Palpatine “killed” Plagueis in his sleep

>Palpatine “killed” Plagueis in his sleep
>Luke tries to kill Ben in his sleep
>Ben joins the Snoke because Snoke is Plagueis and they both almost got murdered while sleeping


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How us Snoke, Plagueis


How us your, English?



All this is Luke's fault 2bh

What the fuck. Shills said all Luke did was contemplating killing Ben in a moment of weakness but Kylo misunderstood at the last moment. Bullshit Luke has clearly resolved to kill him

Go watch the fucking movie you faggot.

Perhaps the Darth Plagueis story was bullshit just based on a fuzzy vision of the future Palpatine had.

That's why he put himself on a self-chosen exile. He's guilty as fuck.

>Luke feels darkness in his nephew
>Contemplates and plans his murder to the point of actually going into Ben's room while he's asleep and igniting his saber
>Only after igniting his saber does he realize this is a bad idea
I've said it before but I'll say it again. Why did Johnson and the writers even think Luke had the capacity to do this?

>Captcha: Scoglitti Sutter
My new SW name

How did Mauze or however you spell her name get Luke's lightsaber?

Because he's a hero who has saved the galaxy and thinks he's preventing another Palpatine/Vader. He knows his parents are going to suffer and he doesn't want them to go through that. But ironically his actions created Kylo Ren.

According to an old TFA script leak Kylo somehow got it (I forgot the details or if there were any) and that's what we see him carry in the rain scene with his knights. Then Maz snuck in and stole it from him.

>Just throw some weak justification behind it, and that means it makes perfect sense for the most notable hero in western fiction of the last 50 years to try to kill his sleeping nephew
The absolute STATE of Disney shills.

It's quite sad/gay

In the movie Luke and him tell the story different. Flashbacks are the same though. Luke in the movie says he only contemplated it in a moment of weakness, was about to flip on his saber. Then he says he was going to leave but the kylo saw him standing there. The flashbacks are pretty clear though. Luke walks in, contemplates killing him(Kylo wakes up while he is contemplating) and goes for his saber immediately after seeing Luke there. And Luke doesnt hesitate at all and tries to kill him. There is only one clash of the sabers and Kylo uses the force to being down the roof. Luke emerges from the rubble later and sees his school in the distance burning down. You never see any other students.


So you're telling me the man who walked into the Death Star alone with the sole purpose of redeeming his Sith Lord father would decide to assassinate his nephew because of some vague visions of the future and only snap out of it AFTER he sneaks into his room, ignites his saber, and readies it to strike down Ben?

So Luke just conveniently forgot Yoda's words?

>Flashbacks are the same though

they're not. The clash is entirely different. In Kylo's version Luke is swinging down on him and Kylo draws his saber to defend. In Luke's Kylo makes the first move and swings from the left.

The Nephewkiller gif and Ben's perspective are from the same flashback. So Luke swung first in both.

>Luke swung first
And so it came to pass that another dank meme was born.

The thing is it not only ruins all future SW movies, it also retroactively ruins the past films and makes them all look like idiots.

>A New Hope - "Sir we've worked out the final plan for the assault on the death star and it will be risky and cost many lives but it migh-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it"

>Empire - "Sir the troops are ready for the ground assault on Hoth, walkers are ready to deploy" "Just Hyperspace-Ram the shield generator from orbit then Hyperspace-ram the rebel base. Boom. All the rebels will be dead before they can evacuate, wars over, and we never had to do a ground assault"

>Jedi - "Sir they built a new death star and it's even bigg-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it" "But sir its surrounded by a shield from the Endor moo-" "Just hyperspace ram the endor Moon until you take out the shield generator, Ewoks are collateral damage, then hyperspace ram the new death star"

>Phantom Menace - "Annakin you have to take out that droid controller" "Just hyperspace ram it"

>Rogue One - "We have to take down that shield generator!" "Just hyperspace ra- actually you know what were going to just hyperspace ram the death star anyway so we don't even need these stupid plans. Lets get out of here everybody."

>TFA - My god they built an even BIGGER death sta-" "Just hyperspace ram it"

From now on, in every star wars movie ever made, every single time there is a massive fleet, large base or battlestation everyone watching will be thinking. "Why don't they just hyperspace-ram it". Johnson did this to the entire star wars cinematic universe, forever, for the sake of a ten second shot that "looked cool".

And he has en evil face in both like he truly desires to kill him. Luke was full blown in kill mode and him saying otherwise is a lie. We seen it

Rian Johnson probably "marathoned" the series i.e. was on his phone except for the iconic parts and then scribbled a script together in a weekend.

The real pottery
>Anakin, Luke, and Ben have all exhibited a tendency to kill children. Ben burned down the school which we can assume was full of kids.