love that file name.

...fuck now I want to go back and watch this show. I never saw it all the way to the end when it was on

What is the age of consent there anyways….was it 16 or something?

it's 4/20 Sup Forums

would you blaze it up with the CL crew?

15. Which I think makes Yumi and William legal but no-one else, I don't think.

Well I mean J and A would probably be too straight laced to blaze.
The others, especially Odd, might be more of the type to do that.

I feel like Yumi probably wouldn't approve either. It's the sort of thing I can see Odd and Ulrich sneaking off to do in the woods as a bro thing they don't tell the others about because they know they'd moralise. Maybe Sissi would as well because she'd want to be seen as being cool.

Why do it in the woods, when they have an abandoned factory that no one ever visits?

Speaking of the factory, the super computer ran on uranium rods, right? I can't imagine the show addressed this, but what the hell happened to those things after the series concluded? Did they just leave the things live and pray nobody ever went peeking?

Also - do you think the kids ever went back to the old factory to hang out as they grew older? Or do you guys think they just tried to forget about it and move on?

I've never seen to the end of the series, was XANA destroyed physically as well, as in all the computer hardware, or just the AI itself?

If the hardware wasn't destroyed, I can't see Jeremy passing up the opportunity to continue using a free powered supercomputer.

The rods were undisturbed for more than a decade before the series began, it should be fine. Besides, you can't make a bomb with the amount of uranium they stole (Jeremie is was shown lifting it easily), you need a large quantity.

It's kind of in the air on the second part. They had some good times there, and that factory is a genuinely great hangout. But it's also where they almost died dozens of times, where Aelita's dad did die, and the former abode of a megalomaniac AI. They might still use it, they might not, but they'll definitely seal off the Lyoko-related areas.

>Also - do you think the kids ever went back to the old factory to hang out as they grew older? Or do you guys think they just tried to forget about it and move on?

I'm sure most of them moved on.

Yumi probably went back to Japan.
Jeremie probably graduated college at 18 and is working in some high level secret government job.
Aelita probably followed Jer or started a DJ career.
Odd probably flunked out of college and becomes a freelance worker.
Ulrich…I honestly don't know what he'd do. CEO of something?

No no they managed to destroy zana while leaving the supercomputer entirely intact. They then decided to turn the time- bending, reality-warping computer off (instead of studying it) because... symbolism, I guess.

A top secret place with integral technology and potentially important/dangerous Lyoko related/Xana infected equipment….I don't think you'd want to get high in there.

Just do it on the factory floor

Xana is a threat everywhere, not just the Factory. If they got high in the forest, he could vine rape them, or send wolves to devour them. At least in the factory they could stumble down to the virtualizers.

>Jeremie's role in stealing uranium is discovered and he's now being forced to recreate a new XANA for the French government
Yumi wasn't from Japan though, her parents moved to France, she was born there and lived there her whole life.

Imagine them trying to fight in Lyoko in that condition…This won't end well.


Oh look who came back from the dead.

So what's it like being dead?

Joking aside, that would be entertaining to watch.

>Just do it on the factory floor

I actually heard that most JxA smut fan fictions actually do take place there.

I regret that particular conversation immensely.

>that episode where Jeremy asks if they could have some alone time to fool around

I loved how it was always Jeremy that was bashful about doing the lewds. Aelita just has that smirk on her face