Is this correct?

Is this correct?

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no, but this is

Maybe but I'm still waiting on a mmorpg consisting of the harry potter universe.

a film is about 2 hours
a book can take a bit more than 2 hours to read
so...OP...shut up

dude cut it with the hate speech

Whales are majestic as fuck

No, videogames will never be art no matter how hard you try


>implying movies or books are art

Movies and games are just absolute fucking shit compared to books, the only problem is that books require more effort.

And above all that...

A voiced visual novel.

The difference is the complexity and all elements a book or a movie can show and take advantage of, also most games are pretty straightforward and follow linear and predictable plots and they are basically just a interactive "Push x button to advance"

>a book can take a bit more than 2 hours to read
Depending on the length, books that are small novels, tales or poetry (300 or less pages), shouldn't take more than 2 hours to read.

A book only tells a story
A movie is like a book, but has actors and can offer more then a book can
And a game is the next level of storytelling. it is still young comparatively, but we will be seeing more and more greatness from the medium as time goes on.

It could be, but mostly isn't.

Games have more potential, but nobody is even trying to reach it because they can make more money with virtual wannabe e-"sports" and bullshit gambling systems.

That's retarded. Books give you insight into a character's thought process. In movies all you can do is interpret the end result of that thought process through the actor's face.

I see you aren't the reading type.

And 2 hour games are considered pathetically short. Fuck, OP is right.

is that image from the 80s or something? have you played games before?

this man speaks true

movie and games are harder to make tho
requires only writing, nothing else
requires writing, filming, post-processing (CGI, filters etc), sounds, acting, shortening lot of material into 2 hours
requires everything movie does + testing for possible bugs and programming everything it in

I hope you are being ironic, VNs have absolutely fucking horrible writing, no interesting visuals and no gameplay, literally the worst parts of each world.

This is what makes literature purer. It's the complete artistic vision of a single person. You can get great works created by a committee, but actual genius (think Dante's Divine Comedy) can only ruined if touched by non-genius.

Only faggots think games are art

Literature and films are one of the highest forms of art, along with paintings and poetry

seems like a shitty linear game


Yes, games have been steadily getting worse.

Yes if we consider films only (that is, excluding flicks, kinos and cinemas)


>A game
Yes, for now

If nothing else is worthwhile in the game then yes it does need gameplay, you can have good games with meh gameplay but good stories and such but that's not the case with VNs.

>there's a hierarchy among mediums

visual novels are just choose your own adventure books with voice and anime girls

>Yes, for now
Correction: Not yet*

I find it funny how much gamers demand artistic respect when they are the soul things holding back art in games.

>how to be wrong one every point the post

99.8% of all game stories sucks ass

>(300 or less pages), shouldn't take more than 2 hours to read.
so you read 2.5 pages every minute ?
thats almost levels

sole* fuck

>but we will be seeing more and more greatness

We haven't really seen any greatness from the medium so far so I think your expectations are a bit high. Even highly praised games like Planescape: Torment, Vampire: The Masquerade, Deus Ex etc., have juvenile themes and objectively awful writing.

The people that write video games are universally people that are too talentless to write professionally in other mediums. Your beloved Hideo Kojima is a perfect example of that.

I thought the same until I played BloodBorne.

According to this, tv shows are superior to movies.

The problem is that companies don't hire actual writers to write games, they hire bloggers and ""journalists"".

Dark Souls does what Bloodborne did well much better

you've obviously never player artificial academy 2

It's pretty meaningless to talk reading speed in pages rather than word count.


Not now, but in the future, yes.

Let's be honest, game stories now are b-movie tier at best. Shit like uncharted is the equivalent of some dumb action movie but for some reason is praised as 10/10 masterpiece.

in theory, I guess. I don't play many games, of those that I have none of them have come even remotely close to achieving it

BB isn't particularly artistic, it's a good entry-level game to the world of non-AAA mainstream shit but it's still only entry-level.

>video games are art

getting worse? how is that even a response? your initial post was that games were one dimensional rollercoasters with press x to advance. if you had to take that image from your post and apply it to any of the Witcher games the entire page would fill up with red lines. Complex games are still being made, check out taleworlds for example. Stop playing facebook games.

>this is for the players

saying they haven't been art is one thing, saying they'll never be is pretty dumb

Games were going in the right direction in the early 00's but they got hijacked by corporations who turned gaming into glorified gambling and shallow "snack media".

I have never met a respectable adult that regularly plays video games. Not once.

It's a theatrical piece, a play of the gods from a reality beyond.

has never played doki doki literature club

is online chess a videogame?


There isn't a more meaningless """""criticism""""" than this.

t. only watches/plays what shows up in the front page of IMDB/kotaku

No, it's a sport.

>who are pilots training in flight symulators, which are basically games
>soldiers training in simulators
you would be surprised

Games have branching storyline

then why does the janitor keep deleting the chess threads in Sup Forums?

Note how it's called a simulator and not a videogame, that's like saying marvel flicks are great because soldiers watch war footage.

Probably should be posted on /asp/

>films are one of the highest forms of art

Do you only read choose-your-own-adventure books? Because normal books are linear. They even have all the pages in numbered order...

>Vampire: The Masquerade
>juvenile themes and objectively awful writing.


ITT: manchildren

simulator is more or less a videogame
only difference, it's less arcady and with realistic physics implemented, nothing else.

out of those three you want to note the vampire game about not having juvenile themes?

No, it's not.
Completely different design goals.

I chose the one with the best writing


Imagine a group of adults talking about the latest kino and suddenly brainlet op approaches them like "bling bling wahoo *1up*".

go on, would read more.
main problem we face when making games is balancing realism and arcadish for pleasurable gameplay

>"hey man, cool it with the antisemitic remarks"

>Imagine a group of adults talking about the latest kino
You mean The Last Jedi? That's all any person you see irl will be talking about

this trailer

Of all the games you choose that game? Even every other souls game was better than bloodborne.



Games are to digital interactive media what unboxing videos are to visual media or twitter is to written media, they don't gain any value just because something else using the same media exists.
And simulators are the exact opposite of artistry so this is even more pointless.

that doesn't explain why you think simulators are not games

he hasn't played Mafia

>not reading in a realistic as-spoken pace to stylize the tone and emotions
It's almost like you have no understanding of imagination or how we perceive a story by interacting with our own emotions.

Ha just kidding #YOLO speed reading totally isn't a meme!

>t. numale brainlet

Bad Goodfellas rip-off.

So you guys are saying to me that when you play backgammon you don't give the pieces backstories, a coherent plot of their battle against the randomness of alternatives unravelling on the table and a insightfull, epiphanic ending?

You are telling me that in chess you don't live the drama of man against man, you don't keep track of the inner monologues of the pieces, you don't shout against your opponent with passion and confidence?

You are really saying that you don't access your inner mental dimension and identify your limitations as human beings in the game of go? Have you never cried for the sacrifices the anonymous heroes on the board do for you?

I pitty you all, of course you won't see the art in a game like Mario, you won't obssess about his free-will, his neverending quest of saving his love, his inner thoughts about the increasing obstacles and his will to give up, his deaths and comebacks... The art is inside you, but you choose to be a soulless passive drone. Plebs

Pretty much. Name one piece of fiction in cinema in the last decade that get’s anywhere close to something like the Witcher? That’s right you can’t, cinema is dead. Sup Forums takes win

for me neither books, movies nor games are art

i find art to be something abstract, leaving 100% for your interpretation, books, games and movies usually try to tell more or less story, even if leaving it up to you, it''s still somehow defined.

art in my sense is something that got no practical use, isn't entertining or doesn't try to to tell something. it is, just is, what you do is up to you.

Ever read a literary masterpiece? Obviously not otherwise you would not need any further explanations.

you're a dumb faggot

I know this is a joke, but that's exactly how I play sports video games desu

>art is art
wow, thats helpful. What a juvenile moron.

>writing can only be a literary masterpiece, or awful
It sounds like you're the one that needs to read more

more like
>art is something abstract, not trying to tell you something, but making you think about something

there's plenty of G-mods that do something similar to that

Huge if factual