Trek 8 or Wars 8?

Trek 8 or Wars 8?

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Not even a question. First Contact beats the fuck out of TLJ.

I liked TLJ but First contact is still one of my favorite movies. Story was easy to follow and didn't get boring, the characters were each unique and had a reason to be there, and the music that plays when the Vulcans land is absolutely perfect. 8/10 movie but a 9/10 trek film.

Worf had no good reason to be there

Defiant had failing life support, Picard brings him aboard. He served as one of the characters meant to make Picard question himself, they were very close in the next generation and it was cool to see them have a momentary standoff.

TL;DR "Get off my bridge"

Why was the Defiant there?

Trek 8, no question.

It was designed to fight the Borg.

>Why was the Defiant there?
Because it was part of the anti-borg that was fighting the cube. Don't you know anything?

It was also vital to defenses in the Bajoran system and sector. Why was this important enough to call that ship across the Federation? It literally was out on the ass end of nowhere and just ended up at Sector 01 somehow. Explain it to me.

Oh shit there have been a fuck ton of star treks. I am just now realizing this.

Trek 8. No doubt.

star wars sucks ass compared to anything trek. the SW universe is flat and unconvincing. trek is fleshed out and rich.

One is based off of Moby Dick
The other was written by people who've had too much dick.

Maybe the possible assimilation of the entire home world of the federation is an emergency of the utmost importance.


Trek 8 had a better title-drop than Wars 8

Furious 8

wew it aint even close.

First Contact is legit good, funny, entertaining and has great action scenes. It's the mirror universe version of TLJ.

Ya broke ya little ships

We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawnhere! This far, no further!

Fuck star wars.

First contact is the best Trek movie. Not like that means much tho

>First Contact is legit good, funny, entertaining and
has great action scenes
>First Contact is legit good, funny, entertaining and has great action scenes
>First Contact is legit good, funny, entertaining and has great action scenes

>Soy Wars will never have a scene as kino as this

First Contact doesn't have a scene where Picard milks a gross alien and drinks it while snarling at Dr. Crusher like a drunk homeless man, so Trek.

>Get off my bridge

Also can't forget this:


I'm a Star Wars fan... But Trek 8 destroys Disney Wars 8.



Nah. Only the TOS-movies are good. The rest are just bunch of contradictions and general BS. Red Letter Media sums it up perfectly. This is a dignifed end:

Bigger Luke wins