Why didn't the rebels just hyperspace ram the Death Stars in episodes 4 and 6 like vid related?

Why didn't the rebels just hyperspace ram the Death Stars in episodes 4 and 6 like vid related?

Why not just put hyperdrives on asteroids and fuck the FO up?

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Why didn't they just send a ship off in every fucking movie to do this.

Because these movies have no logical consistency.

Because then the movie would be over in 10 minutes.

Hyperspace Ram is worse than the Eagles.

>why don't they just do this in every movie?
>*they start doing it in every movie*
>why the fuck do they just keep doing the same thing over and over?

This is why you don't introduce broken weapons that any fucking yokel with a hyperdrive can use.

>except money

The Eagles is a meme that can be explained away canonically...hyperspace ram is a totally asspull

It's not like they would do it under normal circumstances. The first order has way, way, way more ships than they do. In this particular case, that cruiser was the resistance's only capital ship. The only one. Do you think it would easy for them to get some more of them? They'd need to get a crew of a few thousand people to manage each one as well. They can't afford to hyperspace ram every one into star destroyers. They did it in this movie because they had no other choice.
The hyperspace ram is literally the smallest of this movie's flaws.


Because no one thought out the implications

Because Disney is staffed with unimaginative hacks, cynical suits and yes-men. What they've done with this stupid, short-sighted plot contrivance is equal parts idiotic and brilliant, because it alienates the fans who care and places it firmly in the realm of a demographic that's far easier to satisfy - the braindead retards that will consume all things Disney.

Same thing they did with the MCU.

Who said it has to be a capital ship? It should work with any ship with a hyper drive.

The fact that they are outnumbered and outgunned only makes it a more attractive tactic for the resistance

Why doesn't the empire just hyperspace ram entire planets with purposely built ships, instead of building death stars, which have a track record of being destroyed by the rebels almost immediately upon being built?

Because someone dreamt this scene and it was too cool not to put it the film. Fucking hacks.

Meant to quote OP.

If it's possible to do that then logically they would have already built hyperspace cannons that shoot projectiles into hyperspace that would atomize anything

Because they don't build huge ships just to destroy them on purpose.
The bigger the ship, the better the effect. An X-wing jumping through a star destroyer wouldn't tear it in half.

Um I think anything with mass travelling at light speed would be enough to destroy one

Why would they hire and train stormtroopers when they had a perfectly serviceable clone army that is genetically indoctrinated to unquestionably follow orders, including as heinous actions as genocide?


7 apples (1 kg) flying at just 99% light speed has 5.47×10^17 joules of energy, which is 131 megatons. That means those 7 apples would have the energy of 130000 Hiroshima bombs, more than enough to destroy a star destroyer, probably even the death star

Exactly. So why don't they do that?

It's not only that the scene is retard in the context of the movie, it's that in ALL the western canon ever since the greek mythology, including the nordic sagas and especially the Christian canon (martyrdom being this concept on steroids) heroism is linked to sacrifice. The hero goes on a suicide, helpless mission he can't win because he's BRAVE and that's why he's such a hero, worthy of admiration. This new movie and this fucktarded, indefensible scene makes possible for Star Wars characters to sacrifice themselves in order to save the day and 100 out of 100 times actually save the day. It's not that it ruins the lore, which it does, and even the plot, which it does as well, of previous movies, it fucking ruins every single heroic character in the franchise. They could have sacrificed themselves and saved everyone but they didn't. This SJW mock of a character is the first hero we have in Star Wars, period. This is canon and can't be argued with.

It doesn't get much worse than this, normies downvoting and trashing this piece of shit shouldn't surprise anyone. If you liked the movies leading up to this, even if you can't articulate what I just said, something must feel very wrong seeing that. Like offensive
>b-but it's pretty
Don't make me post brainlet wojacks

Because then the movie would be over in 10 minutes.

if that's the only reason for writing a movie in a certain way why does anything have to make sense

Why didn't the rebels just exit hyperdrive exactly behind every enemy ships

Movies aren't reality so not everything is going to make sense.

To be fair Hans Solo sort of hinted that this type of thing was possible with his explanation of hyperspace in A New Hope. Doesn't help to explain why it wan't used against the Death Stars though, especially as Rogue One showed that the Rebel officers were willing to order their troops to kamikaze themselves.

Thank you for the good post

of course, you just said it yourself, movies don't need to make sense in order to meet the time quota. so to what extent does a movie have to make sense then? why can't star wars be an incoherent fever dream? as long as it's two hours it seems to be ok

i don't understand your logic user, please, elaborate

>Directors and writers make no effort to make a believable or consistent universe so not everything is going to make sense

Fixed that for you

Why didn't the first order jump half their fleet through hyperspace closer to the rebel ships?

But for reals Hyperspace terrorism.
Rebels hijack passenger and civilian ships,
Line them up on Key First Order positions, cities, Planets, And hyper speed suicide into them.
First Order has to lock that shit down and heavily police all flights because it only takes 1 rebel on 1 ship to do all this damage.
This is the problem Nu Wars has now created.
With their limited resources and numbers why wouldn't the Resistance resort to these tactics?

Honestly, this has absolutely massive implications. If the setting takes itself seriously this will have a massive implication on the concept of warfare. Entire fleets and possibly entire planets can be destroyed by a single hyperspeed torpedo. if this was a real setting all warfare would cease and 'conflicts' would only be fought with espionage and subversion. Any joe blow that has a hyperspeed capable vessel could threaten entire civilisations.

It scares me that this confuses you.
You're acting like this scene is high on the list of flaws that need to be spoken about. It's honestly one of the least ridiculous/stupid/bad parts of the movie.



>Have interdictor technology
>don't use it.

This is the real plot asspull.

>You're acting like this scene is high on the list of flaws that need to be spoken about.
It is actually. That Superman/Leia scene ghostdirected by Zack Snyder was laughable for sure, but it only makes THIS movie worse. But this absurd shit being possible makes all Star Wars movies bad retroactively. Like they don't make sense at all anymore. And you can't retcon that

MCU is not nearly as fucked as SW though.

Because big ships have shields? it's literally a plot point in the movie - the only thing of note that del toro does, is to lower the shields on the big ship. It even explodes along the line where the shields are removed.

why would they need a death star when they can hyperdrive a smallish meteor into a planet

Thank you, real science guy. Fuck Disney right up its stupid, short-sighted Mousehole.

Can we start using "Mousehole" for dumbass Disney plotholes?


Only an autist obsesses this much over a children's movie.

The Republic or New Republic cannot be built facing this either.
The Separatists can't maintain their siege of Naboo either. Actually they didn't because Jesus jumped in.
I hope people realize it is impossible to have any form of government with jumping tech like this

Man this movie gets worse every time I think about it

>The first order has way, way, way more ships than they do.

Then the first order should be the one doing it.

You have to understand that TLJ has now established that you can use ONE ship to destroy or at least severely damage the enemy's entire fleet. In reality, this would lead to a type of warfare where fleets are taking purpose built ships, hitting the lightspeed button, and throwing them at the enemy to do maximum damage before they engage with the "normal" fleet (if there's even anything left of the enemy to fight). And since this is a world where droids can pilot starships, the matter of crew is a non-issue. They'll just fill it with a bunch of worthless roger-roger droids whose only job is to make sure their ship is aimed at the enemy and going to lightspeed.

It's absolutely fucking ridiculous. It brings up ESSENTIAL questions regarding the nature of warfare in this setting, especially since the entire series revolves around war wherein space battles feature prominently.

Nah just stating facts, this movie was so shit that ruined all previous and future Star Wars movies, that's all

they don't even need ships; they can just attach hyperspace engines to meteors

You're right, but it's still undermining the concept of heroism, albeit in a more drawn-out fashion. Thor, for instance, is now only circumstantially heroic.

Wasted quads

Your making a logical fallacy but I'm too dumb and lazy to know which one. I just want you to know that your argument is bad.

I was being intentionally obtuse to get you to explain your contention, a contention it seems you don't actually understand yourself

Quads don't lie


Yup, the existence of relativistic bombs is a gateway to hell that makes even 40k universe to blush.

woah you sure showed me with your reference to digits and your "turn ur brian off BRUH" tier abortion of an argument.

Why didn't the First Order dispatch some ships to Hyperjump in front of the "Rebels" and trap them in a pincer maneuver? They're not "low on gas."

Why didn't the First Order /lightspeedmissile first?

>relativistic projectile ramming is literally the smallest of this movie's flaws

This raging dumpster fire that is the last jedi proves just how nepotistic and fucking stupid Hollywood has become. It’s a bunch of opportunistic kikes that will do anything for profit and don’t give a single fuck about a good story arc, continuity, character development or containing any story or visuals that will break their precious PG-13 rating.

This is what a cash grab looks like and Hollywood has been tuning out shit like this for the last decade, they have become complacent and they don’t give a fuck anymore. They bribe reviewers, shill their movies online and act like this is an “enjoyable” movie.

The near-sightedness and absolute lack of cognizance is the mark of the Star Wars fan nowadays.

They didn't have to use manned ships, goofball. They could have put the FTL drive on big space rocks, with a droid to navigate it. This movie opens the door to FTL superweapons. It breaks every rule of Star Wars warfare because it's pretty and they needed that deus ex machina just that much.

If you can put a FTL drive inside anything and kill any capital ship, why doesn't the Rebellion have a small flotilla of FTL torpedoes? You don't need to have an IQ of 250 to understand that. It is literally the first logical thought of any twelve years old after watching that scene. "Sweet, where's my FTL torpedoes?"

I am flabbergasted by the fact that TLJ's team of producers, screenwriters, and directors couldn't follow through an idea most twelve years old would. Are they literally retarded?

Why don't you people find the hyperdrive Death Star amazing?

because it makes a death star itself completely pointless

Fucking nailed it.

>I am flabbergasted by the fact that TLJ's team of producers, screenwriters, and directors couldn't follow through an idea most twelve years old would. Are they literally retarded?
I'm sure htey did realize this but their audience analysis report indicated that the common viewer wouldn't mind and will just think it was "cool".

Why did the empire even bother building a Death Star when hyperspace ramming exists?
Like an object weighing less than 100kg impacting a planet at even a fraction of light speed will utterly eradicate even microscopic life on said planet, so why waste all that time and resources on a moon sized doom laser when you can achieve the exact same thing by strapping a hyperdrive onto any old space junk?


Soy Wars BTFO

The planet planet killer from TFA was a hyperspace laser

I'd like to ask a different question, if somebody doesn't mind answering it - why did people think this type of thing couldn't be done before TLJ came out?

I'm not well versed in Star Wars lore (such as it is), so what is the reason for people simply assuming ships with hyperspace engines couldn't do exactly this? I mean even if it was a tactic with a 1:1 kill ratio, that still sounds like a good weapon for an outgunned insurgency.

Not to mention it would leave the planet largely intact, just lifeless, which to me seems a lot more useful than a debris field.

Do you mean in-universe or in real life?
In-universe, there's no explanation.
Out of universe, hyperspace is meant to be some sort of different plane or dimension, so it wouldn't be possible.

interdictor? i hardly know her lol


>only an autist cares this much about one of the largest franchises in the world

It's usually impossible to use hyperspace rams because most ships have shields design to counter projectiles going at lightspeed (lasers) and it wouldn't make much more damage than a regular laser cannon blast.

But the rebel cruiser wasn't a regular one. Since it was conceived as ship made for running away from much powerfull fleets, its hyperspace drive was super efficient prototype made during ancient wars and plans to produce it are lost. It permits the cruiser to accelerate much faster than a regular hyperdrive and would have keep the first order away forever if it wasn't for their out of fuel tactic. Used as a ram, the super acceleration made that much damage but the precious technology is forever Lost.

>Your making a logical fallacy but I'm too dumb and lazy to know which one. I just want you to know that your argument is bad.
it's ad hominem, the most basic one. so you are pretty dumb as well as new to this website.

They're shortchanging good story, logical and tonal consistency, all while screaming how "FUN" and "ENTERTAINING" it is.

A two-hour montage of light shows interspersed with YouTube "fail moments" would divert and entertain, too. Doesn't make it a good movie.

Would battle meditation or something similar be able to stop allies and enemies from doing suicide light speed attacks?

Movies and every other form of fiction should at the very least make sense based on its own internal logic.

>Do you mean in-universe
Yeah. I mean when everyone watched Star Wars films, nobody said "Why don't they just hyperspace ram that Star Destroyer/droid control ship/Death Star?" I wanted to know if there was some given explanation for why suicide attacks like that wouldn't work.

It's still stupid that TLJ established it as possible, but I just wanted to know if the film actually violated any kind of previously established lore, as well. Thanks for answering that.

>It was superduper-hyperspeed!
Have Disney shills sunk this low?

>The planet planet killer from TFA was a hyperspace laser
was that actually mentioned in the movie or are you just assuming that because it makes the concept seem less retarded to you

>Implying the Force (which is female btw) won't devise a counter for hyperspace ramming making it virtually unusable unless required as an asspull by plot

Not in the movie. I saw an image from a book or something that explained it.

Because it was never used in the media whatsoever, and is such a drastic thing when it's demonstrated that it's possible that it would absolutely change everything. If this was a tactic which worked in star wars there IS no reason why the rebels didn't use it against Death Star 1/2/StarKiller/The Executor/Every Star Destroyer ever and it breaks the rules of the setting by making every single fleet engagement we've seen nonsensical.

Oh, so it's "Ludicrous Speed?" How fucking appropriate.


Not to mention every planet-side base, up to and including the very one the "Rebels" were fleeing to.

Wasn't it a harnessed star?

>it's ancient technology and the last example of its design

iirc old lore had it that "real" things would project mass into hyperspace that would fuck things up that tried to warp through them but it didn't work the other way.

I could be wrong though, been a LONG time since I've read any EU. It was CONSTANTLY stressed that you had to plan safe routes though, so it's not like Lucas or other writers hadn't thought about the prospect of things ramming into each other, there was obviously a lore reason why it wasn't doable when Rebels certainly didn't shy away from suicide attacks.

So the other star destroyers in the shot just blow up from shame?

Also he didn't lower them; he made them flicker for a moment so they could sneak in. The movie even shows the shields being re-established.

>Because big ships have shields?

what? no shields are gonna protect any ship from something hitting it at the speed of light.

My guess is that massive galactic cruisers like that are super expensive and ultimately not worth sacrificing if you can just get a few small crafts to do the job like blow up a death star.

Saying that though, for something so insanely dangerous as a death star I would personally do it anyway.

oh my god I just realised its not only big ship that gets blown but whole fleet also behind it. They fucked up good this time. This is even worse than non logical rebel victory at Endor like million times worse.

What said, the retarded focus groups they are using have somehow become the benchmark they are testing these kinds of movies against. Those people actually reviewing test footage or storylines must actually be fucking retarded and have money to spend.

Not to be one of those art major faggots, but the business sense of Hollywood has taken over any creativity or storytelling capability. It’s all flashy scenes and short term feels without any thinking involved, just as their retarded business sense dictates it should be. I’m not making myself any illusions about star wars and that it is some hallmark of storytelling in this day and age, but the watered down retarded bullshit they come up with is down right insulting.

Oh sweaty, that's not how light speed works..

We keep having threads on this topic and there keeps being loads and loads of absolute retards who argue for the scene and don't understand the idea of building unmanned hyperspace torpedoes, whats up with that?

why don't they use touchscreens
why are they dropping bombs like it's 1940
why do all the uniforms look like cheap clothes from the 1970s

What bothers me the most is that you could do the whole scene without needing the hyperspace bullshit. Admiral Tumblr sees her transports getting vaporised, and decides upon a desperate and suicidal tactic to buy them a little more time: ramming. She swings the cruiser around and pumps every last drop of fuel into the sublight engines.

The First Order try and continue their bombardment of the transports, but the cruiser is now blocking their shots. Incensed, Hux orders the cruiser to be blown out of the sky. The ship starts to shudder under the weight of the assault. Turbo-laser shots start to penetrate the shields, gouging chunks out of the hull. Tumblr grimly holds down the accelerator lever, fixed on buying just a few more seconds even as her ship begins to come apart around her.

Most of the cruiser's hull is in flames as she gets closer. Hux is smiling when one of his bridge staff suddenly turns around. "General, we're picking up an energy spike from the rebel ship sir!" Hux spins back around. We flash to a shot of Tumblr. Her face, which had been grim, now slowly changes to a smile. We see a blinking screen on the panel in front of her flashing "Overload". She pushes the accelerator level meaningfully forward.

Moments later the remains of the cruiser slam into Snoke's party wagon and the hyperdrive engines, set to overload, detonate. The vast explosion devastates much of the First Order ship, leaving it crippled and drifting in space. Albeit at terrible price, the Rebellion has survived. For now.