This is Ashi. Say something nice about her

This is Ashi. Say something nice about her.

You look like a monkey.

Ashi a shit

I waifu her

She's got a big ass

I want to fuck her mouth

She's cute, angry and autistic. Everything I want in a woman

I'm enjoying your show, wish I could've seen the end of samurai jack though.

Ashi ashit desu

It's interesting that the show went to hell the second she started interacting with Jack

Wow what an original design

>skintight jumpsuit
>stronk womyn character (c)

Clearly not designed to have neckbeards pushing 30 whack their bags to

You're fairly cute.

You look good with your hair down.

neckbeards hate her

>stronk womyn character
are you sure about that?

She should make sweet samurai love.

>post yfw

She has a nice thin figure

No, wide hips

is she naked?

we'll find out tomorrow
>mfw she'll be naked underneath the samurai robe

Please, God. Let this not be her mother in a flashback

You think her robe will be torn as often as jack's was?

I miss her onion hair already

it better
otherwise then she's already fucking up following in Jack's footsteps

I love your beautiful voice of Purple Smart.

t. barneyfag

She's actually based on Genndy's childhood crush, whom he learned to draw from. He used to make up stories about them going on post-apocalyptic adventures together cutting down mutants with a samurai sword.

>making a cartoon character based on your childhood crush

This usually don't end well

Sometimes they do.

Okay, they do when the crush in question was Lauren Faust.

See also: Wendy, Lord Dominator

She's cute as fuck and she's going to make Jack happy.

Do you mean Wendy from gravity falls? No fucking way