Why did this movie turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums? Can we ever go back?

Why did this movie turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums? Can we ever go back?

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>Why did this movie turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums?
Because this same movie turned Star Wars into Tumblr.

>implying Sup Forums wasnt Sup Forums before that

This, there's only so much poc, feminism brainwashing and diversity normies can take in their movies.

This movie didnt.

The retards saying that Sup Forums hates because of social/political reasons did.

>Movie is shit and ridden of plotholes
>"You just hate it because you're rasist!"

sad, bunch of retards all over the board now

This is the movie that finally made normies turn on social justice.

Snyder-KINO has the same problems (except way worse) but they never get brigaded this hard

my non existent girlfriend is a Chinese nigger and her dad hates the movie

No? really? man, they should. Maybe is because they don't have 30 years of history behind.

It might also be because it's about straight white dudes punching each other in the face. Hardly a pleb filter.

>Why did this movie turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums?

Because these boys lack the social development to connect with people in person. As such, they retreat to Sup Forums where they can finally interact with like minded people who define themselves as defensive and vulnerable to change.


I've got some bad news for you...

How could the hyperspace catapult affect SW from now on?

Will we get rid of Death Stars and variants? I hope so.

Col. Sanders looks different in this image...

Watch this video. I think Sup Forums is too soft.


Ressentiment. It's all Sup Forums understands.

JJ will ignore it and we'll get Starkillerer Base in IX.

Sup Forums has always been under the control of Sup Forums.

Because men -- or should I say boys -- on here are afraid of strong female archetypes.

Bring back George Lucas, he will turn Rey into the villain and Kylo Ren and Finn the Jedis we deserve.

the digits!!!

At this point it's the only thing that can save nuwars. Rey and Kylo switch and the story becomes about redemption.


Just like you! That's how you know! You're the same.

I like you, you're willing to admit your flaws

Because the producers of the new movies were heralding it as a diversity masterpiece even though the quality suffered, and there are nu-fans insisting the prequels were good. Mind you, these are individuals who make fun of the manchildren upset by the new movies, yet they buy ALL the fucking merch.

Here’s the dirty secret about the new movies: even if you didn’t have the diverse characters, they would have still sucked. But as long as they pay lip service to the nu-fans who cares right?

I didn’t care that they had a black guy. I didn’t care about any of that shit. TFA was better in spite of its flaws but TLJ was so atrocious that I don’t even care about Star Wars anymore.

But these nu-fans will. And that’s what they did. They killed the spirit of the OT and created a generation of fans who will have a superficial connection to Star Wars.

Politics ruins cinema.

Made me cry, rip Star Wars.


>TLJ was so atrocious that I don’t even care about Star Wars anymore.

Except when you see a thread about it on a Bulgarian cheese weaving image board.

I thought I hated this movie because of the stupid plot holes and character assassination.

Not him, but I'm just coming to the threads to mourn. I care about the originals, I dislike the prequels for a lot of scenes but I respect them far more than this abomination.

>movie gets praise despite being bad
>people claim that if you hate this movie, it's because you're a white supremacist
>but the movie is actually just bad
Honestly, I don't give a shit about Star Wars or politics, but it's enough to almost turn me in to Sup Forums.

>it's a conthpirathy

I feel the same I gave a damn about every character Lucas created. I want to force choke all byways characters

Sounds like an incredibly stupid waste of time.

You're on Sup Forums, on Sup Forums no less. Fuck off.

I'm not a nazi and i never went to Sup Forums. Fuck off.

You're on Sup Forums right now.

>We're on Sup Forums


There's something in my eye because of this video.

>politics ruins cinema

Yes user, I too like it when my movies don't attempt to say anything.

>Politics ruins cinema

If only there was some way to avoid one and use that extra time to influence the other...

Just turn ur brain off

Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums its just a board for a minority group to talk about films. That minority group being young white American males with social problems.

Its like going onto a black lives matter forum and asking why they're complaining about white people- it just doesn't make sense.

I know this gets thrown around often but if you really want to talk about films with people who aren't like us then just go to Reddit.

>Board is for animu
>Board is an extention of Sup Forums
>Board is ded
Every board has one of the above statements applicable to it at this point.
Might be time to pull the plug guys...

We changed over last week nigger where have you been.

The only fucking sensible comment in the history of Sup Forums

If you don't want your board anymore just let the weebs have it.

Political pandering isn't the only statement that can be made through art. While politics has it's place in films, I certainly agree with him that every film being about politics feels unnecessary.

Not every film is explicitly about politics, but every film is inherently political.
Yes, even capeshit.


>every film is inherently political
Yep, the cultural values of a society are what are imbued into that societies myths and stories.

The reason I hated TLJ is because it deliberately sought to undermine the archetypal heroic journey which has been the cornerstone of Western Civilization since we at least the Greeks. It was an affront on what I cared about, the idea of the hero as what a society should aspire to emulate.

molymeme unironically.

I can respect the fact that it didn't agree with your sensibilities.
However, archetypes exist to be challenged and played with. I'd rather a story did that than just follow Campbell to the T.

>archetypes exist to be challenged and played with.
Yes, and it can be amazing when done right.
Character assassination and mary sues is not.

I know it's fucking tvtropes, but I want you to look at this page.


Whose face do they use for the word Hero? Who is the Hero of mankind? It's fucking Luke Skywalker. He is not the fucking guy you mess with. He is not the hero that you take and say, hey what if he was a cynical old man. He is the hero. He is The Hero. I don't know how to put this any other fucking way. I don't know how to get through to you because I can only fucking communicate with text as I sit here crying as I type this out.

You don't do this. I will kill them for this. And I'm not alone.

>it deliberately sought to undermine the archetypal heroic journey which has been the cornerstone of Western Civilization since we at least the Greeks
>undermine the cornerstone of Western Civilization
1. Are cliches what gives you catharsis? (And are you oblivious to the fact that Rey is this hero?)
2. What is the cornerstone of western civilization? Certainly not Greek heroes in Freytag's dramatic structure. See Achilles, Hector and Odysseus.
It's just so obvious that you're blinded by nostalgia goggles.

The Mouse must pay for this.


*Certainly not Greek heroes in Freytag's dramatic structure
Forgot to add "flawed" Greek heroes. Just to make it clear, they are not "archetypal" heroes by your definition.

>Why did this movie turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums?
i am home, frens

Hey, it's not our fault. We just want to watch entertaining movies, but Hollywood is constantly reinforcing a white genocide every time they cast minorities as main characters.

Ouch, could not watch the whole thing. Fuck this gay earth

Yeah, except TLJ didn't undermine shit. Take away the audiences memories of young Luke and he's a stock "mentor sacrifices himself to save the hero" character. Rey is the new protagonist of Star wars, and her powerful teacher has to die so that she alone has to face the bad guy.

The real magic in TLJ is that it has convinced people that it's groundbreaking when it isn't.

Maybe if the left stopped actively trying to deconstruct everything people enjoy we wouldn't be filled with the desire to throw them out a Y-Wing.

Can we please start a petition for Di*ney to retcon this whole episode and shoot it again with a new director.

>Are cliches what gives you catharsis?
If Luke was not my childhood hero I would think he was cliche. He was the hero I imprinted upon. He was the hero that led me to study math and science, I wanted to be a pilot like him. I generally like my hair to be a bit shaggy, kinda like Luke's. Star Wars is a religious story for many people in an age where religion is declining. So yes, this story to me is beautiful. I have stories I like better, I have films I like better, but this is the best of the best for the classic story.
>And are you oblivious to the fact that Rey is this hero?
If Rey's only flaw wasn't daddy issues I would be okay with it. As it stands she basically has no flaws, nothing to strive for, nothing to overcome. She is a set piece for the plot of a soulless cashgrab of films and nothing more.
>What is the cornerstone of western civilization?
Stories and literature that inspire people to carry on the values of their parents. Nothing more, nothing less.
>nostalgia goggles
Yes, in case you couldn't tell. And I don't care. This story is important to everyone in my family. And maybe it isn't to you, maybe you didn't watch it growing up and don't get why people like it. I understand. But I want you to see why people care so much about this.
Read this post

>the left

Starting with Episode 7, right? Just bring back George Lucas.

Prequelturd go and stay go.


The prequels had a bunch of cool characters and designs, also the Clone Wars cartoon from CN was amazing. I don't understand why people hate them, just because they tried to appeal to kids too and sell toys?

M8. Luke is just as much a Mary Sue as Rey.
>Both are at fixing droids and other machines
>Luke apparently went to the Han Solo school of door repair
>Both are good pilots
>Luke is better with blasters
>Both are good with light sabers
>Han Solo offers them both jobs
>Both speak droid
>Both "trust their feelings" in order to overcome their blow up death star/defeat Kylo Ren
>Luke blows up death star. Rey doesn't
>Luke gets medal. Rey doesn't

No, you can cry forever like a little bitch. You lost.

a whole lot of sentence errors. sorry about that

Why are nazi frogs hating on this movie? Did they go overboard and make finn gay or something, or did Sup Forums finally notice that there is a black guy in it?

Source of the Force: Secret Behind Star Wars Inspiration (40 year old secret REVEALED)

themillenniumreport.com/2016/0... or visit www.ourspirit.com . Did you know that Luke Skywalker’s original name was Luke Starkiller? Did you know that the archetypes and characters of the Hollywood blockbuster were derived from principles of anthroposophy and Waldorf education? Douglas Gabriel was in the original think tank session which created these legendary and beloved characters.

there are much bigger problems with the movie than the SJW shit, like the bastardization of Luke

They turned SW into SJW,what did you expect us to do?

A better question is why can't I see Daisy's frigid nipples in this movie?

Sup Forums had the exact same response to TFA.

This place has been basically Sup Forums for years now. And I'm talking about the entire 4chin

Luke can't speak droid. He has a computer tell him what R2 says in the OT and C3PO is the mary sue translator.

Disney makes female actors use nipple pads so it's impossible to show nips. If it accidentally happens they would edit out post production anyway cause female nipples are evil to burgers.

>Can we ever go back?

embrace it

I don't care whether Luke or Rey or both are Mary Sues. If a character from the same series can create something similar in me that Luke did for a new generation, great. But don't fucking character assassinate the hero of the previous generation to elevate this one. That is fucked on so many levels. That's why I'm upset. Star Wars is an idealistic series. It is not this deconstructionist cynical shit that I see in so many pieces of media. I get they might want to give it a different tone, different themes. But at that point it's no longer Star Wars for the next generation. It's your fanfiction and should be referred to as such.

it wasn't a amazing like 4 or 5 but at least it somewhat salvaged the disaster that was 7.

Can't wait until Sup Forums's doing nigger hate threads.

Snyder is at the same level of Kubric compared with JewJew and SoyRian

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

Luke couldn't stand on his own two feet until ROTJ and had to be rescued/bailed out by his friends countless times. The Death Star Trench, Hoth and Cloud City just to name a few. Rey meanwhile is born with natural ability, failed one lesson from Luke, didn't even know what the force is and now apparently knows everything there is to know that was in those burned books.

Mary Sue


I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

I need answers.

Rey didn't blow up the death star 3.0. That was Poe. Luke did it after one movie. You're completely ignoring Luke's Mary Sue skillz because you don't like Rey's character. I think I know why. Because the action choreography and cgi looked like shit in 1977, thus Luke looks more amateurish.

>SJWs cause normalfaggots to elect Trump
>SJWs cause normalfaggots to turn on Disney


Fuck off kike

>Didn't like any of the other movies
>Or the Prequels
And yet I still thought Episode 8 was good.

>Superficial connection
Most Star Wars fans have a superficial connection to the series. They see it as some sort of holy writ, rather than an artistic work. They pretend like the artist's work belongs to the fanbase, and treat it like it's an entertainment product. They do not understand why ANH and ESB are good movies, and bitch about the prequels because they were told to by people who know better. Now they're permanently in "Hate anything new" mode. Some of them liked TFA because it was afraid to do anything new. Some of them hated TFA because it was a new Star Wars movie, and destroyed the EU. Either way, both groups are too stupid to enjoy TLJ.

You're a baby. TLJ is Kino.

This but unironically.