Welp, I guess this is the hill Marvel choose to die on


>Dating two women at the same time is just as bad as being a fascist who rounds up minorities into camps

You can tell the person who wrote this is very uneducated.

Back then it was pretty common place for people to date around.

Yeah, in fact dating only one person for more than a month before being hitched was seen as degenerate.

Its called damage control.


SJWs are bad because a hero turned bad and that "normalizes nazis"

Sup Forums is mad because this is clearly an allegory for the trump administration.

Sup Forums is mad because it's another fucking event.

I'm just sitting here grinning, enjoying the fallout.

Knew this is where the Superior stuff would lead us, when Hero vs Hero got old they'd start going for Hero becomes villainous due to mind shenanigans.


>thinking every nazi depiction is endorsing them
>supporting the orange dumbass/Ivanka puppet
>still reading nu-marvel

Who was the wrongest here?

It's not the even that makes me mad it's how out of character this bullshit is that makes me mad I know it'll get retconned it just can't get ret-coned fast enough.

it's not a retcon when the story is about reality changing and will likely result in it changing back, it's just part of the story

Who here thinks Spencer's story has actually been decent thus far, but is still enjoying the public asswhipping Marvel's getting?

Most of Sup Forums

Yeah, I think it's a cool idea and I'm rooting for cap 100% right now. He is totally packing in everyone's shit right now. Hopefully it isn't by-the-numbers with Iron Man undoing his plan by bringing down the Earth's shield, ending with Kobik changing all of history back to allies winning the war when she sees that otherwise the Earth gets destroyed.

Why is it that Avengers EMH's had the best HYDRA Trooper design and why is it that no one has used it since?

I wish they would just retcon the entire universe.

Fuck it, hire morrison have a Marvel Crisis.

Me. Although I will say that the story is taking WAY too long and isn't action pack enough.

I can deal with one book every so often where the hero doesn't swing a punch, but realistically I want my Cap, like I want my Batman, to be punching someone in the face in basically EVERY comic.

Awesome. My birthday is new comic book day this year.

>Who was the wrongest here?
> look mom i used the meme again i have friends on the internet maybe they'll upvote me

the hilarious irony that this is the result of society's embrasure of casual sex. now 'dating' just means sex.. which means no dating too young, no dating anyone younger than you, no dating more than one person at a time..
so what do people do, especially and increasingly young people? abandon dating entirely, and just have meaningless casual sex with lots of people they've barely met and don't plan to spend much time with
and we wonder why blah blah etc

yeah this is shaping up to be a great event and all anyone talks about is how garbage it is

Uh... why are the Monarch's henchmen working for Hydra? what happened to dreadnoughts? i like dreadnoughts.

I'd actually love this.

He'd Shrek everything; make Stan Lee a villain; suck Kirby's cock; turn the Watchers into Dark Super Vampire Watchers; do some Spider-Man 3D shit which returns the marriage to Peter and MJ; at least an entire issue dedicated to Xorn being tortured by Magneto.

How glorious.

Where do all these henchmen come from? I mean how are they just okay with switching leaders after all these years?

user i think you have problems

Which one of those three things triggered you, famalam? Be honest

SJWs because though he's kinda being glorified he's also obviously going to lose and there will probably be tons of fallout for the character

I never thought anything could top the normie overreaction to Superman dying. Even when Cap died, people were at least savvy enough to realize he was gonna come back soon.

I guess I should have foreseen all this when the Whor "controversy" began with everyone who's never even considered reading a comic in their life felt like they had to chime in with "THOR IS A NAME NOT A TITLE IT'S NOT FAIR STOP CHANGING CHARACTERS FROM MY MOVIES"

Only Moore would make Lee a villain. Morrison loves The Man, he's just a lover in general. At worst he'd make Stan a corrupted or misguided hero.

He could even bring back the Exiles for a little bit!

No, he's actually right. That's why relationships are dying.

It's not "out of character" you faggot, reality has been altered. Within the context of this story, it's really the Cap you've been reading for years that was out of character.
If you want to consider that an asinine story to tell, thats valid, but trying to act like it doesn't make sense just makes it obvious you don't even read comics.

>At worst he'd make Stan a corrupted or misguided hero.

That's more likely, but he's definitely lionise Kirby more than Lee.

Morrisons loves Kirby just as much. Earth-51 is pretty much a Kirby Earth.

>its another "watching the world burn" posts

>Sup Forums is mad because this is clearly an allegory for the trump administration.
We're always mad

I'm enjoying it and I'm glad it crossed the Rubicon before the backlash could stop it.
But yeah I am also enjoying watching Spencer, a deranged far-leftist, get called a neo-nazi Trump supporter all over social media. It might be good for him in the long run honestly.

Thanks for the rant, grandpa.

>so what do people do, especially and increasingly young people? abandon dating entirely, and just have meaningless casual sex with lots of people they've barely met and don't plan to spend much time with

yeah that's an awesome plan.

Whether or not it's well written, making Captain America into a Hydra agent and pulling a "THIRD REICH NEVER DIED" feels kinda lame.

No, he sounds pretty reasonable.

Its not out of character because its literally a different character. HydraCap has a different history, is from a vastly altered and different world, has different philosophies, and has a different personality. The only thing even the same are the names and position at this moment in time.

Why are people so triggered? It's a hero get turned evil by the bad guy story, is Steve somehow too evil?

Absolutely, Earth-6 is even on the Apokolips/Pit side of the Multiverse, just Morrison definitely gives Stan the benefit of the doubt and gives him the credit he rightfully deserves for the early success of Marvel, while also acknowledging he did a lot to ruin it all later on.

Actually I was just reading that in his book today. It's interesting to re-read AFTER reading Marvel Comics the Untold Story.

It looks so right now but Marvel will probably fuck it up pretty fast.

People who don't read comics still want to be part of a mob and post their uninformed opinions over and over.

Fuck off.

It's out of character because literally no cap before this has acted like this

>it's a "neckbeards project their loneliness unto everyone else" episode

When will they stop rerunning this one?

>cap was the only one wrong in civil war even though both sides weren't 100% right
>he dated two women
>he did some drugs unintentionally
I can't tell if this is supposed to be silly or what.

They're mad because it's anuddah Shoah!

When is Marvel going to sell the rights to Captain America to DC so Tomasi can write him?

Literally no Cap before this has lived the life this character has lived. He's essentially a different man with this change to reality.
Are you actually too retarded to understand this? This isn't Chris Evans. This isn't the guy punching Hitler on that old cover. This is a Cap with an entirely different history.
Read the fucking comics before you spray your shitty opinions all over the board.

>I'm just sitting here grinning, enjoying the fallout.

And I'm here enjoying a good story.

Not him, but can you really blame him for not reading comics when this is the kind of shit that they do?

Just give up, people have been trying both on this board and on Twitter to explain this simple fact to these people but they're too dedicated to being upset to let something like facts get in the way.

Given the milieu he's a part of, I'm sure Steve's been brainwashed by Nazis at least once.

Hydra's color scheme is such a shitty shade of green and yellow.

If he read the comics he'd know that this is actually a surprisingly good storyline.

Why would someone even bother to pick up a comic that has a completey retarded plot?

fucking Kirby did it!

honestly this sounds pretty good for a Marvel event but unfortunately I don't buy Marvel any more

And there was another story with Doc Faustus.

You guys are looking too much into this shit. It's just mind numbingly mediocre, which is probably the most egregious thing.

This. Dating used to be about figuring out if this was the person you wanted to marry. Nowadays it's just about bangin'.

Yep, TOTALLY worse than putting Minorities into camps. TOTES WORSE.

He hasn't done that.

>Captain America ate Kingpin's Spaghetti

>Secret Warriors #1 is a new book launching out of the event. Wil Moss discussed the team and how they’ve come to this conflict and how the book starts after Secret Empire has already begun. The team grows out of the fact that Hydra is rounding up Inhumans into camps. The Secret Warriors will go all over the country in their effort to fight back. “It’s the only Secret Empire book with dinosaurs eating people,” noted D’Lando. The team will be fighting Mr. Hyde, Quake’s father, in issue #4.

*punches Nazi*
Love being wrong, Adolf?

Secret Warriors #1's solicit says otherwise

But it's a post-apocalyptic hellhole full of furries and cyborgs

>Millar helped create the Ultimate Universe
>Morrison makes a Multiversity Earth based on it
>opens the story by blowing it up


Sounds like Morrison's sexual fantasyland.

This picture is silly to me because
1) 90% of Inhumans could break through barbed wire easily so the idea they are stuck like that is silly. Of course the gun turrets behind the picture's perspective could be the reason they would stay in the camp, but barbed wire is as useful as a chalk outline.
2)Cap hasn't been in control long enough to have a "Hydra Youth" program like that where random kids will suddenly chase down inhumans.
3) I am pretty sure that basement scene actually came from a movie where an american swat team or military force takes down a terrorist bunker... So Hydra in that shot is being put in the place of the american military while the 'innocents' are the terrorists.

I think the picture is silly because even though HydraCap has been doing bad shit, it had the hint of being for a greater good since Hydra was a positive force in his mind and Red Skull was ruining it. This doesn't seem like the outcome Steve would have wanted.

Does it surprise you, at all, that Marvel would take a good thing and fuck it up with shitty execution?

Does Marvel have any creative pairs that aren't retarded anymore, and why couldn't they do this book instead?

>I think we can all admit that Cap maybe should have just swallowed his pride, sat down with Tony and worked that baggage out—or as the Internet likes to call it, #adulting—instead of passive aggressively forming a secret alliance to try and overthrow everyone at the expense of fellow heroes, civilians and a lot of what I can only imagine to be really expensive buildings and machinery.

This fucker trying to use hashtags to justify Tony going pro-reg.

>Tony Stark goes full Fascist and starts locking people up in the negative zone
>arrests people with powers who literally didn't do anything
>Cap was the one over the line

Why is Joe Quedzilla still obsessed with this? Did someone dress as Captain America and rape him as a kid? He even keeps bringing this up even in Captain America documentaries. I swear wish him and the rest of the big suits upstairs were gone.

Man the minority angle really fucking doesn't work when the mainstays are a secretive fucking royal family who's only poc is green.

>Tony gets spit on by a crazy grieving woman
>Gets motivated to lead the registration act despite all the horrible shit it will do to his friends and acquaintances
>Thinks arresting rogue heroes is okay
>As well as cloning Thor
>Essentially goes mad with power

But no, Cap is the one who needs to learn to grow up. Because how dare he form a coalition of heroes to get their freedom back since Tony can't listen to reason?

I think that's where they're headed. My guess is they're going to take a lot of the "BUT IT'S NOT MY MARVEELLLL" characters and stick them in an alternate universe and then reboot the main universe as the core fan boy universe. It'd let them pander to their old fans while keeping whatever new ones they picked up and not disrupting the story too much so they can keep selling moon girl paper backs to school libraries. It's explain the baby xmen's "we don't have a home" storyline and why ultimate reed is toying with Dr. Doom.

>Tony was wrong/right
>Cap was wrong/right
Marvel was wrong you bunch of faggots for applying IRL concepts to a universe that had never done so before. You can't just apply our rules to a universe filled with people that can destroy it because they had a psychotic break at the wrong time.

If anything, the registration act is hilarious because when you consider the entire history of the 616 universe, they waited until a school got blown up to consider registration? Not all those previous world ending events and shit?

Also the Civil War comic series unintentionally justifies the mutant registration movement!

I'm a shipperfag, so Captain America and Baron Zemo's closeness appeals to me. Why don't SJWs like that?

It falls apart even further when you realize they're all the produces of eugenics and their society is built upon the labor of an enslaved group of "lesser beings."

>supporting the orange dumbass/Ivanka puppet
First it was Putin, then Bannon, now Ivanka? Which is it going to be?

>hyped for full-fledged Captain Hydra costume that doesn't suck
>get generic pea Per Degaton-looking ensemble

Lame. Superior Captain America deserved better.

Dipper was wrong when he did it. This isn't any different. It's funny how it's ok for guys to do it and women are just whores when they play the exact same game and suddenly the guy is a cuck

Sure, it's bad. But it's not concentration camp bad.

Yeah, seriously. That honestly killed my interest in all of the new inhumans. It was a neat gimmick for new heroes, but then they'd go to the fucking super high tech fortress city and zzzzzz

You can't make a list with 3 fucking examples. What the fuck is this? Did they scrape the bottom of the barrel for this?

So then why is he whining on a thread that should have no relevance for him?

They pull that synthetic symbiote costume out of the closet yet? Yeah I know he was crushed by a helicarrier in the lead-up to Secret Wars, so it would have been annihilated, but that really doesn't mean dick.


Actually, as a Sup Forums nazi, I'm 100% happy with all of secret empire so far. Hydra!cap is breddy gud at acting as our spokesman tbqh.

black power?

This was answered in Secret Warriors. Hydra typically recruit from college campuses.

>>women writing comic thinkpieces

Wowsers, it must be Monday.



What is the surprise user? after the backlash from steve rogers agent of hydra marvel said "fuck it we dont even care, we dont make any money, we just sell movie tickets"



>acting as our spokesman
you know its an ironical situation right?

>implying Ivanka, Bannon and Putin aren't all the same person
>implying they are all not Trump himself and the "Trump" who is "President" isn't a LMD
>implying he isn't orchestrating WWIII to funnel more profits into his pocket

#6 Wew Supreme with fries and a drink, lad