Give me 1 good reason why he had to die

give me 1 good reason why he had to die

He was a white male and white males can't have heroes in nu-wars.

because muh mentor figure has to die before he gets the chance to pass on all of his knowledge

There is none. Call me a actionfag, but I wanted a epic lightsaber duel. Not a symbolic fucking fart ghost projection. Fucking trash waste of a beloved character.

They hate Mark Hamill even though Mark himself is a huge fan of Star Wars and the fandom. It literally triggered Disney to know end so they had to put him down.

Ducking this


t. phone fag

Because everyone has to die some day

To give the new (((characters))) the spotlight for the final film.

They ruined his character
Everything that happened in the original trology just so he could end up on some rock and die.

wh*Te """males""" must die in order for the YAAS KWEEN SLAY independent FEMALES to emerge

He will have as big a role in 9 than he did in 8

"Out with the old," seems to have been the theme of the movie.

Why they would do that in the middle film of a trilogy is beyond me, though.

Disney can't afford him and doesn't want to have to pay Lucas for Luke toys.

C'mon he couldn't even get to live this full trilogy? He was supposed to be the main character of the whole series, Anakin and Rey are just secondary protagonists.

why are you so obsessed with white people, user?

It's a new trilogy, if he stayed alive people would want him to play a major role in the 3rd movie which would be dull.

Because Rey and Kylo are going to start their own Force religion, and narratively it's easier if all relics of old religions are gone.

to make way for the matriarchy

He balanced out snoke

Disney doesn't have to pay Lucas for shit. They already bought everything from him (and now they're buying 20th Century Fox, which owned everything about SW that Lucas didn't).

As a fart ghost. Yay!

he was a filthy wh*Toid

us BLACK men can only hope that finn impregnates rey in episode 9 with his virile KONGOLESE seed to breed a new race of KONGOLESE warriors

he's a fucking white male, and plus Mark is not a Disney yes man so he had to go.

Ummm, no. Luke was hardly even the main character of the OT and he certainly wasn't as well liked as say Han...
He's not a pivotal character in the new trilogy and they decided to kill him off (pro-tip! He's not really 100% dead :O), get over it. I'm tired of seeing people whine about him.

Him dying is whatever, I expected it for his character. How they did it just sounds like utter crap. Like jesus, they fucked up his character so bad and then he just dies just because. It's like they tried to rehash the old Obi Wan death, which it kind of is. Of course Obi Wan only fought his apprentice when it was too late and even he chose not to kill him though he was left in a very dangerous condition.

Even in interviews, Hamill has been critical. Was already critical of TFA saying why would Luke just ignore Han and Leia if they are in serious trouble like they were? It's just bullshit.

If Rey isn't a forcebabby like Anakin I am going to send death threats to Kathleen cuz there's no reasonable explanation to why she's so stronk in the force otherwise

JJ Abrams can only work with young people.
The only reason he bothered with the old cast is because "plot" demands it and unlike Star Trek, he couldn't just go back in time and depict them younger, because plot already set that in stone.

this. the less dependent disney are on Lucas' characters, the more of the star wars pie disney actually owns outright.

The same reason Barriston did in GoT

The writer doesn't care and doesn't want to deal with the actors criticism

If they were going to kill him off, they really should have done it in the first film (like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon). Of course, with Harrison apparently insisting on Han dying as a condition of appearing at all, they probably felt they couldn't kill Luke off in the same film.

Personally, I think I might have resolved that by leaving Han out of the first film entirely, and then dealing with him in the second one after Luke is already gone. That way, you can introduce Rey and have Luke train her in the first film before she gets into any real fights, reducing her Mary-Sue-ness somewhat, while also not making Luke at fault for disappearing and not being around to save Han.

>implying he wont play a role as ghost mentor of rey

t. prequel babbies

Being a Jedi isn't about epic lightsaber battles

Projecting himself to buy time and save the heroes fits his pacifist and jedi ways, make sense in the context of the movie (i.e. Luke learning from his fatal mistake of trying to kill Kylo)

Why should he even be limited to the mentor role now that they've shown with Yoda that force ghosts can actually interact with the physical world (and even use force lightning, never mind that we'd never seen a Jedi use that before, only Sith)?

Hell be a force ghost for rey at some point so expect that. All movies have a thing where the old mentor dies. Atleast he died like a badass and actually did something. The scene with yoda was incredible.

They had to show that force projection was a big deal and could only be done in extreme cases.

Because this trilogy isnt about Luke

because Marxists must destroy all culture and traditions within a society so that a new revolutionary culture can replace it

They are playing the long game through media

From a meta perspective, yes, but you need an in-universe reason, too, unless you want plot holes. That's why the shit they did with Yoda is so problematic: they just completely changed the entire nature of force ghosts, and you can't put that genie back in the bottle.

Plenty of shitty reasons but not even a good one.

Jedi Master "Bitch you don't need to learn, now get your ass out on the street and earn" Yoda

Then what's the point of having a lase sword?

This trilogy isnt about star wars. Its a thinly veiled sjw cash grab. Apparently the basic principles of storytelling are lost to these "professional" writers.

It still sucked ass.

>Its a thinly veiled sjw cash grab
Well duhh, it's Disney garbage.

I imagine they were gonna kill off one of them in each film. Carrie Fisher would have had some sort of awesome sacrifice in the 3rd one, but now all I'm hoping for is the opening crawl starts with Leia Organa is DEAD!

Remember when Rey told Luke to check his privilege and antifa beat Snoke to death? Damn that was hardcore.

This post here.
Open your fucking eyes people.
This is psyops.

It really wouldn't have been that hard to fix it
>snoke extracts luke's location from rey
>says it out loud so that kylo hears
>after snoke dies and luke helps the resistance escape with his force projection, kylo sends the fleet to luke and blows it up
>luke, seeing his impending doom, becomes one with the force

literally the same effect, but makes some sense in universe.

Too many milkies

>"You came to die, old man"

>one of the largest media corporations in the world

Ticket sales

feminists and jews making those films obviously are, fucktard

He wants to say Jews but like so many isn't ready yet.

So that leia could play a bigger role in the final film correcting his mistake

The final film will set up a new franchise featuring the new characters you now know and love

If he had to die, it should have been as a martyr for the reborn Rebels.

Think about it.
>He takes on the AT-ATs. All of them.
>He rips TIEs out of the sky.
>The troopers all die by his hand.
>When he faces Kylo, he's exhausted, but he knows that the Falcon got away.
>He Obi-Wans himself.
How much better would that have been?

man, I just wanted old man Luke to do some Zatoichi shit on some niggaz

Was that too much to ask for?


He wouldn't even have to do those kinds of over-the-top Force pyrotechnics. Having him actually show up and die confronting Kylo is so much better than having him project himself and just die.

>and you see the (((whitest))) fucking room in the history of time. Its unbelievably (((white)))
Ten bucks says the first casting sheet read like a Tel Aviv phone book.

>He wouldn't even have to do those kinds of over-the-top Force pyrotechnics.
It would be impressive because the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force.

Actually k y lo is pretty much antifa

Likez black and red, wears a mask, juvenile violent response to anything, often takes out his anger on inanimate objects

Because he was cuter then the Porgs.


Literally L I T E R A L L Y anyone who says "Luke died" does not understand Star Wars. He became one with the force.


I didn't know I wanted a Force ghost fight in a proper lightsaber duel until now... I know it's not possible & doesn't make sense, but that scene left me a bit disappointed. Not like this Disney,no like this...

nope. he simply meditated then when to sleep to recover.

if Luke is in fact dead, then the Looper autist who directed this schlock, should be

Because they wanted him to have a redemption arc.

He fucked up Kylo Ren then locked himself away on an island completely ignoring the sith lord he created, essentially killing Han with his negligence and refusal to clean up his own mess. To make up for being such a pussy bitch, he kills himself to save the last of the Resistance.

Rian Johnson is just subverting your expectations bro. He took a top 10 most famous movie character of all time and blew him away like a fart in the wind

>i.e. Luke learning from his fatal mistake of trying to kill Kylo

Which should never have fucking happened because that isn't something that Luke would have done. The fucking levels of suspension of disbelief necessary to watch this shit are insane.

He wanted the ability to light trees on fire with storms

Because 'the force is female' now

Luke's journey beginning is what started Star Wars. His journey ending should be what ends it.
I would've personally had him die in IX, though.


get over yourself you fucking infant

he had a fleeting moment of weakness, are we going to forget that Luke tried to murder the Emperor and Vader for a minute there?