We all owe George Lucas an apology. The prequels were less damaging to the franchise than Disney has been

We all owe George Lucas an apology. The prequels were less damaging to the franchise than Disney has been.

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George so sorry for all the banter about the prequel trilogy, I can see now that you were right all along (also sorry about the lawn it was me that drove over the grass last Tuesday)

Sorry George :(

I always appreciated the prequels as a flawed misunderstood masterpiece.


I'm sorry degenerate retards still can't admit that only 456 are good and the rest is trash and you also ruined star wars with the prequels



I just didn't realize how bad it could get

Sorry george

Nah, funny thing is that they played all the prequel movies on tv this last week-end in Spain and, believe me, those nostalgia glasses wear off veeery quickly

It's Lucas fault that he fucked up the prequels so bad the only way a new trilogy could get done is if he sold it

Are you saying the prequels are good or bad

Were the prequels damaging at all? They weren't great but the setting was amazing and spawned a lot of games and EU stuff.

Im sorry even though i never even hated you

This, the prequels were bad in terms of cringeness but it was a origin star wars story with sith/jedi.

Absolutely garbage, with a few good moments

He made 3 absolutely shitty movie, couldn't handle the criticism, sold his franchise and made 4 billion dollars knowing it would turn to shit.

I don't owe him shit.

I'm so sorry George
I've been so critical of you all these years
Because I just wanted to see where the story goes after Jedi, and reading all the books, the comics, the games. Keeping this story alive in hope that there would be something more.
This new trilogy should be known as the monkey's paw trilogy. Because all of us got what we wanted finally, but not like this.
I love the prequel trilogy, btw. Even TPM.
Tell Kathleen Kennedy you were right George
Tell her you were right

I was like 12 when the prequels came out so I actually watched SW in the order 1 to 6. I just remember that it was pretty cool, like it really showed the scale of the universe, many different worlds etc. The entire new trilogy (if you just make 3 disconnected movies is it still a trilogy?) Just takes place inside two ships and some forgettable bases.

I don't have nostalgia glasses for the prequels. I have the Jedi-centric shit. But at the heart of the prequels is one thematic bent that everyone misses. There is one thing that nobody gets. The prequels are in the style of the shit George loved as a kid. It's raw and evident in retrospect. The prequels were George attempting to relive the things he liked. Just like Indy.


Pretty much. They built a lot more than they tore down. The same can't be said of Nu-Wars.

>people are actually sucking Geoge's dick to be contrarian again
Sup Forums's collective stupidity is astounding. The prequels are absolute dogshit, always were.

>I have the Jedi-centric shit.
I hate, even


After all TLJ hate I started watching The Phantom Menace and couldn't get through the end. And Attack of the Clones is even worse iirc.

He's saying they're bad and that we're romanticizing them now that we're nostalgic out of our hatred for the sequel series. Try watching Episode 1 again.

The prequels could never do much damage to the franchise because they come before what had already been set-up.

This is always the risk with sequels to an otherwise completed story, introducing new conflict makes what was accomplished in the old stuff feel undone, and we get shit like Luke going from hero who turned Darth Vader back to the light, to contemplating killing his nephew because he might go dark.


Ye, when Disney bought Star Wars I believed it couldn’t be as bad as the phantom menace or AOTC, so I was fine with it.

Gods, I was wrong.

Prequels would have worked if it was just one movie

Take off the damn nostalgia goggles, you dont owe him shit because he sure served you a heaping handful.

The new movies are shit too but they are by every metric better than the prequels.

Being king shit of turd island isnt a great reward but let's stop being contrarian for one fucking second and call a spade a spade. Lucas should have sold the rights after Return of the Jedi.

Tal vez porque eres un puto maricon sin gusto

how gett gf like dis?

I'm sorry George. You may have gone too far in a few places but at least you went somewhere.

Apologise for what? I never wanted him to sell Star Wars, I liked Ep 2 and 3 and was enjoying the Clone Wars series while looking forward to Star Wars vidya like 1313 (Boba Fett game) now? I don't even like talking about Star Wars.


Edit: Thanks for the (you) kind stranger! ;)

>less damaging to the franchise

Fuck off jew

I never understood the hate he got. It was clear that he was passionate about his creation, he may have had made some really poor decisions, but it was his right to fuck it up. The first prequel is atrocious, but at least he wasn't lazy and tried new stuff and got better.

>insulting the king of Sup Forums
how's it feel to be a garbage taste plebeian my friend?

Cuidado chicos, tenemos aqui al tipico machote iberico, anda y que te den por el culo

fuck off you petulant child


Yeah, great movies you made Georgie, Attack of The Clones is an absolute """""masterpiece"""""

Time to find out:


Without Lucas' departure, would we have had this?

The prequels were bad but not damaging. What fucked up was the excessive CGI, bad dialogue and somewhat boring plot. But the characters were pretty much what we expected and all the movies have a Star Wars vibe to them.

At least it's no longer the worst star wars of all time

>Disney Presents: Soy Wars, TLJ

Then he saved your life, user. Even more reason to be grateful. Now you can finally live a real life, free from the fear and disgrace of manchild garbage.

>At least it's no longer the worst star wars of all time
Holy shit, imagine being THIS delusional.

what movies have you made huh?
oh none?
imagine my shock

You're still an ignorant bandwagonner.

>The prequels could never do much damage to the franchise because they come before what had already been set-up.

>Obi Wan not recognizing R2 or C3PO
>Jar Jar Binks technically declared the clone wars
>Leia in the OT remembers her mother
>Vader unable to sense Leia is his daughter, when family connections via the force is super strong
>Anakin has a force ghost somehow
>Luke is sent to hide with his also Skywalker named family on the very planet Anakin was from
>Obi Wan isnt a desert hermit, he literally continued to dress as a jedi knight in his day to day activities
>People think jedis and the force are all make believe after just 20 years
>What the fuck about the prophesy? Clearly the force got unbalanced again anyways
>Obi Wan mentions Yoda as his master to Luke in the OT, never mentioning Qui Gonn

Sure call them nit picks, but theres enough of them to devalue the original trilogy

I'm sorry, George. I was wrong. I was so very, very wrong.

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

Holiday Special is no longer the worst

>you can't criticize people making movies unless you make movies yourself!!!
This is Rick and Morty tier, user.


>Holy shit, imagine being THIS delusional
Imagine actually turning your brain off long enough to like TLJ. You're probably in need of oxygen, if it's not too late


>audience scores on RT are somehow an indicator of a movie's quality
Are you autistic?
I never said that TLJ is good. However, thinking it's worse than AoTC is laughable.

>Now you can finally live a real life, free from the fear and disgrace of manchild garbage.

So I can spend all my cash on lager and litty films like Jumanji 2 while giving most of my paycheck to my wife and her son? I'd rather stay a manchild thanks.

>George Lucas fucks up originals with Special Edition
>George Lucas fucks up prequels
>can't take the pressure
>sells right to Disney
>Disney fucks up sequels

I don't owe him shit. The fuckery we're stuck with now is all because that talentless hack destroyed SW in the first place. Fuck him and fuck Disney.

>tfw autists on an anonymous cambodian spear fishing forum criticize your works of art while stuffing down tendies and mountain dew

Sorry George. pls come out of retirement and make and original notstarwars movie.

>be user
>got btfo by based Lucas poster

I always believed in George.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand porgs. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of lovable merchandising most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also porg’s optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation- their personal philosophy draws heavily from Minions literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike porgs truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in porg’s existential catchphrase “BRA-KAW BRA-KAW” which itself is a cryptic reference to Despicable Me’s epic Gru. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rian Johnson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their cinema screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a porg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

See ya around, kid.

>Jeiwish critics payed by jewish disney executives are an indicator of a movie's quality


Epic strawman, my friend.

AotC is much better than TLJ
Search your feelings you know it to be true.
The romantic subplot in AotC has more heart than the diverging subplot in TLJ that didn't even need to take place and was worthless

then what is an indicator friendo?
your shit taste?

Holy shit how do you gift Gold on here? xD

Revenge of The Sith was better than the 2 sequels.

The prequels still sucked. I'm not apologizing to this hack for anything.

Thank you, Captain Obvious

every Patrician knows that RotS is Kino

Im sorry george you were right.

Your movies were shit, George, and I blame that for giving Disney a way to muscle in, but at least your movies weren't made from a position of hate.
At least you never intended to tear apart everything the soul of what the originals were.

>then what is an indicator friendo?
Watching the movie yourself and forming your own opinion instead of mindlessly looking at reviews? Jesus christ user.
>the absolute state of underage shitters

Hey back the fuck off. That pic is me in this situation.

>Star Wars vidya like 1313 (Boba Fett game)
Oh, this fucking meme is still alive.
1313 wasn't a "Boba Fett game". It was just some random schmuck from Coruscant. Only after a year of development George barged in and demanded it would be changed to Boba Fett. That was about a week or two before LucasArts was closed. The guy remained a hack to the very end.

>giving money to the jewish disney execs

>I talk shit about movies I haven't even seen
Checks out.

AoTC has
1) Original designs and concepts
2) A few actors that were competent and gave a shit
3) A plot so fucking stupid it's hilarious
The only bits that are unbearable are the early to Tatooine Anakin/Padme scenes

TLJ was worse than bad, it was fucking boring. It brought absolutely nothing to the table, and took glee in tearing down what little was already there

I'd like a source for that because the concept art clearly shows it's Fett.

>The prequels were the product of a well-intentioned-but-detached individual
>The sequels are the product of a shadowy group that preys on the weaknesses of the public for their own gain

>i give money to jewish billionaires because i can't wait a couple of months to torrent it

>The prequels were less damaging to the franchise than Disney has been.
Yes, but they still sucked. Why do we owe Lucas an apology?

is there any scene in the prequels worse than this? nothing comes to mind.

Way to miss my entire point.

Prequels were the autistic ideas of a man who hated every interpretation of the universe except his own

Sequels were made for the enjoyment and entertainment of the masses

Jar Jar Binks declares the clone wars?
Dextar Jaxster?

Rey throwing a tantrum and attacking Luke with a lightsaber.
And literally nothing in the film implying this was a bad thing.

oh sorry
>it's not possible to have an opinion of something you haven't seen
>99% of all atheists haven't read the bible

Fuck you George you talentless hack. You had all the time., money and goodwill in the world and you completely fucked it up.

The Last Jedi is really shitty because there is no lightsaber battle. Every movie has had two lightsabers fighting eachother except ep. 8? That's just dumb.

While it certainly is possible to have an opinion of something you don't really know much about, you should at least acknowledge that fact. Nothing more annoying than Sup Forums-drones whose opinion boils down to: "Always contrarian! Me no like popular stuff!"

Sorry it's Kotaku, but it's the most detailed story.
tl;dr LucasArts people used to sat on their asses for a decade instead of making good games (I know, TFU 1 and 2, but those were shit) and Lucas was a big part of that shitshow.

Can a nigga have a (you)?
It's all i want for Christmas

Only white people could appreciate a prequel, sadly, it's not something for you


i've read the scenes that by themselves make this movie into a pile of shit

Enjoy christmas

Edge lord. The prequels are still trash films far worse than anything disney has put out so far. Calm your tits