>Nick Lowe mandated that Black Cat should be a villain because he thinks Spider-Man shouldn't be friends with someone...

>>Nick Lowe mandated that Black Cat should be a villain because he thinks Spider-Man shouldn't be friends with someone who breaks the law.

Well that's bullshit.

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these people just refuse to grasp that nearly every incarnation of spider-man is a criminal. he's a masked vigilante who regularly commits breaking & entering, assault, theft, corporate espionage, journalistic fraud, tampering with evidence, disturbance of the peace, harboring fugitives, and causes an international incident nearly every time he leaves the county

I don't see the problem.

You *want* spidey to be shown as breaking up as jewelry store robbery by some random thugs or maybe White Rabbit, gives them all a concussion, then goes to hang out with Black Cat after she just got back from a... jewelry store robbery?

And yes, the comparison between Bats/Catwoman and Spidey/Cat is different. Bats in increasingly uninterested in the trivial crimes, he is fighting mass-murdering psychopaths, his interaction with Selina does not conflict with his drives anywhere as much as it does Peter's general paladin-y goodness does with Felicia.

Intent *might* be important here, champ. Most heroes are chaotic good or neutral good, its not the letter of the law they're seeking to enforce but the spirit of the law and goodness in general. Almost all superheroes are unauthorized vigilantes, thats just a genre convention, that spidey commits breaking and entering to bust up a criminal gang isn't going to keep his inherent goodness awake at night. Palling around with a thief will.

Vigilantism is breaking the law.

she keep being a dick to spider man.

>Bats in increasingly uninterested in the trivial crimes, he is fighting mass-murdering psychopaths,

>The Rogues move into Gotham
>Never kill a single guard

That's not how they work.

just mean

Isn't Gotham a perpetual shithole?

And Flash can't touch them because "muh city".

Fund it!

Finally. Spider-Man that doesn't think with his dick

Not really. Citizen's arrest is a thing in the real world, as are good samaritan laws.
Only guys like the Punisher fit the definition of Vigilante by actually taking the law by literally being judge, jury and executioner.

I do see the point.
Let's not forget, Spider-Man's origin centers around the fact that he didn't stop a criminal when he had the chance, and that criminal went on to kill somebody he cared about.
If we go by this logic, if Spider-Man lets a criminal go when he had the chance to stop them, he is condoning their crimes and is responsible for their future crimes.

None of those laws absolve you from breaking and entering, battery and the general superhero zaniness.

>breaking and entering,
True, but how often do Spider-Man or other heroes do that? I can only think about Batman, but he definetly qualifies as a vigilante.

If you're fighting a villain, it's basically considered self-defense or defense of others.

>and the general superhero zaniness.

The problem here is that, yes, when she and Spider-Man first crossed paths she was a criminal, but he eve tally inspired her to be a hero and turn away from petty crimes, she was a Hero for Hire at one point. Having her be evil just because Spider-Man can't be friends with criminals is stupid, Harry Osborne was green goblin, Ned Leeds was Hobgoblin, very recently he had a former criminal working for him. While I'm not 100% against Felicia's heel turn, I am 100% against how it happened, I honestly believe that the whole "I don't care" line that Felicia says after Spidey tells her he was mindswapped with Otto should have been written as "It doesn't matter now."

>self-defense or defense of others
It's not self defense if you're actively stalking and seeking out the people who attack you.

If anything they in turn could argue self defense for shooting Spider-man when he starts to brawl thugs causing no immediate danger (Such as the guys guarding the doors) with just the intention of gathering information about their boss.

Both that Gotham is a perpetual shithole and moving in on mob territory in Gotham is a really, really bad idea, never mind the psychos and their own crews.

The Rogues operate like they do because Snart's a genius career criminal and minimizes risk because minute someone kills a civilian or a speedster, all hell breaks loose. The best tool to fight a speedster is to not let them know you are there and the Flash can't be everywhere at once.

Batman would call over Flash to clean up his trash just like he would Supes if one of his gallery showed up amyway. It becomes a team-up book then.

Vigilante conduct involves certain degrees of violence. Vigilantes could assault targets verbally and/or physically, damage and/or vandalize property, or even kill individuals.

Spider-man has done all of these things, except kill.

Citizen's Arrest is only detainment, and is supposed to be voluntary. You aren't supposed to get physical with them at all. Have you ever been caught shop lifting or seen someone get caught shop lifting? When security asks you to come with them to a detainment room, that is a citizen's arrest.

As for good samaritan laws, those are meant for situations like medical emergencies or situations where someone is in immediate physical danger (going to be hit by a bus for example). It protects the person who is attempting to be a "good samaritan" from being sued by the person they are attempting to save. For example, in the bus scenario, if you were to dive and push them out of the way of the on coming bus, but broke their hip in the process, Good Samaritan Law would prevent them from suing you for breaking their hip.

>Citizen's Arrest is only detainment, and is supposed to be voluntary. You aren't supposed to get physical with them at all. Have you ever been caught shop lifting or seen someone get caught shop lifting? When security asks you to come with them to a detainment room, that is a citizen's arrest.
Maybe in your country, but in America it's a lot more complicated than that


Lowe is as much of a cancer on the Spider-books as Slott.



But that's the entire point of what made their romance titillating! He SHOULDN'T be associating with her but he DOES because she's so enticing! That's what makes it sexy you idiot!

So rather than have her go straight, he thought she should be a crime lord who tries to kill civilians just for bidding on items that used to be hers? I shouldn't be surprised. He's the guy that allowed Slott to write The Clone Conspiracy when even Wacker wouldn't approve it.

To be fair, I wouldn't want to get Chris Hansen'd either.

"And he kicks dogs, too!"
— J. Jonah Jameson

Nice try, Marvel interns

When did Lowe take over editing? Like midway through Superior Spider-Man? It honestly explains the drop in quality (Arguably Slott's stuff was having problems before that, but the drop didn't feel as drastic until the editors changed).

is this forever? I know nothing is supposed to be forever in comics but Charles, Wolverine and Rightclops have been dead for more than a couple years now

what about alt dimension rules? Is Noir Felicia still gonna get hot spider dicking? Is 2099 Spidey allowed to fuck 2099 Black Pussy since his current waif can't feel anything down there anymore?