"She's NOT a Mary Sue in this one!!!"

>"She's NOT a Mary Sue in this one!!!"

What did they mean by this?

That everyone was too shit in the movie to be called a mary sue.

Jay fucks little boys

In the basis that she fails at what she set out to do, also she would've got her melon split if Kylo didn't turn sides

Their kind of right since she's a fucking asshole and attacks and old man with a deadly weapon.

I can't believe you faggots are getting obsessed over this. You really will get triggered by the mildest of comments, wont you?

>What did they mean by this?
I think he meant that she fails at everything she tries to do and so does everyone else in the movie. Because that's literally what happens.

Still raping little boys Jay? Yeah you sick fuck I bet you like It when you share the same hole with Rich

>hurr durr ur a dumb mosgynist if you you think it's unreasonable for 2 people who have never used the force or lightsabers to win a fight against a guy trained by Luke Skywalker and able to use the force to stop blaster fire in mid air
>durr he was injured!
I like these guys usually but this was the stupidest fucking shit.
Yes Kylo Ren was injured, but he's been trained in the force and with lightsabers since he was a fucking child, and his opponents had literally touched a lightsaber for the first time a couple hours ago, he should've won that fight, even if he just had to use some force bullshit to give himself time to escape. In context of everything else Ma-Rey Sue did in that film it's obvious she won because the writer wanted her to be OP, not because Kylo was injured.

They also deny she's a Mary Sue in the first one by imitating people who thought she was a Mary Sue in a grating, childish voice.

She isn't, because the movie isn't entirely obsessed with making her the center of the universe, but some of it still bled over from TFA
>She fights Luke for a bit and completely overpowers him
>She fell for the temptation of the dark side in the cave only to come out completely unscathed, without any real sense of development or even so much as a disapproving look from Luke
>Her anime fight with Snoke's guards

They're right. She wasn't a Mary Sue in this one.
She just has no real importance in the story. It's odd that in the push for a strong female character, her only real connection/importance to the plot is a connection to the main male character (Kylo Ren).

They went soft on the review because Rian Johnson is a RLM fan.


>I get triggered when people point out things that are objectively true

no she doesn't

How can people still watch these hacks after their gushing over Force Awakens? Have you no self-respect?

He makes suggestive comments about Jack's kids sometimes going as far as to lick his lips. It's on pre rec

Kylo had never been in a lightsaber duel before either. He had Rey on the run and was easily beating her, until he let his emotions take over when he asked her to join him

>They went soft on the review
They say the movie is a mess and they wouldn't recommend it and have no interest in any future Star Wars movies. Yeah, sure went soft.

>Sup Forums takes seriously the opinions of the guys who made this garbage

Mike also gushed about the derivative cash grab that was Jurassic World.

I never finished a Plinkett Star Wars review. Some of the shorter ones are funny because of the Plinkett character, but the reviews are nothing more than nit picking.

I don't think loudly exclaiming "have you even SEEN Star Wars?" after making a Star Wars film is going soft on him

>RLM didn't like the movie, but they didn't NOT like the movie enough!!

They messed up really bad in their TFA review for defending rey's character
>charismatic as hell!
They know this but don't want to admit they were wrong because it could potentially invalidate all their opinions on star wars so they will grab at anything so they can seem like they were right.

Jack has kids? That bald penis thing that looks like ET?

Space Cop is the finest film of 2016.

Show me when he says this

He posts photos on twitter.

>What did they mean by this?
no one did anything

He can't because it's not reality. Welcome to Sup Forums.

She really isn't a Mary Sue in this one, though. I didn't like her in TFA, but she is not portrayed as perfect in this movie.

I fucking hate regular people, so I'll go with the critics.

Honestly this is part of their problem now. Ever since they met Max and Len, they don't really like shitting all over movies and the people behind them anymore. Once you meet the people behind the work you criticize, it becomes difficult to separate them from the work. Knowing that Rian liked them more than likely played a factor in them holding back. Their fame, however small, has changed them and now it's not so easy to rip shitty movies apart anymore.

>Sup Forums hopes RLM will shit on The Last Jedi
>RLM shits on The Last Jedi
>Sup Forums does mental gymnastics to find reason to shit on RLM for their negative review of The Last Jedi
Do you faggots ever get exhausted from trying so hard to be contrarian all the time?

The definition of Mary-Sue has become as diluted as the definition of weeaboo.

RLM are old men like me so they know the actual original definition of Mary-Sue which you either have to be a 13 year old shut-in fujoshi or going for it on purpose to achieve

You fucking kids are destroying language itself

It's true. She kills one royal guard and struggles the entire fight, while Kylo kills about eight guys one after another. That's about the difference in skill and power that should be between them.

kys shill

>and now it's not so easy to rip shitty movies apart anymore
And yet, they rip shitty movies apart all the time still.

>The Last Jedi is the cinematic equivalent of Homer's makeup shotgun
>They put Star Wars in a grave and buried it
Yeah, they really pulled their punches.

>trained by Luke Skywalker and some Sith lord bad enough to ressurect the Empire
>somehow inexperienced with lightsabers
You know how retarded that sounds right?
Luke was able to go toe to toe with Vader after like a week's training.

Don't forget
>wheel spinning: the movie

She isn't though.

She IS unreasonably powerful and its stupid how unexplained it is. But she isn't unflawed. Obviously she's emotionally vulnerable and has abandonment issues, and couldn't beat Snoke, etc.

But when you consider that SHE predicted Kylo would turn instead of Snoke, that she basically schooled Luke in what he should do morality-wise, AND she also raised tons of boulders without training its pretty stupid.

Hell, she even knows how to swim despite living on a desert planet her entire life, and she resists the darkside when she goes into the cave when Luke couldn't do the same.

>The Last Jedi is the cinematic equivalent of Homer's makeup shotgun
that was great. I also loved the line comparing how they treated Han, Luke and Leia with every Beatle but Ringo getting shot

>Their fame, however small, has changed them and now it's not so easy to rip shitty movies apart anymore.
You are kind of contradicting yourself here. Ignoring the fact that they (especially Mike) were pretty harsh on TLJ, if they did hold back it was likely, as you said, because Johnson seems to like them and they feel bad for making fun of people who seem to like RLM or interact with them in some way. It has little to nothing to do with their fame.

Not sure what people here were expecting, they made fun of angry fanboys and criticized the movie, they didn't recommend it or seem to like it. Their review was keeping with what they are known for, they just seemed kind of disorganized and unprepared (probably because they were rushing this) and it came across in the video.

No, it's actually pretty clear cut.

Rey is:
>Beautiful, yet plain
>Without Flaw
>Loved by All

Jay is such a faggot he can't admit he fawned over derivative corporate bile like The Force Awakens. Mike seems utterly defeated, probably realizing what a moron he is for being essentially hypnotized by a hack like JJ Abrams.

Then they say that Luke questioning the moral groundwork of the whole universe as "interesting". The Plinkett reviews deride the prequels time and again for even hinting at moral ambiguity. These guys contradict themselves constantly.

>She IS unreasonably powerful and its stupid how unexplained it is
Rian sort of tried to have Snoke and Luke explain it.

Snoke talks about how Kylo is so bullshit strong that his rising meant the force would make an equally powerful light side user, and since Luke cut himself off from the force it couldn't be him.

The problem with lifting the boulders isn't the act itself, it's that they call out lifting boulders as a stupid use of the force early on and there's no emotional content or struggle in lifting them - she just gets there in time.

Jack got mad when someone in caht called her MaRey Sue and insisted that Luke was one too.

Jack is a child molestor.

Jay *is* a little boy

>Jay, you're doing a voice
best part of the review

Those guys REALLY need to lay off the soy. Geez.

But it gave Mike such a nice pair of tits.

>RLM points out that Rey fails at literally everything she does in The Last Jedi
>Sup Forums somehow has a problem with this complaint

Says the guy posting anime hahahahahahahahahahabaha

They said fuck all about misogyny. Your insecurity is leaking, Sup Forums .

>friend of mine buys space cop on blu ray
>comes with 2 plinkett stickers
>gives me one
>i put it over jake lloyds face on the phantom menace vhs i have
>almost always forget its there
>laugh when i remember
best thing to come from that movie honestly
i really think they just shoved space cop out the door so if anyone else tries a similar idea and is successful rlm can sue.
the concept of 2 cops out of time is pretty cool, but wasted with rlms humor. i liked the red head girl who was an alien. her hokey acting was the right kind of intentional cheesy and really worked for me. mike, and to a lesser extent rich really felt like they wanted to get it over with. their acting in the first trailer from like 2012 felt more passionate

To be fair, everyone else fucked up too, but Rey just somehow fucked up the least.

Also consider the fight against the guards. The fact the red guards don't gang up on the weaker fighter and kill her first as any group with any grasp of tactics would shows how much plot armor she's got

>gets schooled by luke
>gets tooled by snoke

Still pretty insane that she fought the Praetorian guards... but at least she wasnt perfect in this one.

tas ey big hed

You're right, they just childishly mock people who point out Rey is a Mary Sue and heavily imply people only say this because she's a woman.
It's perfectly understandable for a woman to know how to pilot a space ship she's never piloted before better than the man who's owned it for 40 years. Its perfectly reasonable that she would also know how to fix it better than him. Its perfectly reasonable that she should be so super good with the force that she can resist interrogation and then immediately teach herself how to use jedi mind tricks. It's perfectly reasonable that she can beat Kylo Ren in a fight (and so can her pet monkey) despite never having held a lightsaber before until just a few hours ago. And if you disagree with anything I just said you're worthy of childish mockery.

Sorry, let me just get you a direct quote (mocking voice will be in caps):
>there's a great moment early on that's kind of...er...a little bit meta where he's like: you got beat by a girl with a lightsaber! 'Cause that was like people complained about that in the last movie, even though they established that he was injured and that's why she was able to...
>he got shot in the kidney and was bleeding to death
>'Cause he was- he was barely experienced, and so was she
>you're doing a voice, you're doing an internet guy voice
So they establish that they think people complained that he got beaten by a girl with a lightsaber, then proceeded to mock that strawman, while saying she won because neither of them were experienced and he was injured. You'd have to be a retard to believe this.
Injured or not Kylo was still trained from childhood to be a Jedi, Rey had literally never held a light saber before. Kylo can stop blaster fire in mid air with the force, and Rey only learned about the force that same fucking day. There is literally no logical reason for the lightsaber moves Rey was doing in that fight, or the fact that she was more powerful in the force allowing her to pull the lightsaber Kylo was trying to pull. Remember when Luke first tried to use the force to move a lightsaber? Did he fucking do it first try, in the middle of a fight, on the same day he learned about the force, having to pull against the force of possibly the most powerful force user we've ever seen? Fucking no.

In TFA she's absolutely a Mary Sue
In TLJ she's almost a non-character
And at the end all this means is that nuWars can't tell a competent story to save their lives.

>RLM trashes The Last Jedi
>says it's a messy film
>says Star Wars itself is creatively bankrupt
>says TLJ killed all interest in future movies
>autists on Sup Forums somehow interpret this as them defending the movie
Yes, Disney paid RLM to say that their movie is a generic, uninspired mess and they have no further interest in the franchise. 7D chess.

Snoke says something about creating a force bond between them, which in theory would explain literally everything she gets away with doing in TFA.

It is compared to what they should have said.

Oh gee, then why train padawans when you can just force-bond them to a master jedi for a few days, making them exactly as powerful and effective?

these guys have typical pedestrian consumerist taste, the same as the rest of the general audience they make fun of. they love cash ins like jurassic world, they like quippy schlock like the mcu. why does hollywood keep producing endless trash? because audiences like redlettermedia keep gobbling it up.

Maybe it requires an uncommon level of compatibility or something most force users can't control? I'm not saying it's a reason that's easy to like, just that there's a reason where there was once a void

Jay didn't think she was a Mary Sue in the first one either.

Anyone else find it ironic how the RLM review was just as disappointing as the movie?

I was excited for Last Jedi, but then it was nothing. Then I got excited that RLM will tear it apart, but then it was nothing.

I don’t even get it, are they just really insecure about whether or not they’ll be viewed as sexists or something so they need to remind themselves more than anyone else that Rey isn’t a Mary Sue? It’s so odd that they could trying to dig up justifications when at the end of the day Rey still overpowered a Jedi master and a bunch of trained imperial elite guards.
I’m not even opposed to female characters being strong and confident and shit but Rey is a terrible character to begin with.

It's just bad fucking writing and it's about time people stopped pretending it's anything else.

She couldn't stop snoke from doing whatever the fuck he wanted. So for that alone she loses Mary Sue status. Still OP but not a Mary Sue.

can i get a quick rundown on this?

>fails to get Luke to come back
>fails to get Luke to train her properly
>fails to turn Kylo to the light
>fails to do anything to Snoke
>fails to save the resistance as hundreds die

Oh but she moved some rocks so she's a mary sue

They say it's "messy", not a mess, and they do recommend it. They also say they have "no interest", they say there's nothing left to look forward to unlike TFA which had unanswered questions.

You're literally putting what you want to hear from them on their words.

Rey only overpowered Luke because he's old, stopped giving a shit for several years, and turned off his connection to the force. People seem to forget that her entire life on Jakku had her training constantly with her staff and being a competent fighter. Despite that, during the throne room scene, she spent the whole time fighting only one or two guards and struggled the whole time against them

>still manages to overpower Luke and Kylo in the span of a few days
>still saves hundreds of rebels using the force from a bullshit lesson that was never touched upon again
>still managed to fly a spaceship despite having no experience ever doing it
Oh but she lost to Snoke so she’s NOT a Mary Sue

>Rey still overpowered a Jedi master and a bunch of trained imperial elite guards.
This is the shit that bothers me the most. I did fencing for like 5 years, and fighting inexperienced fencers is literally like beating up children. Most people have no idea how important it is to position your sword correctly to give you the most coverage, they don't consider how vulnerable you are if you go in close without a fast retreat, they don't consider how important it is to use as little movement as possible both to stop yourself from being predicted and to make your attack as quick as possible. One of the most common things is when people telegraph their attacks like they see in movies where the actors are trying to clash blades rather than hit each other.
Rey in any sort of sword fight should be very sloppy and likely to lose a fucking limb.

>and they do recommend it.
>You're literally putting what you want to hear from them on their words.
Please reread what you wrote and then kys.

>Succeeds in being tempted by the dark side and having 0 reprecussions
>Succeeds in wrecking Luke who IS using the force in that fight
>Succeeds in resisting Snoke's mind probes
>Succeeds in beating the shit out of half the guards
>Succeeds in saving Kylo's life
>Succeeds in stalemating a force struggle with Kylo without any training
>Succeeds in waking up before Kylo and escaping the destroyer without any problems
>Succeeds in lifting a shit ton of rocks without breaking a sweat or any sign of struggle

>fails to get Luke to come back
this is presented in the film as Luke's failure

>fails to get Luke to train her properly
same as above

>fails to turn Kylo to the light
helps him decide to kill snoke

>fails to do anything to Snoke
same as above

>fails to save the resistance as hundreds die
who moving the rocks literally saves the resistance though

Rey trained constantly with her staff and beat people up with it. She's not completely clueless about how to swordfight

Yoda and Obi Wan were old and barely connected with the force during their isolation too. They were still competent at fighting. And killing rats on a desert planet occasionally isn’t being a competent fighter. And even the throne room scene was dumb when you realize those two guards more than likely have more combat experience than Rey does.

>fighting with a staff is like fighting with a sword
Fucking no. Again, i fenced for 5 years, if you gave me a bo-staff i wouldn't have the slightest clue what to do with it. In any sort of combat you're taught very specific techniques to do, they are not transferable.

>barely connected with the force
Nah they trained themselves to be force ghosts and shit

>Luke barely connected with the force for years
>was able to conjure up a hologram on another fucking planet
Daisy Ridleys ass must smell nice

>barely connected to the force
>literally blows away her entire hut with a mere gesture

Luke didn't "barely" connect to the force during his exile; he completely shut it off.
He was just a normie when Rey jumped him

All they had to do to make rey not a mary sue was show her getting trained in the first one. The training scene in this one wouldve sufficed if it was put in VII

>those two guards more than likely have more combat experience than Rey does.
I don't know. I wouldn't think Snoke is often attacked in any way that even requires them. He can force choke people over the phone and levitate anyone that gets near him. Palpatine's elites were simply shoved into the wall and died immediately.

List of people MASSIVELY triggered by op post. Fell for the bait hook line and sinker like the gullible rubes they are. If they weren't newshit reddit migrants, they would have recognized a simple thinly veiled Sup Forums RLM thread when they saw one.

>he completely shut it off
>still able to use the force to grab a weapon to fight off Rey
>still able to conjure up an anime fight scene with a fake hologram of him a day after getting back in touch with the force
Leia was able to fly through fucking space despite barely ever using the force anyways. I don’t care what excuse you pull, Luke could’ve fought off some retarded teenager if he wanted to regardless of his age or how connected to the force he was.

That goes against the point that Luke was shut off from the force.


That's what I'm saying. It is like he can just turn it on and off and at that point he just instinctively does like some force shockwave that obliterates her hut.

>are they just really insecure about whether or not they’ll be viewed as sexists
Yes. When your livelihood is getting shekels on the internet, being called a sexist is a career killer.


Mike's increasing drunkenness is the best part of these reviews. Watching his actual slide into dementia is way better than the HITB "storyline".