All that matters is that I'm of use to Yellow Diamond! This planet can be of use to Yellow Diamond!

>All that matters is that I'm of use to Yellow Diamond! This planet can be of use to Yellow Diamond!
>But the Diamonds are bad! They don't care about the Earth! They wanted to hollow it out and now they want to blow it up with the Cluster!
>Yes, exactly! That's the point!

>is later surprised when YD wants to blow up the Earth despite agreeing with that before

Explain this shitty writing SU fags.

Peridot thought YD was governed by logic. She was fine with blowing up the Earth as long as it was the most efficient use of resources. What surprised her is that YD didn't give a fuck about efficiency and just had a grudge against the planet. So suddenly she's questioning everything she admired about YD


Stop over-analyzing a children's cartoon show.

She thought she would make use of earth rather then simply blow it up

This. Peridot was all about efficiency and logic, and thought YD was the most logical and efficient being ever created.

After seeing Earth, she realizes how the planet's natural resources can help a resource starved homeworld. So when she learned YD was just having a bitch fit she rightfully called her a moron.

Sugar is a hack, and "explanation" like how people explain Steven's continued shrinkage because of MUH MENTAL STATE is simple sophistry.

Cant cartoons simply look cute anymore?

She is not surprised. She thinks she has found some value in Earth and is upset that YD does not see it that way. its a classic story of corporate suite going to buy out a failing business and falling in love with it due to its people and as is always the case corporate does not give a shit because it was not the mission.

When people believe in an authority like a god, whatever that authority does is right. You don't question it.
Peridot is surprised by YD's motives, not her plan.

my limited lifetime is too valuable to be used for things that are just cute. its like asking "can't a phone be just a phone" higher complexity is needed

Wait, aren't new episodes coming out? Is there going to be a non-/trash/ /sug/ soon?

we're already dead you fucking idiot

What the fuck is logical about a Cluster and why was she fine with it before she suddenly wasn't?

>my limited lifetime is too valuable
Obviously not, because you are on Sup Forums

this tbqh familioso

>haha, nice one
>look down at keyboard
>skeletal hands are typing away at a cobweb-covered concrete slab
>realize all these years, I have been a skelly in disguise

You can objectively concede that the purpose of life is enjoyment of it. And what people enjoy is completely subjective. So as long as he enjoys browsing Sup Forums to a high enough degree, his time is spent with value.

Peridot was operating on limited data. She didn't understand that organic life had more to offer on all sides.

It's like being okay with crushing a cardboard box but then finding out there's a cat inside and your friend still wants you to stomp on the box.

>mfw op still hasn't delivered

This. That is why one can't ever be wasting their life unless they themselves feel it is being wasted

Because she didn't see the original plans for earth.

Did you even watch the show?

Then he shouldn't spend his time on shows that aren't aesthetic, as they are a waste of his time

Why are you ignoring the explanations already posted?

>Because she didn't see the original plans for earth.
They had pulled the original plans from earth on that very episode.

True but one can't ascertain a value of something without trying at least some of it

>Because she didn't see the original plans for earth.
Yes she did you troglodyte, that's literally what she was on Earth for.

SUbabies are terrible at defending this shit.

Not him but the explanations aren't really explanations, just headcanon that makes no sense.

She wanted to exploit the biological ecosystem instead of wrecking the planet for a geoweapon that would be hard to control.

YD decided to destroy a planet ripe for harvesting in the middle of a resource deficit. The same deficit that lead to her being a runt. This upset Peridot who thought of YD as the only ruler whose interests were in the well being of the empire. All of this was plainly stated at one point or another.

His appearance is the boarder consensus that has been developed over the years. It might be shit, but it is less shit than the shittiest boarders attempts at proportions. Not by much, but still.

You keeping ignoring that exchange of dialogue earlier in the episode where Peridot is fine with the cluster destroying Earth if YD wants it.

Peridot is an engineer. Her job is to make shit and find cheaper methods of making said shit better. She saw some promise in organic structures, she also saw just how great Sol colony 1 would have been. YD vetoed both of these plans for a literal pile of modern art refuse meant more as a symbolic victory than an actual gain. YD, the master of efficiency and common sense, wants to blow the military spending budget on an ego project during an economic crisis. Peridot, a stunted gremlin born out of this crisis, doesn't appreciate being told to eat cake.

If their explanation explains why the things that happened in-universe happened in-universe and your explanation states that the things in-universe shouldn't have happened in-universe, by definition you're the one with the headcanon.

The plans the cluster will rape.

Yes, and if they go forward with those plans and destroy the cluster than it can be again.

Well she didn't want to die, and she was pretty sure YD would see it her way. She just wanted the higher-ups to take over and sort her shit out for her.

You completely and utterly missed the point of that exchange.

This is a pretty good explanation.

>Sol colony 1

It's the Crystal System Colony, you lumpy clumpy clod.

Peridot can't communicate worth shit. This is probably how the conversation sounded in her head:
>It's important that Yellow Diamond finds the Earth useful
>But Yellow Diamond doesn't care about the Earth. She just wants to destroy.
>Exactly! If she has a reason to care about the Earth, she won't destroy it.

She's just such a sperg that Steven couldn't figure out what the hell she was talking about.

The only reason to watch the show is for lewd fanart.

Hey dipshit.

You still don't seem to be getting my point. So let me use reddit spacing it make it more clear.

Peridot's MISSION ON EARTH included checking up the status of the cluster and reporting her findings to Yellow Diamond.

Something she was able to complete because she was still on still on homeworld. She knew about the cluster and what it was made for.

She didn't give a shit about it's resources, and before she was going to crush Steven she said she was "finishing where they left off", ie destroying life on the planet.

So why does she suddenly not agree with the cluster up until Yellow Diamond says she wants it? Don't tell me it's from being on the planet, because she was slave on the memebarn the entire time and didn't interact with any humans or animals.

The Cluster makes use of a resource that is unique to Earth: the corpses of millions of gems. Any natural resources found on Earth can be found easily in much greater quantities in other places around the galaxy. The strength the Cluster would have lent the Authority would have been invaluable to securing what resources they have, and overcoming whatever barrier they have to other sources of resources.

This. Fans who are all about "muh Earth" forget that the colony was able to advance very far without it.

Jasper was said to be the "perfect Quartz" but considering she lost to a homeworld fusion, a human-gem fusion and a fat tumbrlite fusion, that's obviously bullshit.

We would if the show didn't include a rich lore.

Peridot is logical to a fault, to the point of assuming everyone else is either as logical as she is, or is a moron. Combine that with her worship of YD, and it's no surprise that she bought the lies that YD fed her (that this was just a random useless planet slated for becoming a geoweapon). The information on Earth she had was outdated/just plain incorrect while her drones were clearly not designed to appraise the value of this shitty run of the mill planet.

That's why Peridot changes sides rather quickly after being exposed to Earth- physical data on the planet outweighs old records. Scenes like the rain, the ladybug, 'shirts', and Camp Pining Hearts show her incorporating new information into her worldview and understanding.

Peridot also logically knew that YD didn't have this information, seeing as you have to be here to get it. That's why she calls YD to make an appeal on the plan. Yet when YD acts extremely irrationally (not caring about resources) Peridot is compelled to speak against that. Throw in YD being a twat and Peridot being autistic af and you have the "YOU CLOD" scene.

Peridot actually /wasn't/ pro-cluster by that point. When she says "Yes, exactly! That's the point!"' she is affirming Steven's claim that Yellow Diamond wanted to hollow out the Earth & now intends to blow it up to get a geoweapon. Peridot wanted to contact Yellow Diamond to inform her that destroying the Earth would be illogical. It's exactly how Peridot was trying to steer the convesation until it all went to shit when Peridot realized Yellow Diamond was not reasonable, rational, or efficient.

Additionally, the way in which Peridot tried to sell Earth to Jasper, and how much it echoes Rose Quartz, is another point in showcasing just how logical Peridot is. It likely took Rose decades to come to the same conclusion that only took Peridot a couple months- that the tendency of adaptability and growth in organic life forms is extremely valuable and potent and should be cultivated rather than exterminated.

Peridot only didn't convince Jasper to accept Earth because a) she has not internalized that people can be things besides logical and morons b) Jasper has history with Earth, and those issues have to be resolved before she accepts Earth, and c) this is a cartoon and part of an arc.

Peridot is similar in manner to that of Zack from Bones- the autistic research assistant that ends up helping a serial killer cannibal because their logic convinced him. And that's also why Zack converted back/dropped the brainwashing so quickly- Bones provided logic that was stronger than the cannibal's logic, and Zack quickly offered up all the information he knew.

People who work almost exclusively on logic are easy to convert to your line of thinking as long as you give them better logic. That's what Bones and Steven(unknowingly) had and what Gormagon and Yellow Diamond lacked.

>rich lore

It's SC1 to the NeoTerran Galactic Empire you degenerate space gremlin.

Sure, but it's not like she had any up to date intel on the planet. The only installation that had any clear direct feed intact was below Prime K. She went there expecting rock lichen and found a complex biosphere complete with sentient life. That's like being told to fill your dictator's Platinum mine with gravel because his brother was killed by one of the workers during inspection. Fucking what?

>A pile of gem bodies that may or may not be good for anything at all.
>Millions of new gems that will do as they're told.

They're in a resource crisis remember?

His outer appearance is merely a concious manifestation of light.

Ayyy I like your analysis friend

And how the hell would they be able to control it? It sounds to me like they just did that to dump off all their gem shards and destroy earth out of spite.

>rich lore
That's a stretch. More like unused fertilizer. Good shit is still shit.

They've made Clusters before, and since a fat idiot was able to subdue it, a Diamond certainly can.

Have they? Just how many rebellions have they had to quash?

Except he didn't control it, he convinced it to bubble itself using bullshit telepathy powers. Other clusters weren't mentioned either.

>Other clusters weren't mentioned either.
yes they were, by peridot


Memedot needed redemption

>it's a fpbp episode

Not really

peridot's all about logic, because that's the yellow diamond way, and the reason why she thought they should stall the cluster and keep the earth alive was so that the diamonds could reap its resources like they do with other planets; she's spent enough time on earth to realize how lively of a planet it is and realizes that the real logical, tactical thing to do is keep it alive so they can bleed it dry, which is almost worse than just blowing it up, and what rose was trying to prevent. but yellow diamond has it out for earth; its where homeworld lost the war, its where she lost pink diamond. she has a grudge against earth, and, as reinforced by her song a season later, the way yellow diamond deals with her grief is by doing away with every reminder and distancing herself from her past as much as possible. that's what earth is: a big reminder of her failure and her grief. but if keeping earth alive is the most logical thing to do, this is letting emotions get in the way of logic, and peridot's been conditioned all her life to think yellow diamond is the paragon of logic; if she was truly logical, she would agree with peridot. peridot saw that the single figure of logic in her world could be flawed, and if yellow diamond was wrong, then that means everything she knew was too. there's a reason why she was going so nuts during log date; her whole world view got fucked up. but that's what happened to the crystal gems too; they saw that a ruby could be special, a sapphire could be wrong about her fate, a pearl could be independent, a rose quartz soldier could defect, and an amethyst could be strong. their whole way of thinking was challenged too, and that's why peridot is the way she is now.

>tl;dr: peridot thought that the cluster emerging would wreck their chances of using earth as a colony like they planned, which would be impractical, but yellow diamond has a grudge with earth because of the war/pink diamond and wants it dead; peridot saw that her idol was flawed.

and i just realized 4 people explained this way better, sorry. the grudge thing's definitely something to consider though, and its probably gonna rear its head in the future

Yes really. He nailed it on the head. Peridot respected YD because of her logic and switched sides once she saw that logic crumble due to a vendetta. YD wouldn't even consider Peridot's plans to make better use of the Earth.

Peridot was certain that, after hearing her ingenious plan for alternate gem creating, YD would abandon the old methods. She didn't know YD had another reason for hollowing out the earth.

Got any others?

Oh, you humans and your panicked scrambling to make something of your pathetically short lives.

>supported by multiple points within the episodes in question
Comprehension isn't your strong suit, eh user? Idiots like you are why spoonfeeding exists.

>gems residing in the crystal system
>crystal gems

I'm 95% certain she was talking about the test fusions that attacked Garnet and made their way to the surface. The whole reason that experiment happened was because of the war. They aren't going to shatter their own to make more.

What methods do you think she had in mind? Isn't gem creation fundamentally bad for all organics?

>tfw the silly team name is comparable to "US citizen"

>so they can bleed it dry
Not exactly. Peridot is like a farmer who discovered renewable methods that could yield an indefinite amount of new gems as long as they moderate resource usage carefully. For a race that is practically immortal, they've got all the time in the world.

I wouldn't be surprised if bio experiments is the reason Peridot took up farming crops, and if it's related to her renewable method she wanted to share with YD.


"That's the point" = = => That's why I need to talk to her!

Okay, so she was made to communicate poorly in the name of a dramatic misunderstanding.

They literally never did just that.

May 8.


Wasn't Peridot's change also supposed to be parallel to what must have happened to Rose Quartz? She likes Earth for its own sake now. And arguably more than the original Crystal Gem, Pearl.