Why, except for Lotr, Sup Forums is so shit at fantasy and so far behind /lit/ and Sup Forums?

Why, except for Lotr, Sup Forums is so shit at fantasy and so far behind /lit/ and Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a pleb board desu, I'm ashamed to come here sometimes, it's almost go to reddit

fantasy is a pleb genre

Don't know, but that's probably a reason why I don't watch movies these days.

It's always bothered me how we get so many original sci-fi movies from different directors, but the only fantasy films we get are fairy tale and book adaptations.
Where's the fantasy version of District 9, Interstellar, Avatar etc.

Vidya and books have so many memorable and good fantasy works yet movies have next to nothing unless it's book adaptation. It's especially baffling since in those two fantasy is extremely popular and profitable but movies are afraid of it. And even if they make fantasy they always try to "explain" magic using "science".

Normie board full of video gamers and teenagers

>speaking on the board's behalf
>talking about the board as if it were a single entity
>"""belonging""" to the board
if you do any of these or if you think they are acceptable in any manner, then kill yourself.

I think he's talking about popularity of genres in mediums, not boards.


You lack reading comprehension
>believing Sup Forums discusss movies
It's Sup Forums's meme capital

The fact that fantasy appeals to videogamers so much and it's a common setting for videogames demonstrates it's absolute state.

because television and cinema has been shit at fantasy and so far behind.

This shit board cant meme for nothing

Sup Forums's strategy is to force and spam memes

The real reason is because fantasy needs the consumer to spend an extended amount of time in its world to play to its main strength, mainly worldbuilding. 2 hours isn't really enough for an original concept. Sci-fi fares better because it usually takes our world as a building block and just sets into the future, allowing it to explore one main concept.

That's a fair point. Maybe that's why Lotr did so good. It had very good intro which explained the world.

>neverending story
>wizard of Oz

We're entering a new age lads

lotr is not an exception, you were too young to critical

What great fantasy lit is there besides LOTR? There's discworld but past experience shows us that discworld doesn't work as Sup Forums