Post characters who could have made better partners for Jack than Ashi

Post characters who could have made better partners for Jack than Ashi.



Shoot good.



idk why but a robot assassin like him as jack's partner during these last few episodes would have be amazing. They could even address the way jack feels about killing robots IE(he has no problem with killing scores of robots and while many of them were just mass produced killing machines with no emotion like the beetle bots or ultra bots some of them did show human emotion and had their own personality like x9 and scaramouche) Imagine x9 trying to convince Jack that not all robots are just mindless, cold machines and Jack just passing his argument's off, still convinced that robots are nothing more than nuts and bolts and their death means nothing.

Except that Jack cares and saved robots before, and even felt guilty over killing a robot in Aku Infection.

I prefer her bird's ass hair.

But that is Ashi herself... oh I see, you mean an AU version not voiced by Tara Strong? Yeah, sure.




Literally anyone


Do you think we will the Spartans again? The ending scene of Jack and the Spartans took place many years later and the Spartans were still around.




>So you got that sword, yeah? Why don't you just go after him, in his big castle?

oh you


>Actly, E's a tree inhe? Why not jus wait for that fire at the top t'burn 'em down.

>Not a single Da Samoorai



Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Seriously, the kid is also used to fighting Sci-Fi and High Fantasy dangers. Plus his weapon can actually help wreck Aku.

I didn't know I want to see this.

Hope they bring him back

Their conflict of ideals would make for an interesting dynamic.

I don't know, just a scarred or horribly marked warrior just following around with Jack would make for some interesting story telling.