Jesus christ

Jesus christ

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>Well, what I wanna say is well, go and see it, but prepare to be bored

Nigger what


their soul belongs to the mouse. We can only mourn them and move on.

Does Disney just hand them their talking points directly? These fuckers sound like political operatives on cable news at this point.

Yes, Disney gave them the talking points that Rogue One was boring and had shit characters. That is very believable.

>carrie fisher has never been better as leia
>tfw you're a better actor when you're dead than when you were alive

I'm not talking about our friends I'm talking about Collider Cuckman Jeremy Jahns and the rest of the youtubers in the video

>LITERALLY pic related

>it still hasn't dawned on people that the Nerd Crew video is the final word RLM has on The Last Jedi and all you have to do is invert everything they said by subtracting the irony.

That fucking stuckman, i cant even watch his face

>those cuckmann clips

I'll be legitimately angry if that's true

Who's this 56% face?

Jones Brogan

Did they make up everything they said or is that really how the movie goes?

I think I lost about 20 IQ points just by watching these retards discuss TLJ.

Nerd Crew made it all up, since the video was mostly about the whole embargo bullshit than the movie itself.


this sucked as much as tlj tbqh

it's like one of those media supercuts rush limbaugh does where msm has their talking points emailed to them


I'm so sick of this "they deserve credit for taking risks" bullshit. If taking risks automatically makes the effort praiseworthy regardless of the result, then it's not really "risky" at all. That line of thinking is the worst kind of pseudo-intellectual phony criticism.

John Campea is like the perfect personification for what's wrong in entertainment media today. unreal.

holy shit John Campea is the absolute worse.


>If taking risks automatically makes the effort praiseworthy regardless of the result, then it's not really "risky" at all
Getting praise from a niche review show isnt worth all that much compared to audiences hating it

I get that (though I think it's a reach to say audiences hate it: at most I'd say they are deeply divided), but I've seen the same line of reasoning from many, many reviews, not just this one.

It's just further exposing the degree to which most critics (even mainstream ones) are intellectually bankrupt these days.

these guys are terrific

Never heard of John Campea before, fuck him, Jesus Christ

Out of all of the reviewers saying the completely incorrect opinions, somehow he was the most egregiously wrong

wait, there are people that talk like that unironically?

Holy shit, John Campea really went all out.

But seriously, aside from being bribe, for those that have seem the movie, is there any way somebody with a rational mindset could watch the movie and have a reaction resembling what these people had?

Yes, check out the comments. Its not some unrealistic weird reaction, I actually know a lot of young people. Its real.

But, it's like actually shit, right? Also, with the exception of maybe the women, nobody in that video is "young." I meant "rational" and "adult."

I think if you don't watch movies at an analytical or intellectual level, it's possible to have the same opinions as those guys.

>criticizes an entire subplot that constitutes at least a fourth of the movie
>calls it a "minor complaint"

no they're all just fucking hacks. as are most film critics.







Of course, if that's the case, you have no business being a professional movie critic.

Whoa, Mike Stoklasa used to look like THAT?

...What happened?


this sucked hard.

Apparently, the exact opposite is the case, and watching movies so passively is the single qualification, though you would be called a critic in a very loose sense.

its called living in Milwaukee.

>So much happens, and yet nothing happens
Most accurate review yet

>"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, its a long story..."

Serious question, how much does Disney pay these fucking nobodies with 250-400k subscriber "geek-chic" Youtube channels to shill this movie?


This haha

Everyine always thinks there is some collusion or big plan

NOPE its pretty much always just incompetence.

Yes, although I think there's also a level of group-think involved. Not an actual conspiracy, mind you, just mutual reinforcement due to living in an echo chamber.

Polish genetics

>he's so stuffy so the old joke about le stuffy man being made a fool really works!

holy shit that dead desperate smile

they dont actually pay them. its just far more safe for ones viewership to be overly positive and easier to praise things for being COOL and AWESOME. its more difficult to actually think about the film and give real criticism

It isn't just them. It's something I've seen a lot of people use to deflect criticism from the movie. I've already seen several arguments like this:
>TFA plays it too safe and people shit on it
>TLJ takes huge risks and people shit on it
>I guess you people will never be satisfied and will just always shit on it

I think taking risks is good, but it doesn't necessarily make the movie good.

They also have the vested interest of being super positive so they might either be chosen or continue to be a reviewer that companie's invite to early screenings and give better deals on review embargos.

youtube was a mistake

Jay won, too bad he's gay


that's not his wife you stupid idiot

I thought only Jack had children.

mike smashed more prime pussy and cucked jay in the past

Is this her wifeu

what's this hair style called?


I don't understand how anyone could have a beard like that and not want to get rid of it.

Balding virgin

He is the only guy with an actual family

Rich is a manchild married to an ugly ugly woman
Mike is most likely single or still with Jesse
Jay is a literal fag

"The Wizard"

Did anyone else notice the exact same phrasing several of these people had? There's no way they're getting paid enough to shill by Disney.

Um... is that John Campea guy a parody...? I literally can't tell. He said this was Carrie Fischer's best performance. And he said Snoke was everything you could want in a Star Wars villain. like did he not see the film? Is he a parody? I dont even know any more.

>literal fag

>SNOKE is everything we want in a Star Wars film
>SNOKE has a very prominent role in the film

what was Jar Jar SmeagĂ´l's screen time again... 3m 30s...?

The good side of having shit genes is you'll always know which of your kids are actually yours.

He's also a chinlet and looks like a thumb with a face without it.

Dont let yourself get fat kids.

Well he's not REALLY gay...

he's just a beta cuck

Why hasn't M. Night Shyamalan been able to make a single good movie since Signs?

who the fuck is john campea? Why does reddit assume we watch "mainstream" youtube

>There's no way they're getting paid enough to shill by Disney.
Yes, good goy. You are correct in dismissing such Shaoh-istically racist insinuations.

I'm saying that there's no way these people are getting paid enough by Disney to shed all their dignity to do this. These people must have no self esteem.

i used to have a big beard like that when i was young. it was my first beard and i didnt cut it for over a year.

as soon as i cut it i realized it looked like shit and im better off without it then i never grew a big beard again. beards are weird like that where you grow attached to them even if they look awful

Beyond the trailer is the simply the best.

Watched the spoiler free review before watching the movie and everything turned out to be true.

is that his actual hand?

wtf is that shit!

>winning anything

He has to stand a box whenever they're standing in a video, it's the reason they sit down in almost every series constantly, he's short as fuck.

How hard would it be to shave those little scrags in the middle off? No hair > A few see-through strands. We already know you're bald. At least clean it up for fucks sake. Same with the beard. We know you have three chins, but at least trim that shit.

Do people who don't go on Sup Forums just really possess such little self-awareness?

in the chaos capitalistic cesspit we all cravenly cower in, "esteem" is meaningless word

Split is better than Signs tho

>He has to stand a box whenever they're standing in a video realize that was just a joke, right? They tend to put jokes in their comedy videos.

He's probably married to some equally fat bitch, that's what most of these fat nerds wind up doing. Most people are huge slobs physically. Just going to the gym is difficult for 90% of all humans, almost everybody is willing to just get fat and disgusting last 25. All you can do is rise above, instill better values in yourself and live well so if you ever have kids you can pass it on.

Split was great.

Also it fills me with endless joy that the screen cap at the end is 56%. It was 58 but Sup Forums dragged it down just for a fucking meme.

>going to the gym
Isn't something you should have to do to maintain a healthy bodyweight. If you're fat it's either bad lottery genetics or your diet.

I couldn't stop laughing at how all of their backdrops consist of rows upon rows of Blu Ray cases and Star Wars/other pop-nerdy figurines.

ur a gay

I get being lazy and not giving a shit. I just don't get presenting yourself in public like that. Especially in a psuedo-professional capacity where you're giving opinions on something.