Why did Disney cast such an uggo as Kylo?

Why did Disney cast such an uggo as Kylo?

Because he’s an evil white male

He looks fine. He's beefy as fuck and women love him. What's your problem?

Hollywood has been doing this for decades. Remember Shia le butt head?

Because white male heroes are sooooo last century

Is he racially mixed?

But shia never knew how to act.

To teach the kids being ugly isn't so bad and you shouldn't bully ugly people because they didn't chose their looks

It's a movie for kids, your problem is trying to overanalise a fucking movie for kids. Please grow up

I don't know, it's interesting to actually see an unattractive lead in a film.

because he can act

he's putting this franchise on his back

I can guarantee this dude is whiter than OP

he's literally 5/10

why people think he has a chance with Rey is beyond me.

I think he makes emo angst a lot more aesthetic than anakin in ep 3.

Can he act? Or is everyone else just terrible?


Yes, he can act. He shown he can in non-SW movies

He is handsome in an ugly sort of way

He's made a truly awful character fairly compelling. The shit he's given is seriously much worse (on average) than what Hayden had and he's done a much better job with it.

op is not 6'3, not muscular, and even less attractive

>tfw they kill off rey and him and finn bro it up all movie

He's tall. Tall makes women squelchy.
But do agree that they're pushing a Jewish look, even if he's not jewish himself.

I don't mind him. He seems like a legit actor who's in it for the acting and not the celeb shit.
He'll be acting into his 70s at least. Can't say the same for Daisy Ridley. Total short-timer starlet.

He's beautiful as Kylo Ren

t. girl

he's an old guy

If you have a butt ugly face you double up as an alien with no makeup needed.

Shia is both good looking AND a good actor. He simply got JUSTed

Yeah, you really feel the frustrated manchild out of Kylo. Imagine if the Rey actress had that role, she would absolutely shit the bed.

Yeah im 6'5 i look twice as good i could kill adan driver in one punch



you're a big chink

its more like he's the only good actor in the cast that isn't also wasted with terrible pointless material like dern, isaacs and del toro

Adam Driver has a really weird face, in one scene he'll have these really bony and strong features that delve into that uniquely-but-incredibly attractive territory, and in the next his chin disappears and he's all nose. It might be a malocclusion problem. His jaw is probably slightly relaxed in this scene, placing his bite more roughly where it'd be if it was corrected with orthodontics which elongates the face and makes the skin slightly more taut against the bone structure.

Daily reminder that all whiteys look like that

*shrinks back*

It looks like your head is fucking huge.


now THIS is 56%

Because he kinda sorta looks like harrison ford.


Dude looked like 3 different dudes in The Last Jedi.

What he fuck? Is this shopped?

Why are you obsessed with appearance?


cant wait for her to be in episode 9

dont know some page on facebook posted it


He looks fine, idk why Sup Forums has such a big problem with him. Also, he actually knows how to act.

This was actually hilarious. Hatred for horrible Jew-face really does transcend language.