What was the plot of this comic? I read it. It's more of a series of events. usually centring around Rorschach

What was the plot of this comic? I read it. It's more of a series of events. usually centring around Rorschach.
Were all the before watchmen comics this bad?

They're all bad but Rorschach was near the bottom.

It's time to shit.

Rorschach gets attacked by a crime boss, meanwhile there's a serial killer running around. Oh and Rorschach takes interest in a waitress at a diner.

Best art ever

I too am a sucker for Bermejo

have you ever been so angry that a little version of your self appears on your face

Minutemen was pretty good

I enjoyed the Minutemen one, largely due to the Darwyn Cooke art.

None of them are essential reading but at least it gave us this.

Yes. Unfortunately he didn't have a little version of himself on his face as well.

Rorschach must be pissed.

mfw I didn't see it all these years until you said this

jezus christ how dense am I


So what are the plots to the other comics. What in god's name was Dr. Manhattans book about?


Timeline splitting


Don't forget the godawful fanfiction moment where Rorshach runs into Travis Bickle.

What in the blue hell

After over 20 years of waiting for a Rorshach solo this...THIS is what we got. Unbelievable but true.

The Dollar Bill one-shot was pretty good and had the best art of all of them. Shit, it had better art than the original because THE DUDE

I'll sum it up in four words
Bitch to be you

Darwyn Cooke should sell you on the comic no matter what.
>Dr. Manhattan
Adam Hughes on art
Jae Lee on art with Lee Wein writing. (This was my favourite one, actually)

I can't really remember the rest. I think Mogul was okay and the Dollar Bill one-shot was cool too.