Killed by semantics

>Killed by semantics

so was macbeth, complain about something legitimate


ok. my penis is really, really small

You probably weren't gonna get laid anytime soon so don't worry about it

Magic is funny like that. You've got to make sure you know exactly what you want, and you've got to say it exactly right, or else there are loopholes. Finding those loopholes is a time-honored tradition in myths and fairy tales.

Posts like this are why I love this board.

Friendly reminder that Merry's dagger was what allowed him to be killed

hobbits are different race from humans. He's not a man by definition

why didn't they just pawn the ring at rick harrison's pawn shop?

They didn't wanna get lowballed

This. That's two instances of a loophole. Eowyn's not male and Merry's not a human, so neither of them are technically "men."

how much you they could have got for it?

>i am no man

wow did hackson even read the book?

Even as a 12 year old this shit pissed me off

ACKSHUALLY Glorfindel's prophecy was just describing what would happen. It wasn't any kind of magical power of the Witch King's but people treated it that way.

she wouldn't have been able to kill him if merry didn't help him

>I am Noemayn
>You bow to Noemayn

I don't get it, who is Noemayn? He's only mentioned twice

if he didn't help her*

Im sick of these SJWs ruining LOTR

>forgetting when Dumbledore said of Tom Bombadil "He is Noemayn"

>literally identifies herself AS Noemayn
>"who is Noemayn???"
dumb frogposter

Yeah but what's the significance of Noemayn? Announcing it doesn't explain it


Hobbits are considered to be a subspecies of men in LOTR.

what kind of name is dunheer?

*banished by semantics

killed finally by the destruction of the ring

Noemayn was the the prophesied slayer of the Witch King, nothing more and nothing less.




if they wanted to truly destroy the ring by casting it where it was made why didn't they shoot it into a star?

Because Chumlee is dead.

Wait, so an elf could have killed the Witch King?

That seems like a pretty big fucking deal - Tolkien elves are badass warriors in their own right. How the fuck was the Witch King not worried that some elven sniper would shoot a dozen arrows up his ass?

>Creator was a philologist.
Also, that kind of think happens in mythology all the time. Perseus' grandpa closed her daughter in a tower so she didn't have a kid (Zeus didn't care) because it was prophecized her child would kill him; and he did, decades later, in an discus accident.

It wasn't made in a star.


everything is made of star

>Killed by semitics

Wait, so any woman could have killed the Witch King?

That seems like a pretty big fucking deal - women are usually better archers than men in their own right. How the fuck was the Witch King not worried that some female rangers would shoot a dozen arrows up his ass?

>the Big Bang applies to Lord of the Rings

Shut the fuck up

why didnt they just eat the ring?

why didn't they just dig a hole and bury the ring?

The world is made of dust and gases and shit that clumped together in orbit around a star and formed into a planet. The ring was not literally made in a star, in the same way it was made in a volcano.

Besides, the gods created existence in LotR. Normal astrophysics don't apply.

merry's dagger from weathertop was specially enchanted from the old war with angmar and it removed the immortality buff from witch king, thus allowing the yass queen to slay him

Because there is no reason to stop looking and Sauron could find the ring if you buried it, threw it in the ocean, etc.

what if it was a really big hole?

Because Sauron was going to win, with or without the ring. They needed to destroy it to save Middle Earth.

It would be extremely painful

they beat him before with the ring

this. did anyone read the books?

Yeah, when badasses like Elendil were still fucking around.

The Third Age is pretty shit tier when it comes to quality of heroes.

The One Ring expert only spoke in riddles and nobody could figure them out well enough to settle on a price.

This. Imagine what kind of stat boost you'd get from the one ring, they should have just stacked scrolls of inferior material.

their poops would have been invisible

The original prophesy by Glorfindel did not mean that his death will be caused by virtue of solely being a non-human. The Witch-king will die but it will be because of the weapons wielded by his assailants. In the lore, it was the barrow blades that were given to the Hobbits during the events of the Fellowship of the Ring that could harm or kill the Nazgul. They were enchanted blades made originally to deal with the undead during the Witch-king's war on the fractured Arnorian state over a 1000 years before the events of LOTR.

It should be mentioned however that in the movies, PJ screwed up in that Merry's blade during the Witch-king fight was actually a regular Rohirrim sword. He lost his original sword in the previous film I think. Every time I watch that scene I just pretend that it's the barrow blade instead.

He was a king, right? And kings studied philosophy and all sorts of things as they grow up. He should have debated with her and argued that man in this context referred to mankind as a whole.

The Witch King, like the Nazgul, was immortal. Normal weapons can't harm him. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think regular weapons that pass through Nazgul get disintegrated. But they're still weak against Elves and hate fire and sunlight. Merry's weapon removed the magic that surrounded the Witch King, making him vulnerable to Eowyn.

why didn't they just use the ring as a cock ring?