Deadliest form of Bending?


They're all supposed to be evenly matched, that's kind of the whole point. Didn't Iroh teach you anything about balance?

always though of smashing another human between two fuck huge rocks as pretty brutal

>control someone's bodily fluids
>control plants
>control anything with water in it

>everything has air in it
>control everything

>everyone has body heat
>everyone has minerals in them
I mean if you want to go that way

water, they couldn't show it because it's a kid's show, but bloodbending could be used for really edgy instakills

>control someone's bodily fluids
Can literally be overcome by not being a little bitch, according to LoK.

>everything has air in it
>control everything
That's not how bending works. A mountain has earth in it, does that mean that earthbenders can move entire mountains? or move the entire planet?

Strongest bending is Fire. Lightning can defeat every other bending, except perhaps earth (and still earthbending is Very slow)

I mean, you could give a group of people an aneurysm with a twitch of your fingers, or rip someone apart leaving just his skeleton or shit like that. If you're a bloodbender pretty much everyone within reach of your bending is pretty much at your mercy

I mean he's not wrong. You and him are just proving 's point.

>A mountain has earth in it, does that mean that earthbenders can move entire mountains? or move the entire planet?
If they were strong enough, yes. Sadly not even the Avatar is a continent tier bender, nothing is in the show.

Avatar Kyoshi literally ripped a fuckhuge chunk of land off from a continent and turned it into an island.

Fire has an entire race under its belt. Who can beat those numbers?


Hence you know why they could shitstomp the other three combined

Depends what you mean and the strength of the user involved

I mean Earth Benders could probably cause the most outright damage if they are strong enough in some cases like destroying buildings and such

Waterbenders could mess up people (if they are bloodbenders or near large amounts of water) and could flood coastal areas

Yeah, a chunk smaller than Miami Beach.
It's something, I guess, thinking from it being like "I guess with some time and training they can do the "unhumanly unthinkable"" but that still isn't anything major. It just proves my point more that, yeah, I think if they were strong enough one "could" lift mountains or even shift the planet Chuck Norris style. But no one in the show, up to the Avatar, has shown that highest of powerful feats before. One notable thing was the Fire Avatar before Aang I think literally fighting off an erupting volcano. Too bad he still died in the end.

so could all the bendings if you knew how

air benders could suffocate anyone, fire benders could ignite the air in your lungs or around you, if an earthbender could grab minerals they can do whatever they want with your bones too


>literally stopping a persons bloodflow to their heart/brain or other vital organ systems

>could literally be used to create a vacuum to die in


>uhhh... hit people hard with rocks, metal or magma?

Earth seems the most fun to me.
Even if it is just throwing rocks and shit.
The crowd control would be unreal.
If I had earthbending I'd try to perfect tunneling and sensing vibrations through the earth.

The fact that they can lava bend any solid mineral means they could lava bend any mineral in you

Probably Earthbending if you go full Toph-mode and can sense people for miles.

Water, Air and Fire are pretty clear on what they can do.

I'm not sure about Earth. We've seen Lava, Various types of rocks and... didn't someone bend gems at some point?

Earthbenders could tear away the minerals away from your flesh and bone. A metalbender could impale you with an iron spike ripped from your bloodstream.

This. Though if I had a preference, I would choose earthbending. Its limited only by your imagination, and its fighting style/form is the best suit for me

>collect all the iron in someone's blood into a little ball, cutting off their ability to transport oxygen, then shredding their insides with it like a bullet
>make the ground under someone explode, tearing them apart with shrapnel
>crushing people

yeah Earth is all kinds of fucked

>Be an earthbender
>Practice every day
>Perfect quickly causing the ground below someone to grab them by the ankles
>Break ankles
>Spend the rest of the fight throwing, not bending just plan all throwing, rocks at person as they crawl around

In show:

Not in a Kids Show:
Water because of bloodbending otherwise Air

I wish Toph had done this at some point just to gloat

Fire bending is a power that is really cool in theory. But damn I'd rather have something that has some utility to it. Getting some sort of power that is mainly offensive would suck.

>being able to spontaneously generate radiant heat energy from your hands and electrical currents has no utility


Making things hot and shooting lighting that isn't incredibly simple to control just doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather be able to build constructs, sense things around me, dig, rock surf etc. I guess It's more of a preference, but I still feel like fire has the least utility of all of the elements.

She probably could have ripped off more if she had to, but it'd do unimaginable damage. She only did the very brief Avatar state for it, versus the ongoing one.

>no chapter with a bender smith crew

I thought you couldn't do that ongoing one manually? Isn't it triggered by great peril/emotions?

Firebenders used their bending to circumvent the industrial revolution. That's why they had fucking flying machines, tanks, and massive drills. They didn't need the steam engine or coal/oil to run things like people in real life and the other nations would need. They could run steel mills and make tons and tons of metal whereas other nations would have to work hard to melt and separate the iron from ore.
They could create heat energy from virtually nothing and that's how they conquered the world: with technology.

Wait are you saying an earth and fire bender that work in a smithing shop? That makes me so fucking hard

Water seems to have the most utility, like healing and drawing pure water from the Earth. Now that I think about it, how come water benders can heal? How does that apply to waterm

>Deadliest form of Bending?

Yeahhhh.... fair point. Just isn't for me. Surprised the Fire Nation didn't discover electricity faster. Was lightning bending only meant for high ranking officials of the Fire Nation or some shit? If they actually taught people they could have had some intense machines.

that's exactly what I'm talking about, friendo

But that's what madethe firenation so cool. One of the charms of the show was that the different nations integrated their bendikng abilities into ever part of their life. Infrastructure, military, logistics, architecture, etc.
The fire nation had engineers inside their giant machines that could use their bending abilities to control the flow of steam. Thin about the possibilities. Remember Mako working at the power plant?



It may be a superadvanced form of bloodbending where the bender bends the cells of the person into restitching the injuries internally and the blood loss moves back to its original position.

I thought it was because they were bending spiritual energy into the water. Not because the water was actually healing them. Didn't Katara get special water from a very spiritual area because it was better for healing?

What would be a viable and practical way for non-benders to combat benders of all types.

Jesus christ no. It's just bending spiritual energy and the water is a conduit. Nice try though.

Chi blocking.



why not just use bullets and shit

the average bender isn't fast enough to outbend a bullet. they have to kung fu first

When will they learn?

I'd still like to see an Earth Avatar suddenly awakening their bending in a world that has been without bending for over a hundred years because the equalist put an end to the Avatar and all bending.

People are dodging lightning and shit. Who knows.

Magneto doesn't have to kung fu first buddy
Plus he has some magnetic force field bull shit going on

bio and chemical weapons

If there were guns in the Avatar universe, eventually you'd find a villain who adapted to metalbending without having to do any movements. Hell, Amon didn't have to do much moving if any to bloodbend, so it stands to reason that you could do the same with metalbending. Eventually, like with lightning, it would become a thing that more than a handful of people could do.

didn't he get impaled by a chunk of metal?

That's irony for ya

Gun bending.

Haven't watched all of the show. What was the explanation for lightning being firebending? Shouldn't it be it's own element?



>genetically engineer a virus that slowly kills all benders
>introduce it into the water and food supply



Wouldn't it be fire? Everything else has a reasonable use. Fire just seems like it's meant to destroy.

the wall just got 90 gorillion miles taller, you little spic

This makes me despair for the future of the franchise (if anything)

How do you top spirit vine energy and mecha bullshit? The world has gone so far off the rails in setting and tone that a cold war equivalent is almost imminent within a decade or two after Korra's ending.

By the time an Earth Avatar is born, you either go Mad Max to prevent technology from getting too far, or you just squeeze that shit until you get magic spirit computers a la Megaman Zero

It's not about it being firebending. It's more complex than that in the Avatar world. Avatar likely gets its idea of fire bending from the Indian word Agni. It's basically saying it has three forms. The sun, regular fire and lightning. I don't think the correlation is supposed to be scientific. Also the only reason I'm sure it's based on the idea of Agni is because they call their fights "Agni kai"

Lightning Generation was a circlejerk technique for those close to the royal family and the Avatar.

Once it stopped being circlejerked people like Mako and Lightning Bolt Zolt were able to master it.

>Metal bending avatar that just spider-mans around the city.

Eh. As much as I liked Korra, I wish the ending was a bit bleak. It would have been great to see a new world that has suffered from the Avatar line being broken only to have it somehow restart a hundred or so years later.

radio frequency bending

We know that as the world's understanding of science increases, so do the ways in which people can bend. The series has always followed this pattern.

How fucking mad would you be if you were a non-bender? I'd join a non-bender version of Amon real quick.

>This makes me despair for the future of the franchise (if anything)
That's why you don't go forward. Instead make snippets of past Avatars or get actual writers so the future doesn't lose anymore sense for its setting and roots.

If you go by """realistic""" physics, lightning should be based of air partly because of friction.

In the show, Firebending is all about the energy from within, remember Iroh saying the source of all Firebending is the Chi/Ki you build up by proper breathing. lightning is introducing as splitting your internal energy into positive and negative halves, and then suddenly letting them come back together again, the energy released from this fusion is lightning.

It's actually really well introduced since Iroh explains the relationship between the four elements and how they interact with each other (which also gives autists like me enough reason to overlook weird scenarios like Minerals, Mud or Lava being bent.)

Do everything I can do to meet the avatar or find a fucking Lion Turtle.
Have they every said if the Avatar could grant bending?

It's superheated gas entering a plasma state. Which is the same thing as fire, it's just ionized.

Or the more basic spiritual way to look at it is that fire and lightning are both just energy, and that's essentially what's being bent. And not the mystical Cosmic Energy that exist in Avatar, but just the heat energy of the physical world.

Lightning has pretty much never been its own element in any classical elemental system, whether Western or Eastern.

Just leave Republic City. Nobody was complaining in the Fire, Water, or Earth nations about bending.

Lava really isn't too crazy. You'd just have to be able to vibrate the earth enough to force it to heat up.

Wouldn't knowing that other people were born with supernatural powers, where as you're a filthy non-bender, bother you? Wouldn't it make you want to commit genocide?

are you fucking stupid

you're worse than CoD babbies RHEEEEING at anything that looks too futuristic and too UNREALISTIK in their ludicrous escapist shooting gallery game.


Just don't bend it to much

I honestly don't get why people got so upset about Korra's setting. The fire nation had war blimps and all kinds of crazy shit. The jump to Korra isn't that crazy.

In a future society, Fire bending would be the strongest do to the ability to manipulate electricity.

I don't want to genocide the blacks for being better at sports than I am, so no, not really.

are you fucking autistic?

from what i see its some fucking idiots just bitching some retard told me that didn't have factories in the original

>comparing being better at sports to being able to lift a giant boulder 50 feet into the air
Yeah, no. Especially when everyone important is a bender and the only job available for non-bender peasants is being a cabbage vendor.

Only if there's fine control. If the extent of your electrical ability is "fire a lightning bolt and short out equipment" then it's useful, sure, but not scenario-breakingly so. Plenty of modern equipment is geared up to deal with lightning and EMP bursts and the like, even excusing that the only ability is to break shit.

Generating power is an exceptionally useful skill for sure, but that's only when there's very specific equipment around to be able to capture and utilise that power. Even then that doesn't make Fire more deadly.

it only killed everybody you idiot benders are the same as regular humans fool

To what extent do you assume they would control it? It's supposed to be this incredibly dangerous technique that also seems to only be able to go in kind of a straight line. I won't start shitting my pants over lightning bending until they start doing AOE attacks and shit.

There's literally an entire episode of ATLA about how a big industrial factory is polluting the water a nearby village relies upon.

Those people are fucking morons.

Not that guy, but it seems the human body is capable of much more in the Avatarverse than in real life. Sokka, Ty Lee and presumably Zaheer (Before Convergence) did so much insane shit and were not killed by being burnt/smashed/frostbitten that I think being a non-bender would be a very big upgrade from your current human status anyways.

Yes but that's real science you're talking about. The show likes to adhere to the classical view of the elements, and I find weird that they decided to introduce bending of gems, sand (crystals) coal and so on, before Lava, which would have been anyone's first guess if they weren't so insistent with the Avatar being the only one able to do creative mixing shit.

You don't have to exaggerate my argument to refute it, you can like a constantly changing setting, user.
My only gripe with the technological leap in the Avatar world is that thanks to Korra's fucking retarded retcons, the world with elemental control somehow took 10,000 years to move from the Bronze Age to the Industrial revolution, so there was a precedent of stagnation like in other fantasy works. Then, suddenly you push this shit into 20's New York within 70 years, which doesn't sound so bad, but it's very clear they didn't plan this far ahead. Bryke losing their writers really hurt the lore.

>What would be a viable and practical way for non-benders to combat benders of all types.
git gud

There's distinct spiritual and genetic components to being a bender, actually, according to the showrunners. Neither of the halves is enough alone, but a genetic component should have potential for a virus that can isolate and act upon that trigger.

They could just give you kidney stones

Those aren't benders those are dudes with spears.

>literally needs a bender to ice the place up to be able to move the way he does

Great fucking example, friendo.

Wait a minute, they're MUTIES?