ITT: You hear it, you lose

ITT: You hear it, you lose


what was the joke about side burns

Yeah I know. We said it before. Fucking deal with it. Fuckin... bitch.

Who orders a Krabby Patty at 3 in the morning?

i don't get it

Grandma's ass cheeks

How many teeth in your butt?

what am i hearing?

also this

its like this thread is meant for people who are 18 now, but were babies when spongebob premiered in 1999


Hi, I'm Larry, the shivering chipmunk. Brrr, I'm cold. I need a sweater.


I love his movies.

Took me a second.

I got four words for yuh! I love this company! WrrrrruuUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Am I supposed to be hearing the free-form jazz?


Grandma, Bruce Willis is my favorite bedtime hero!

To this day I occasionally want to say "BLACK PEOPLE" as a random interjection, greeting, or way of saying goodbye. I don't because I have self control and nobody would get the reference, but I still feel the impulse.

Chappelle show reference?



dental plan

People thought that video was funny? I was like 14 when I found out about it, and I thought it was gay Shane Dawson shit.


That's just cheating.

grandma's ass cookies


>I was like 14 when I found out about it
You found it three years in the future? That doesn't add up.
