Unexplained Star Wars

>Doesn't look like Palpatine
>Doesn't sound like Palpatine
>Vader calls him Master

Who was he?

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A chimpanzee.

Pathetic. Kill yourself


What was the canon explanation before the 2006 special edition?

Dated effects and minor continuity issue aside, I still prefer this version of the scene to the Ian McDiarmid version. Clive Revill's line reads were actually better than McDiarmid's, and the needless dialogue changes made Vader seem stupid.

The fuck am I looking at here?

There wasn't really an explanation necessary. The Emperor's face is shadowed enough that the difference in appearance is relatively minimal.

I mean, we all knew come Jedi that they had changed actors, but no one really cared.

I figured no one cared, but surely some autist had to come up with an explanation

The original version of the Emperor's only scene in ESB. The face is that of Marjorie Eaton, but they superimposed the eyes of a chimp over her eyes for an eerie effect, and the voice was provided by Clive Revill.

Not that I ever heard of. Though mind you, we didn't know until ROTS when or how the Emperor had come to his final appearance, so I had always presumed it was simply due to advanced age (and some time had passed between Empire and Jedi).

>Palpatine was originally a woman with the eyes of a chimp

that's some Dr. Moreau shit

sly moore nigger

You guys know this was Alec Guiness right?


they dont look like chimp eyes

Bigger Palpatine

This actually.

I think he was initially supposed to be a clone of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I also don't think Leia was going to be Luke's sister, I think Han was going to be Luke's brother. Leia was going to fall in love with Luke and Han was going to die in the explosion at the end of ROTJ. It would have ended with Han looking at them as a force ghost at that festival. And the planet was going to have wookies, not ewoks.

Would have made a more interesting prequel and a more interesting sequel since their kids would obviously become Jedi's but I think Lucas was just winding up to starting shitting up his movies at about this point in time when his wife literally cheated on him and left him.

>I also don't think Leia was going to be Luke's sister
No shit. It's well documented that that decision wasn't made until partway through writing ROTJ.

Han was originally going to die in-between films because Lucas didn't think he would return for Jedi (no one did). Once he agreed to appear, Lucas no longer wanted to kill him off (Gary Kurtz wanted to, but he quit Lucasfilm over disagreements with Lucas).

And as I understand it, the wookies were long gone from the script by that time. The wookies and Kashyyyk were originally supposed to appear in the first movie, but got cut out in the early drafts. When that plot was revived and re-purposed for Jedi, the change to Endor and the ewoks was pretty much immediate because the example of Chewbacca had already shown the wookies to an advanced race, rather than the primitives Lucas wanted.


>Obi-Wan Kenobi
Would that make him Obi-Waan Kenobi

I remember reading some speculation about Obi-Too Kenobi before TPM came out because of the Clone Wars. That was a weird time for Star Wars and the Internet.

This nigga gets it.

George shouldn't changed it. There was something deeply upsetting, primal fear perhaps, and iconic with that version.

Sheev had conjunctivitis, OP acts like he's mad sanitary all the time and never got the pink eye from some cheap hooker

>Vader calls him Master
That's perfectly reasonable.

Also in unexplained Star Wars: Lando wearing Han's clothes at the end of ESB (I guess Han had multiple sets of the same outfit since he wore them so often?)

But it was a normal time for wookipedia

Han was wearing a different outfit when he was frozen.

>Obi-Too Kenobi
is that obiwan with both sharingans?!

>Also in unexplained Star Wars: Lando wearing Han's clothes at the end of ESB
Lando's black that pretty much explains it

>"Say Anakin, why does no one seem to mention your Padawan Ahsoka Tano anymore? Speaking of that, why does nobody seem worried or concerned about Darth Maul, his brother or Asajj Ventress? Darth Maul even took over Mandalore, the planet where my one true love lived. I was even willing to leave the Jedi Order for her."
>"Say, why do you seem like a completely different person than you were during the height of the Clone Wars? You were charismatic and seen as an admirable person. Now you're just wooden and have no personality!"

>Now you're just wooden and have no personality!"
acting like constant rape from Yoda and Mace Windu don't change a man

>and you're a good friend.

>Who was he?
He was Paalpatine you dense motherfucker

just a broken holodeck shit happens when your ship is being pummeled with asteroids


>The Emperor's face is shadowed enough that the difference in appearance is relatively minimal.
This. When I was a kid, I don't think I ever even noticed that difference.

I think the original ESB Emperor is actually a lot closer looking to McDiarmid in ROTJ than the re-edit; McDiarmid looking a lot fatter, older, and having completely different (and probably rushed) makeup doesn't look anything like himself in ROTJ.

Where does Luuke fit into the Bigger Luke theory?

If there's a Bigger Luke there's also a Bigger Luuke. And of course, who can forget Luuuke Skywalker and Bigger Luuuke skywalker

No one was autistic enough to give a fuck, as wookiepedia wasnt a thing yet.

There were a lot of ideas for how star wars would move forward. Go find the Splinter of the Mind's eye. It's basically a novelized version of lucas's original idea for the sequel to the original stat wars. Shit is very different and is proof that "this was all planned out ahead of time" is really bullshit that only relates to early drafts of Star Wars.