How do i get into coding, i want to be prepared for the cyberpunk future ahead of us by learning some useful skills

How do i get into coding, i want to be prepared for the cyberpunk future ahead of us by learning some useful skills.

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writeln('Hello world!');

but ignore it, go for C++/C# or JavaScript. Most popular and used ones. JS is in smartphones for example.

how long does it take to learn or at least be somewhat capable in a programming language?

>tfw afraid im destined to be a slave in the cyberpunk future because I suck at math so I cant learn how to code or be an electrician

oh shit you have to know math for this shit? well there goes my dream

depends how good you are. it's all about creativity, algorythms and data processing.
you don't really need to know syntax as mostly modern programming tools hint a lot.
You should be able to code basic calculator (+,-, *, /) within a week in pretty much any programming language.

yes of course, it's all about maths, functions etc. movies show turds taptaptapping few letters, in fact you spend more time designing algorithm and testing every possible option than actually programming shit

how about you start with games about programming like TIS-100, Spacechem, Shenzen i/o or Duskers and see if you even have a knack for it.

also if you don't really like math, can start with webdesigning. CSS styling and other shits are "math-free" (if anything in IT can be called like this) so as long as you don't need php it's fine.

>start with
So eventually OP and me have to learn math anyway unless we want to starve

rather ye, but once you get started with this, it gets easier.

Real men code in Assembly.

ye.. elevators and microwaves.

>JS is in smartphones for example.
>Sup Forums on programming.jpg

Can you even make money coding anymore if youre this late to the game

Make a gimmicky niche app and then shill the fuck out of it

Notch literally made $1 billion shilling on Sup Forums

you don't have to know math to be an electrician you fucking tard, go apply for a job somewhere you'll learn all you need to know to start being an electrician in like 2 months... although you won't be a good electrician any time fast but I promise there's not much math involved

t. working electrician that started 2 years ago

Java, my bad. JS is web scripting... which is also present on smartphones

>mfw the message of the series is how the fight between young IT-companies *not thinking* about the consequences of their actions against old corporate moguls *not caring* about the consequences of their actions fucks up the whole world

In my country you need to go to school for 2 years, then be an unpaid apprentice for 1 year and then a (low)paid apprentice for another year before you get a license to be an electrician.

I wanted to join the local union but they only take apprentices once a year and I missed the application cutoff for 2017 so im just sitting with my thumb up my ass till next fall

even if im an unpaid apprentice id take it

in my country instead of going to a regular HS you have specialised HS, the one I went to was electrical/technical, and my curriculum(I don't know the word for it) was all about computer engineering. After you finish that you can work as a computer technician(it's the hardest of all other courses so you can work as really any technician for anything)

I did a tunnel(6 months terrain living on border with bulgaria, my first job). 5 of us made two fucking tunnels, even the president to see it.

it's a great job, everybody everywhere always needs electricians, it's like people eat us, there's always a need, and the money I make is the same a fucking university professor makes


JavaScript is cancer and everyone who works with it hates it. If you have a specific career in mind where JS is relevant (web shit) then go ahead and torture yourself. But if you're just interested in basic "coding" to get an idea of what making computers do things is like then start with Java (NO relation to javascript), then later move "down" to C (more complex, the same thing is usually harder to write in C than in Java), then "up" to C++ if you want to do something with performance (graphics engines are all written in C++ for instance, lots of other things, too). Not sure what C# is used for to be honest, except for user scripts in the Unity game engine. I can't really judge it, the little I did with it felt almost identical to Java, just different keywords but the same structure usually.

Java = modern language with bad performance (it's designed for ease of use in cases where performance is not relevant)

C = "the" programming language, but old and feels like it

C++ = improved C ("object oriented" like Java but just as performant as C)

It's debatable whether you should skip C and move straight to C++. It's also debatable whether an amateur beginner needs to be bothering with more than one language at all. So tl,dr: Start with Java. Don't overthink it right away.

Here are some basic challenges that will help you figure out Java:
Obviously read the documentation and when that's not enough watch tutorials.