Why is he so unpopular nowadays?

Why is he so unpopular nowadays?

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Man of Murder

The character isn't what makes a comic book good or bad. All that matters is the writer. And they tend to give Superman stories to bad, boring writers these days.



>'Cause no one wants to know
>The man who stands for things we outgrow
>He's too noble and too blind
>We're all older now
>And we don't need someone to care about
>The innocence we left behind

I think he's good


We're too cynical to appreciate Superman nowadays.

His books sell fairly well, he's not unpopular.

Just because his popularity is eclipsed by the brooding sadman in a bat costume doesn't mean he's unpopular.

Why does Superman allow bad things to happen in Gotham?

Superman has his hands full with Metropolis, where crazy shit seems to happen on a daily basis. One of his greatest enemies lives there, remember?

If it were Silver Age Superman, he could have saved the world twenty times over in less than a day. But that's not what it is amymore.

It's selling pretty well though. Bellow Batman, but still above most other heroes. If you mean the movies then it's because DC movies in general are a mess.

You only think he is unpopular because you've been listening to edgy mainstreamers who cum over everything Marvel, as well as animefags who resent the fact that Man of Steel made more money than anything related to their hobby.

>His book is in the top ten selling singles
>This means he's not popular

What did OP mean by this?

What the fuck does anime have to do with Man of Steel being shit? Or is this projection?

Well the movie didn't help

Cause he doesn't look or act like that anymore

>if you don't like Superman you're a bad person.

Maybe people don't appreciate that he's a beacon of conformity Johnson.

just loudmouth edgy juveniles thinking they're being clever

New 52, specially Geoff Johns' early portrayal in Justice League, which was used as the face of the modern Superman.

Because DC's media output has been shitty for a while now, the comics aren't relevant, the movies have been mediocre and there hasn't been a decent animated series since Young Justice. The only thing keeping them relevant is The Flash and Arrow and they're both quickly going to shit

Superman's status as the most powerful, important and beloved character of the company. That rubs someone people wrong. Specially when they show other heroes gushing about how great and hot Superman is or can't seem to do anything without his help.

That's also almost the same reason why most people dislike Batman as well.

Weak people would rather try and tear him down than bring themselves up to his level.

Between rebirth and super son he's doing quite well for himself, actually

In short, weebs don't like Superman and insist he's not as popular as their favorite annie mays; mediocre as MoS was, it drew more than they can even conceive

>Or is this projection?

Uh, no. That implies I'm secretly bitter about some fanbase, and I can't even imagine who I'd have to resent.

Because Gotham is Anti Life Central of DC Earth. That shit was funded by worshipers of the God of Evil and Tyranny Darkseid.

Purity is an untenable idea in today's society that values degeneration as the tool of empowerment and validation.

This is a perfect example of what I meant by:
People are primed to see opposition and resistance as inherently validating of their character. Takes real guts to be a freak and all that. Conformity is the enemy. Homogeny is supression.

there have been plenty of stories where Superman has been anti-conformist/institution i.e. the various times Lex Luthor has become president

>People are primed to see opposition and resistance as inherently validating of their character. Takes real guts to be a freak and all that. Conformity is the enemy. Homogeny is supression.

Said the dying nation.

go, clarky boy, go!

Come off it, dude, Superman's super popular. I say this as a Superfag myself, you guys have a persecution complex. He's consistently a top seller.

Yeah, turn the other cheek nigger.

Maybe you are one of those people who don't see their patterns unless they're laid out in front of them. I don't need to explain to you why conformity is bad, the idea of conformity as good has been debunked thousands of years ago.

>the idea of conformity as good has been debunked thousands of years ago.

that's why the best way to live is to do nothing but be contrarian in literally everything you do

Society wants me to wear clothes, bam, naked all the time

murder is 'illegal'? what a bunch of sheep!

You're a fucking idiot

Is this strawman that you just pulled out of your ass supposed to be an argument?

Are you American by any chance?

>Why does Superman allow bad things to happen in Gotham?

Because Bruce is a dick.

>i'm saying this because there are things growing in popularity that i personally do not like
Degradation and rebellion has always been in humanity, friend. There were kids putting their baby siblings into ovens in the 20s, and they'll do it today only now in microwaves.

I'm just pointing out that a blanket statement of 'conformity is bad' is probably the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life, everyone conforms to something in thousands of different ways every single day of their life with no negative consequences

Nobody was saying that, just that 100% conformity shouldn't be considered the end all be all. Being in a box 24/7 goes against human nature. You come off as feeling attacked for whatever reason.

>with no negative consequences

To them.
Some people argued the same as you when they were advised that slavery is bad.

Of course I'm thankful for everything I have, I'm just not thankful enough to ignore all the shit around me, whether it affects me or not.

He's a fucking white male cis heterossexual raised in a rural enviroment in a red state.

Of course there are examples of conformity being bad, but there are infinitely more examples of it being neutral or positive

Fuck off, Waid!

I've got a theory about this

Gotham is a shitty old place where no one but scum willingly lives, so it would make sense if there's just fuckin lead everywhere

The paint, the walls, the water, and I'm sure Bruce has found a way to turn the air into lead

Superman goes to Gotham and can't see shit

Did you just assume Superman's gender?

No, really did you? I can't tell. I don't know much about Kryptonian gender politics

This is the same guy that thinks racial profiling is wrong.
Legitimate statistics and all

I like Justice League Action but they only show that once a week at 6:00 am

WTF is this pseudo intellectual bullshit talk about in this thread. Every single one of you fucks is retarded. There isn't any complexity about his hate.

He looks like an old school boy scout fuckwit with every single powers out there that is played safely in other media.

Thanks to that he isn't relatable to a lot of stupid normies out there who do not have the capacity to enjoy stories about characters they can't wank off too as themselves.

Fuck off, you...Double nigger!

For some reason this made me laugh



He sold more merchandise than any marvel character last year outside Spiderman. You are retarded Op.

>question is about Superman
>starts blathering about Marvel


But he is popular, second best selling characters in DC, third best seller when it comes to merchandise, second best selling t shirts, etc.

Are you stupid? The point is that if you think that superman isn't popular it means no character outside batman and superman are popular. After ten years of media superman is still the third most popular superhero

Hey I'm just saying why some normies in the mainstream reality hate the guy not why he is popular. I am well aware he is popular. I like the guy too.

someone buying a shirt with the superman symbol on it doesn't mean he's popular, it just makes him iconic

Conformity to what? Society hasn't even been pretending to function by the standards he was written by since the 90s. He's a relic of a bygone age like Captain America, who was also thrown into the dumpster by Marvel for being incompatible with their current agenda.

Who still cares about truth, justice, and the American way in this day and age? Those are rules which bind people and force them to act fake feelings of pleasantness. People don't like rules, and they certainly don't like their enforcers.

Superman sucks because I can't relate to him

Lex Luthor is better

And 20 something idiots on Facebook disliking him doesn't Mean he isn't.

>thrown in the dumpster

Marvel Comics are retarded.

The truth is people don't like Superman much because he hasn't really been done well in any recent normie media work. From "Muh Jesus Allegory" to "evil superman #842", Superman gets a bad wrap in supplementary movies/vidya/tv. I think JLU was the last truly good Superman character adaption outside of the DCAU direct comic adaptions, and even then he was a little too safe as a character outside of some rare hype moments.

If DC put time and effort into making Superman a more relatable and likable character in the public image, they could make Superman more popular. But his iconography sells like gamgbusters as is, so there's no need to focus on him when they could be jerking off the infinite money geyser that is the Bat-Cock.

I'm not petty, I don't have a small penis and I'm not balding I can't relate to Lex.

I'm a lanklet so I relate to plastic man

>Second-best selling after Batman

so let me ask you a question why is he so popular nowadays?

>with every single powers out there that is played safely in other media.
This is the real reason. People who don't know anything about Superman but think they do going around sprouting this nonsense

> 1. Batman (2016-) #21
> 2. Superman (2016-) #21
> 3. Secret Empire (2017-) #0
> 4. Justice League (2016-) #19
> 5. Trinity (2016-) #8
> 6. Super Sons (2017-) #3
> 7. All Star Batman (2016-) #9
> 8. Invincible #135
> 9. Injustice 2 (2017-) #2
> 10. Sex Criminals #18

An unpopular character that outsells the entire industry with a basic issue? If we are going this way, then the entire Marvel outside of Spider-Man in unpopular, since Superman sells more than the others.

Superman is unpopular among normies edgelords, the kind of guy who only has read Waypool in his entire life. People who bother reading like him.


Sup Forums needs its own word for this.

I forgot about this song. Love this band.

People are too cynical for Superman.

Dude's books are doing great and he's back in the public eye thanks to the movies (regardless of quality). He's probably in the best place he's been right now in over a decade; if the movies start to shape up and become more crowd pleasing he'll be unstoppable

Smallville was really good for Superman in that regard. It showed him as a very human and flawed characters who still managed to make boys relate and girls wet their panties.

Yeah this. I know plenty of guys in my school back then who watched smallville.

Superman is a boring character

Honestly, it was "Superman Returns" that fucked Superman's Zeitgeist.

Back in the day (first three seasons), Smallville was one of the biggest nerd series, second only to "Lost".

Who is an interesting character, user?

Rainbow Dash

Barneyfags need not apply.

Atleast the superman zeitgeist is slowly recovering senpai

>looks at the FF and Spider-man

being a marvel fan these days is actually suffering

Superman Returns was truly bad yeah, you could tell they were trying to use it as a jumping off point for a DCEU alongside Nolan's Batman, but it drew poorly

What are you talking about? Superman is in one of his finest moments

I can't believe an adult man sit down a wrote that crap. It's even more unbelievable than adult men pay for this shit

Nobody read comics. Also the industry depend on the normies, the comic book sales are the most irrelevant part of the comic book industry.

Superman is the type of guy I can't ever be. I'm way too cynical and against rules. But yet I kind of find him inspiring. The thing is that his values are outdated. He is the same character in a different time.

It is a COMIC industry first and foremost. If Superman outsells everything Marvel and Superman is unpopular, then every character is unpopular.

>B-but the least common determinator prefer Marvel
This is really your fucking best answer?

Because DKR and shitty movies

Comics have been irrelevant since the crash on 1996. The Big 2 get their profit from licensing their IPs for games, TV shows, movies, etc.

>And they tend to give Superman stories to bad, boring writers these days.

In fact, his stories are pretty interesting nowadays.

Comics nowadays make way more money than ever. Stop being casual. If they performance was indifferent than Marvel or DC wouldn't cancel books with low sales.

And you know that Superman does more money in merchandising than any MCU character, right? Since they do worse than him both in comics and menchan, they are incredible unpopular, right?

They aren't showing the animated series, and the latest movies don't make him very likeable.

Nobody can identify with someone who was simply raised into the perfect human being by loving, caring parents and who has literally every power under the sun. It doesnt make for very interesting storytelling so have a god as a protagonist with 3 weaknesses which are basically afterthoughts: magic, kryptonite, no yellow sun.

Also Superman was created over 60 years ago. The world was far, far less creative back then, the bar was low. Superman was made to say "Wouldnt it be neat if someone could lift a car and stuff?" He was the first Superhero. The first draft of anything isn't ever going to be fully thought out or perfect.

Also that was before TV and the internet. By now every idea humanity could have ever come up with has been shared in some form. What are the odds that some invincible white guy from a half-assed, half thought out concept would still be anyone's favorite superhero?

Then why he sells more than 99% of Marvel heroes?

Because superman stands for everything that is good.
and people today hate good things

>Why is he so unpopular nowadays?
Just his image is being sullied, and that is unpopular. Hack Snyder indeed.

... Compared to who?
Superman is still the first thought of the term "superhero".
Comedy movie gonna have a generic big superhero full of powers? You bet he's gonna seem like a Superman parody.

It's a character that is recognized around the world.
A character who's death made national news.
A character who's movies still make hundreds of millions.

I think the best comics Superman has ever been in are the ones where he is raised by other people instead of the Kents, mostly because it makes us imagine how much could a person with so much power change depending on where thy were raised and how were they raised.

Probably my favorite ones are Flashpoint Paradox Superman and the amish Superman one.


Superman is like the Mickey Mouse of Cartoons. When you think about Mickey Mouse you think animation, and cartoons. Everyone knows of him, and because of that it is contrarian to like him. More people know, and love Mickey Mouse than hate him. Superman is THE superhero icon. No one will ever replace him as that.

heat vision hornyness is still canon in my mind

It is supposed to be one of his most energy using moves.

Which means he is basically going full orgasm for Solar Flares.

>Superbro storyarc is now about Superman getting stabbed in the balls mid orgasm, causing him to not be able to get an erection for about a year or so

I like how each version usually still has a lil bit of the Superman we know.
That he will always turn towards helping others and fighting evils.

Be he raised by communists, the El family, or even Hitler.
Except maybe radical alt Earths like Earth 3 or Superdemon Etrigan Earth.