This whole chinese sauce thing is amazingly retarded

This whole chinese sauce thing is amazingly retarded

>that's the joke.tiff

Why can't Rick just make the sauce himself? If there are infinite Ricks from infinite universes why can't he talk to the one who used to work at McDonald's and saw the recipe?

He probably can. Rick is a bald-faced liar. He probably doesn't even care about any sauce. He just wants to rattle Morty over how fickle he can seem.

heh, i like terry jones.

i saw a fanart on paheal of rick yelling at ashi for the sauce. good shit.

there aren't infinite ricks, there's a finite number of ricks from a trans-finite segment of the relevant segment of the infinite number of universes. that segment is itself infinite, but only a small percentage of the BIG infinity.

that said, I think part of him is worried it won't be as good as he remembered.

Like dude, Rick is like knowing of like infinite universes and shit so like you know why not just go to a universe that has that chink sauce dude.

It was one of Rick's "break the 4th wall" moments. Morty has no idea what the hell he's talking about. Rick is probably self aware that he's a cartoon character and his continued existence depends on people being interested in his show so he needs to hype it up / dramatize the new season.

Yep. At this point I'm convinced the creators are mocking the fans and trying to see how far they can push it before th viewers realize they are the joke.

I mean fuck, Mulan was released in 1998. The millennials who make up the target demographic for Rick and Morty, unless you fall on the edge of the group and are some loser actually being entertained by the show in your 30s, weren't even old enough to remember this tucking sauce.

He made an inside joke that the high majority of the viewers are not in on. They can't remember the taste. They can't remember missing it. They didn't even know it existed before this episode.

But man do they care now. Now that Rick loves the sauce oh you better believe they want it fucking bad. They miss something they never experienced and they shit references fucking everywhere.

I half expect the finale episode of R&M to just be Rick turning to the camera and taking a massive shit on the fans and mocking them for their enjoyment of the show.

>He made an inside joke that the high majority of the viewers are not in on.
He pretty explicitly explained the joke, though. You didn't have to be alive for Mulan to understand what he's driving at.

It was a pretty funny gag but a very Family Guy gag too. I'm not gonna bat an eye to any upcoming Mcdonalds promos but some people are gushing on how Genius this is. I can't believe people gush over this show, it's funny but doesn't really hold a candle to Futurama as I thought it could've when it first started.

>fans who enjoy show informed they are wrong

I'm pretty sure nobody remembers the taste even if you actually tried it.

It was an unmemorable promotion.

there's infinite universes but finite possibilities of how a universe can turn out

remember in the multi-dimensional cable episode how there was not a single reality where the birth of summer didn't trap her parents in a life of unfulfilled mundanity?

Exactly, I know so many "Nihilists" who worship tis fucking show as gospel even though it's fairly hit or miss, a sub-par Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy clone sometimes.

>mocking the fans
That whole episode was a middle finger to "lore" and conspiracy fags.

All these videos about Rick's origins and motivations and it all just ends up being about some McDonald's sauce from 20 years ago no one remembers.

I guarantee you they chose that sauce so they could get their fans to start going "dude I totally remember that sauce" despite them having 0 idea whatsoever about it.

Its either going to be actually disgusting sauce or it never actually existed.

>Yep. At this point I'm convinced the creators are mocking the fans and trying to see how far they can push it before th viewers realize they are the joke.

Or Rick just clinging onto a goofy memory of the last time he was happy.

>He made an inside joke that the high majority of the viewers are not in on. They can't remember the taste. They can't remember missing it. They didn't even know it existed before this episode.

It made me think just how easy is to influence people in this day and age, the best marketing tools right now are shilling and memes, and it works, can't fault them for trying what works

>he doubts that meme magic is real
Donald Trump is the president, Shia Lebouf was driven insane by a cartoon frog.

Anything is possible

At this point I don't think there is anything they could do to make the fans reconsider whether they like the show.

I mean fuck, Rick could have gone on a tangent about how he misses the multicolored ketchup sauces and you'd have the fans creating petitions and spamming twitter and shit

I mean what else can they do but reference mundane, decades old shit that the fans never experienced or remember? The fans still make themselves care just because Eick cares. They unironically think the creators are geniuses and this was a long con plot to bring back the fucking sauce

It's very, very obvious Justin Roiland wants the sauce back and realized he could use his army of fans to demand the sauce from McDonalds, especially since Mulan is an announced remake on the Disney docket.


What a shocker the show that attracts people who can relate to a lonely, autistic, self proclaimed genius has a massively retarded millennial fan base that will just eat up the shit they shovel at them

Whats hilarious is it didn't work. The fans were baffled that the McDonalds management didn't just jump on their autistic crusade

I know, but i would like a world that's a bit more sincere with what it wants and far less ironic in its aproach, maybe i stayed to long on Sup Forums but everyone seems to be a sarcastic bitter asshole that's "too good for this shit"

My point is that i don't want a shill and meme filled world, but thats what i got

What if in the infintely infinite possibilities, ours was the only one where McDonald's made a Szechuan Sauce to promote Disney's Mulan?

Like, he invented a dimensional travelling portal gun and can't find the one thing he actually wanted to get with it.

>b-but muh wisecrack and nhialism

They already did this lowkey in season one.


Except it flew over eveyones head and they all laughed at Morty and summer and didn't self reflect

He's lying about the sauce, though

>the show that attracts people who can relate to a lonely, autistic, self proclaimed genius has a massively retarded millennial fan base
But Sup Forums never cared for it, even before le epic szechuan meme came about. There were just occasional threads that never reached the bump limit.

>ours was the only one where McDonald's made a Szechuan Sauce to promote Disney's Mulan?

No, that dumb, the whole infinite posibilities literally means there's infinite universes with that sauce

I think it was explained in the show (As some kind of meta commentary about how he should not get a "Get out of jail free card" every time something goes wrong) that there's infinite universes but the portal gun itself onli has access to a limited pool of them, so he can't just have it all

This is probably a referrence to an outraged author(s) that really wanted to make a complaint about why there isn't any mickey D's szechuan sauce, and the directors thought it was a funny idea so it was cleared to be used in the episode.

Canonically, it's probably just a shield to hide his emotional problems and hidden past. . . But most of you probably already figured this out.

>so is rick just a complete asshole what's the joke

>wait, you said rick but it turns out he really is just a selfish asshole?

The show has been shitting on its fans forever.
They had that one episode where Rick makes some gibberish comment about the Duke of Milhaven or whatever, and Morty and Summer laugh and he says something like, "you liked that reference right? It wasn't a reference, I made it up, it was gibberish. You're fucking sheep, every one of you, fucking morons." 50/50 chance it was Season 1.

I don't think I've ever even tasted Any kind of szechuan sauce. I think it's nice that some media influence you to try new things.

it was season 2 episode 1

"Only when you're young, Morty".

Wait until the next season finale, where he really was a complex and deep character

And then wait for the next season premiere, where they dich that again

The difference is Sup Forums knows it's autistic. We know we are lonely because we are the fuck ups.

Rick and Morty requires the massive amount of faggot central denial that "its not your fault you are lonely, it's the world! Love isn't real, people who are smart and intelligent and know the world is meaningless are miserable like Rick!"

It's basically just an "intellectual" Sci Fi Catcher in the Rye that preaches that everyone who is happy and successful are either faking it or are assholes

Season 2 yeah, pretty funny, and yet the audience never learns

I wanted to ask, when does the new season start? Are they going to start from episode 1 again or from episode 2?

She probably could have if she didn't stop searching after 10 seconds

>Rick and Morty is an "intellectual" SciFi Catcher in the Rye with aethism and shitloads of nihilism

Pretty dead on. Doesn't Rick even go on some rant about schools being bullshit? That's straight out of that trash book

>getting this upset that people thought a sauce joke was funny

I think you don't understand people are being ironic about the Szechuan sauce, and I further think this is because you feel like you are smarter than others and the other people are being lead by their noses, but this is common in people and I really can't fault you.

If you think it's ironic you need to see their reactions to the company announcing they won't bring back the sauce

You'd think they had taken a massive shit in the creators mouth with how angry and confused the fans got

Why does Sup Forums act like anybody who enjoys watching Rick and Morty must agree with everything that Rick says? A lot of people enjoy the show from the perspective that Rick is a villain protagonist; an insane sociopath.

The joke with the sauce isn't "man, I miss that sauce too! i can relate!" The joke is "man, this crazy sociopath is obsessed with something stupid and inconsequential"

That is half the irony user. It never really mattered and it was done in jest.

>A lot of people enjoy the show from the perspective
I've met two prominent groups and online has backed it up for me.
a) Stoners who like the wacky ayylmao shit and thing totally random sauce is great
b) Deep fags who want to talk about the philo and think Rick is great
Technically there is a third but I haven't met them in numbers just one or two
c) Sup Forumscore fag who thinks there's some wit to gags but no deep meaning
Even amongst the Sup Forums core saying rick is a sociopathic man with nothing to live for is contested ground.

The flaw with your reasoning is that people who think Rick and Morty is a show about sarcasm and saying the opposite of what you mean most of the time aren't going to come out and say it, because that breaks the joke if you admit it's a joke.

Lets imagine two people; one person actually wants the Chinese sauce back because rick wants it back, and the other person doesn't give a fuck at all about the sauce but thinks it's funny that rick is obsessing over this stupid, random, entirely pointless thing.

If you asked if they care about the sauce online, they would both reply with literally the exact same reply. It would be impossible for you to distinguish them. They're not going to drop the facade of irony, because the higher the stakes go and the deeper the uncertainty becomes, the more amusing it is to wear the mask.

>Its ironic

Not him but, yeah, its ironic and its also 100% free shilling, everyone not into the jokey got hooked into this and did it for the memes, but people are still going to pay real money, not ironic money, for the products they advertice for free, they might even make reaction video about how good the sauce is, but you know, in an ironic way (More free advertising)

And i don't have a problem with the sauce itself or Rick and Morty, i just hate viral marketing and the gullible people that eat crap becouse its hip and trendy

They're effectively the same retard. One is the retard Rick worshiper who thinks shit is deep the other is a weed lmao-esque poster trying to be totally random and hilarious asking for retarded sauce.

To add to that, i would not be surprised if a huge chunk of those people did it unironically

There's nothing wrong with spending money to be entertained by a joke.

Do you get mad that people pay money for tickets to stand up comedy? Do you get mad that people pay money for cable television service which they use to watch comedy shows? There's absolutely nothing wrong with buying some mcnugget sauce if you can amuse yourself and others with it.

I am lost. Your wording is vague and I am not sure what you saying. Either:

1) You think that R&M conspired with McDonald to get free advertisement for a sauce they announced they would not be rereleasing

2) You think that R&M have a conspiracy to get their fans to talk about their show.

I need to understand before I decide how to insult you.

Why does it upset you so much that somebody finds a joke funny?

It's like getting mad at 9gag ragefaces. They're not funny, but it does no harm to you that other people are enjoying this other kind of comedy. It's not like there's an objective truth to comedy; what you find funny is a personal thing, and there is no correct answer.

The best you can hope to do is make a strawman and insult people who find something funny by imagining a hypothetical person who also likes the joke but has other, unrelated negative qualities for you to whine about. Like this guy
"the joke is bad because I can imagine a hypothetical person who likes the joke but also smokes marijuana". Come on, that's just a stupid argument. Have some self-awareness.

Oh my god it was one joke in one episode. Don't expect it to ever even be referenced again. Remember how much Mr. Meeseeks was beloved in season 1? We haven't even seen one of them in another episode since then aside from some tiny background element. The show rarely belabours or even revisits jokes. I sincerely expect we'll never see this one again.

That doesn't make any sense, they're shilling the sauce not the show itself

I don't consider myself a contrarian but its fucking disgusting how sheeplike people are showing themselves to be

>I need to understand before I decide how to insult you.

Butthurt much? Its neither, i just hate viral marketing and the people that eat it up with gusto becouse its trendy

You mean the thing you perpetuate by talking about?

Trying to wrap my head around why this hokey shit is embraced and already considered the greatest meme of the year, but companies pandering to people by using twitter niggerspeak or something equally blatant is looked at with scorn, makes me reconsider looking into how you get tested for autism. Because I don't understand one bit.

Green and purple ketchup doesn't deserve unearthing. I can say that with authority.

So blue is on the table?

That episode was fun.

Tbh, it is impossible to tell whether 1 or 2 is the case.
Maybe McD's slipped someone some cash to give them a new maymay (we're talking about corporations that literally pay people to maintain Twitter and Tumblr accounts, they are fucking stupid and waste money all the goddamn time) or maybe the writers just wanted to see how far a maymay they wanted to make could go.

Nothing any of you backwoods retards will say change anyone's opinion on this show right? If anything it's made me like it more.

>Haha they brought back Crystal Pepsi
>Okay lets be more zany
>Mcdonalds Mulan Movies Sauce

You probably got that the first time eh? clever boy that you are. Nobody else who likes this tripe could possibly have brought that dig to it's obvious conclusion without your super-brain.

That guy is still alive?

Yeah I know right? What are they playing at? Are they trying to get kids to drop out?

I like you. Nail on the head there I think. Very interesting how different communities react.

>If anything it's made me like it more.

You know, i never really liked that attitude, i don't like the tumblr crowd and their political correctness bullshit but it never crossed my mind to join the nazy party and tattoo an swastika in my forehead just to spite them

Im not talking about you specifically, you seem sane enough and just pissed, i just think being a contrarian is another way of being a sheep

>Yep. At this point I'm convinced the creators are mocking the fans and trying to see how far they can push it before th viewers realize they are the joke.
nope, that's retarded.

>I mean fuck, Mulan was released in 1998. The millennials who make up the target demographic for Rick and Morty, unless you fall on the edge of the group and are some loser actually being entertained by the show in your 30s, weren't even old enough to remember this tucking sauce.
Yes, because millennials totally know who David Cronenberg is and have seen Needful Things.
They always had niche jokes, the point is that they find it funny not that they want to piss off the fans. As much as it is a buzzword, you are projecting in the clearest sense of the word.

>He made an inside joke that the high majority of the viewers are not in on. They can't remember the taste. They can't remember missing it. They didn't even know it existed before this episode.
The point of the joke is that he wanted mcnugget sauce intensely, it's not an inside joke, that's like saying the eyeholes bit from the 2nd improv episode was an inside joke.

>I half expect the finale episode of R&M to just be Rick turning to the camera and taking a massive shit on the fans and mocking them for their enjoyment of the show.
R&M has never mocked the fans, and even if it did it wouldn't be out of malice. They've certainly screwed with the fans heads to get a reaction but lot's of shows do this.

>That whole episode was a middle finger to "lore" and conspiracy fags.
They were making fun of the idea of r&M ever having consistent lore, not at the fans themselves. It's a laughing with you not at you thing.


Rick and Morty is decidedly agnostic. Roiland has said this in interviews.

Wouldn't it be neat if they restarted in a new timeline just to piss everyone off?

I'm convinced these people are literally autistic.

t. libcuck

It's not a marketing thing, mcdonalds has made no plans to bring the sauce back and people who think they will are severely mentally handi-capped.

I'm pretty sure if you tested the majority of the underaged, uneducated homunculi on Sup Forums you really would discover a fair amount have some form of deficiency.

Point well taken. Now tell Sup Forums that the next time they froth at the mouth about wanting Channel Awesome to die because they commit the grave sin of being unfunny. (Not saying they are mind you. Channel Awesome HAS gotten worse)

Jesus, could you get MORE mad?

You do realize where we are don't you? Perpetuating unfunny jokes is kind of a thing. Hell, would you really be so surprised if it turns out that the sauce joke origionated from a /ck/ thread? R&M jokes are basically just a really watered down amalgamation of /lit/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums set over a sitcom framework. The only reason why it isn't that good is because Harmon won't commit fully to the stupidity. You're just annoyed because it's popular enough to draw in complete newfags.

>Wouldn't it be neat if they restarted in a new timeline just to piss everyone off?

Now THAT would be funny, but i doubt it, why expend money on an episode just for a fakeout?

I never had the pleasure, we only ever get limited product variety in Canada. Is mellow yellow still a thing down south?

>u mad
Are you sure that's what you're going with?

Yep. I'm continually surprised they still produce it, though.

Oh god it hurts so bad

I'm not even mad. Nice redlettermedia reaction image, though. I like their humor.

They could start an episode off that way and then it's slowly revealed to be a simulation. All though, I guess that already happened at the beginning of the new episode in a way.

None of that seemed mad to me. Just looks like he was participating in the discussion.

>But man do they care now. Now that Rick loves the sauce oh you better believe they want it fucking bad. They miss something they never experienced and they shit references fucking everywhere.
You like that Red Grin Grumble reference, kids?

That Ketchup was god awful. No one wants that back

>herp dee der u mad eksdee

Explain this Sup Forums
>Rick is the smartest man of the multiverse
>Cannot create a time machine and use it to get his beloved shitty mulan sauce

Time travel doesn't make sense. It isn't worth investing time in.

>Cannot create a time machine and use it to get his beloved shitty mulan sauce

Why go that far when he can

>Bribe some CEO for the recipe and made it himself
>Steal the recipe and made it himself
>Brainwash some CEO to make the sauce again

The most obvious answer is probably becouse it was just a joke in a silly cartoon and didn't expect anyone to think about it for more than 2 seconds

>mocking fans
Didn't stop the danganronpa series, the newest game pretty much called it's players pathetic losers for caring so much about this series and they still ate that shit up.

Didnt Roiland said he didnt want time travel on the show or something ?

You're like the former Queen of Tremblbabby of this site

>it's a ''Sup Forums gets autistic over one throwaway joke in a cartoon'' episode

>"people" in this thread being so autistic a throw away gag playing at the fucked-upness of a character that was built on being a moral and emotional fuck up has confused and enraged them for weeks.

This has to be the unfunniest and most forced "joke" I've ever seen.

what if im a deepfag but I think Rick is a terrible person?