Does he have the stupidest origin story? If not, then who?

Does he have the stupidest origin story? If not, then who?

Charles and Magneto's gay brain baby.

Read up on Kang the Conqueror's and tell me you didn't get an aneurysm.

Never really read any stuff with Kang in it but just looking at the guy, you'd know there's no way they can transfer that to the big screen

Guy looks like a failed attempt at a Halloween costume

>Does he have the stupidest origin story?
Composite Superman.

Adult Jason Todd/Red Hood, because of all that business with the Ayatollah Khomeini having a "prrrrrrropositionnnnnnn" for the Joker

Please fuck off back to Sup Forums. Comic characters should not be measured by "how easily could this be adapted to screen".

I agree with this man , there is no way you can explain hawkman origins without looking crazy


Well, Kang is tied up in the FF rights so we're never getting him.

But yeah, that's probably the dumbest metric you could possibly measure a character by.

Electro: I got powers from literally just being struck by lightning & holding some wires.

Doc Ock: I was wearing this scientific apparatus on me & now I'm a horrible freak that no one could ever love & must do ALL THE CRIME.

Hammerhead: I was in an accident, saw a poster from a crime movie & now talk like Edward G. Robinson & is the most ruthless expert of crime. Also he got a plate in his head that is indestructible from a mad scientist, but gives a literally completely-flat head.

>Well, Kang is tied up in the FF rights so we're never getting him.

FOX will probably trade him back eventually like they did Ego.

Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and the F4 seem to be the only ones FOX is determined to keep from the F4 license.

I remember there used to be a screen cap of someone trying, and that shit was hilarious.

They were trying to use the Mole Man in the last trash-fire, but they wrote it out. You'd think considering how much they like cheap easy villains they haven't used Annihilus or Blastaar. It's the easiest villain you can make: an alien overlord. Comparatively, you have Dr. Doom, a magical wizard who wears Iron Man armor & is also Hitler, Silver Surfer, a man with vague powers & little emotions, Galactus who has only one weakness & looks...relatively dumb most of the time... And even Mole Man is a dumpy man who was so angry at being short that he took over feeble-minded cave-people & an island of monsters to do his bidding.

Here's the thing, long-long ago (1962) in a NYC far-far away ... Stan Lee once seeded the foreshadowing of an epic mindfuck of a plot-twist in a little comic called "The X-Men".
Believe it or not, Stan's original arc was of the children of a superhero school discovering that the man who had recruited them to train as superheroes was none other than a supervillain himself!
It's true. Old Stan came right up to the edge of this big reveal, he even wrote Chuck Xavier attacking each X-Man in turn using a psychic ghost of himself casting illusions, zapping them with pain, and generally trying to kill everyone.
But someone just didn't have the stones to carry through.
Maybe it wasn't Stan himself, maybe someone talked him out of completing the story as planned, or maybe Xavier had grown on them over time and they wanted to keep the character, but once defeated the evil specter was explained away as only a nightmare given form by Xavier's telepathic mind.
They just couldn't pull the trigger on this.
And back to status quo they went. But of course there's this great storyline plot-twist all planned out and ready to go, so eventually they do it again, and again weasel out of their own story, and again, and again they don't follow through ...
There's at least a dozen stories over the years where Chuck Xavier has turned evil and run amok. It's been blamed on nightmares, multiple personalities, "monsters from the id!", a Brood Queen infection, insanity, the influence of Magneto's mind being partially absorbed, an evil twin switching identities, and good old fashioned evil psychic entity possession. Each time there was something to blame other than Xavier and he was redeemed.
Onslaught is just the lamest example of all of these.
But if it had been done right just once we wouldn't call it stupid.

What even is Hawkman' s origin? I'm too lazy to look it up.

>Stan's original arc was of the children of a superhero school discovering that the man who had recruited them to train as superheroes was none other than a supervillain himself!

Did this inspire Morrison's Doom Patrol run?

Composite Superman is a plot device, not a superhero.

Ancient Egyptian curse or somesuch where two lovers are eternally reincarnated to watch each other die. And there's alien bird-wing flight-packs.
Who knows?
Stan probably stole it off of an old movie or from an old book.
He does that. It's been said that Doctor Strange is a shameless rip-off of an old movie starring Bella Lugosi.
And despite Marvel and DC having a long history of ripping off each other's characters, Morrison actually takes a lot of inspiration from a great amount of y'know ... BOOK-books. So he might have lifted it straight from an original work.

The name X-men has a pretty stupid in-universe origin, if you ask me.

>That's why I call my students X-men, for ex-tra power!

>Hammerhead: I was in an accident, saw a poster from a crime movie & now talk like Edward G. Robinson & is the most ruthless expert of crime. Also he got a plate in his head that is indestructible from a mad scientist, but gives a literally completely-flat head.
It's funny, when I first heard about his origin I was like "Really? Really?"

>Did this inspire Morrison's Doom Patrol run?
Caulder backstory in the silver age had to play some role.

If you're talking stupid, the answer is always, always Cable.

Small time compared to Cable.

If this included all media I'd say Broly from DBZ.
But since it doesn't the silliest one I've had the pleasure of reading personally was Marcus Immortus.

Kang is very much a product of his time.

Find it please


First part

>tfw genuinely find Cable's backstory interesting and intriguing and really liked The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix

Do I just have shit taste?

No one origin story is more convoluted than Donna Troy’s. Not even Hawkman’s.

This isn't "Hawkman origins" so much as "the complete history of Hawkman comics, including all major comic events he participated in"

That's what I like about him. His outdated "futuristic" look is better than completely updating his futuristic look every 10 years, the more jarring the better.

If it makes him unfit for adaptation, so be it. Not that he looks that far off from someone like Ronan though.

>Electro: I got powers from literally just being struck by lightning & holding some wires.
Isn't that pretty close to how Barry Allen got his powers?

No whizzer has the stupidedt origin story
>be on expidition with your dad
>snake bites you
>moongoose kills snake
>dad injects you with blood of the mongoose that killed the snake
>you get super speed

Black Condor, the man raised by birds who threw himself off a cliff repeatedly until he learned to fly