So will baby be 50 years old or something?

so will baby be 50 years old or something?

since they are giving call backs to literally everyone like demongo and da samurai

there is no way baby wont appear

I doubt it

It would be nice to see the baby grown up and all, but what I want to see is how they will solve pic related.

Dubs says that he won't come back

he could be in its 40's or even 30's. the old seasons have no real reasons to have happened back to back. many hints months of lonely strugle

Wait.....that babies eyes...thay are the same color as the cloaked person who pointed north toward Jack.

I thought the person was the bunny bag girl.


>Oi, love! Ya looking for that samurai bloke? Wha, you mates or somethin'? Well e's right over 'ere!

I was working on a theory but didn't want to go into it too much to create expectations about the finale.

Basically Jack's final battle with Aku sends them both across the time stream. Defeating Aku inside jumpstarts his biological clock and he begins to age normally again.

We got some Illuminati-level shit going on in here.

How do you fucking nerds even remember the names of all these random one-off characters?


google it you fucking retard

Are you forgetting that girl's exetremely thick cockney accent?

I was thinking there either
A) May not actually be a way to travel backwards in time
or B) Jack actually does go back, it goes back to Aku flinging him into the future, then 5 seconds later as he's laughing to himself, a bearded and seasoned Jack falls out of a portal above him, Aku go "Huh?", Jack swings, and then "WACHA!", end.

Genndy had years to think this through so I am sure they won't leave any loose ends.

>all these nonstop SJ threads
>still not give its own containment board

This is the baby grow up. He's show in the comics

Not canon tho

Not an answer.

it's gonna be over in four weeks

Who's the shield maiden?

not an argument

I don't think any minor character names have even been mentioned in this thread

I looked at the credits and then googled the names I didn't recognize. "Demongo" and "The Omen" specifically

I also noticed that Da Samurai was voiced by Key on this episode

10,000 years later.

Of Key and Peele?
