How did The Resistance drop the bombs?

How did The Resistance drop the bombs?
Theres no gravity in space for them to fall

Also, do the First Order not have any shields at all?

In one of the books it's said that they do it trough magnetic attraction.
But no mention why the fuck they wouldn't bomb themselves with it then.

The rules are bent to maintain a WW2 aesthetic

Why did the air not rush out through the open bomb bay door?

>Ship has artificial gravity
>bomb leaves ship with momentum from that gravity
you can't even into middle school physics

If they had any balls they would've moved on to vietnam.

If the hacks that created this movie bothered to keep the Y and B-wings they could just throw the damn bombs at the ship using smaller harder to hit ships. The rebels/resistance were never about large slow ships vs large slow ships. Always fighters and fighter-bombers vs capitals.

shields were outlawed by the the galactic senate as being "discriminatory"

Maybe inertia? There's gravity in the space ship. Only logical explanation I can imagine.

cause the dreadnought is bigger

air shields

When the door opens the atmosphere is instantly lost and the bombs would not escape as they were still being held.

Did you even pay attention in school to pressurisation of a vessel / body?

Forcefields exist in Star Wars

What, and skip Korea?

also didn't the dreadhnought had the shields on?

maybe there's a rail that pushes them down?

wow just like all those other times in SW weere it's basically shown that lots of ships have artificial atmospheres and open hangars all the time

it's a franchise about space magic user

So how was the chick still breathing and kicking without a space suit?

there are big coil springs on the top of the bombs.


>Also, do the First Order not have any shields at all?
Only the good guys have shields in Star Wars.

Why did they kill off the cute sister and keep the chubby unattractive one

It's been long enough.

Mag rails.

But its still stupid.

Are we just supposed to believe that when the falcon is in the space worm, when han and leia walk about that there's normal gravity? On a small asteroid? And normal air pressure inside the belly of a space worm? Makes no fucking sense

The problem was in the past when it was done this way they always went out of their way to show glowing door frame or some kind of shield effect on the door. In this case they didn't even bother.

they were obviously shot down on the little rail line they were all hanging on that made perfect sense in the movie especially considering tie bombers & y-wings also drop bombs directly below them

>Theres no gravity in space

>to show glowing door frame
literally only in the prequels retard

How come she wasnt sucked into space when the hatches doors opened? She should have been fixed on the grate

>all the little details

It makes sense you know because imagine walking into some hangar not being sure if the force field is on or not.


Space vacuum and the abilities of the Force changed after the Empire fell.

So they dropped them at the speed of the universe's expansion? Brutal.

>the station level in jedi outcast

magnetic orange peels

But seriously, whats the point of building a star ship so large when the First Order cant protect them for shit?

Starwars: M.A.S.H. where radar is a legit radar robot

Would you want the cute one to fall for a black man?

This is another thing that pissed me off. What the fuck was the point of Supremacy's size besides "well we need to up the ante from ESB, make another SSD, but like 3 times bigger!"

It's like what Hux says, what's the point of all this if it can't destroy three puny rebel cruisers.

>futuristic frigates that have weapons like 19th century canons

??? George always said space battles were meant to imitate naval battles during XVI century

Rogue One had a bit of Vietnam War movie aesthetic.

Rose is already in the movie

yes they do thats what those white light strips are

16th century? There were are the galleys?

Watch EP III opening cinematic battle



Why do it in such a dumb convoluted way though? Why not say, have the explosives propelled by small rocket engines.

Hell, you could still have the WW2 aesthetics if instead of explosive spheres you have bombers that fire rows upon rows of dumb fire rockets.


So was the girl magnetically attracted to the ship? why didn't she get spaced?

why leia got sucked away?
why the rebels who grabed her when she opened the door didn't got sucked away?

Artificial gravity. The bombs are in it while they are in the shape just like people. When a person drops something on a ship it falls. So when the bombs drop towards the floor in space they just keep going. It's called inertia

The bombs breached the shields most like or simply were too small for the shields to stop. I think the shields only stop energy weapons.

not to mention, anything, no matter how big, can now be insta-killed by a suicide hyperspace jump

I have never seen episode 2 or 3 and never intend to


How do you think x wings leave the docks of the of the space shields without everyone being sucked out....

are you just being difficult or stupid

get a load of this fag

Why didn't they just attach hyperdrives to comets and let those comets deal with the whole First Order fleet?

That's not true. The hyperspace tracker was on hence why the Gravity wells weren't working.

the Gravity wells will pull anything out of hyperspace, however with the tracker on you have to drop the gravity wells.

Are you guys really this stupid or are you just being difficult?

>the Gravity wells will pull anything out of hyperspace, however with the tracker on you have to drop the gravity wells.



So what are you trying to say? That Starkiller Base didn't have a permanently on gravity well on account of it being a planet? Or that the Falcon never hyperspaced right up into it?

Why are you hyperspace tracking a ship that isn't going into hyperspace? why hyperspace tracking doesn't allow you to have gravity wells activated?

>he doesn't know that Jedi Force Ghosts love riding bombs/torpedoes
Fuck, Obi killed himself just so he could ride Luke's torpedo in the trench.

Because they are tracking the ships in hyperspace by seeing the gravity distortions they are making by traveling at such high speeds which creates a shit ton of energy which distorts gravity...

I thought this was pretty obvious

>pretty obvious
>doesn't answer question
k, Rian, sick justification for a terrible precedent you set


> Emperor Snoke only 1 ship in the entire universe is going an hyperspace so we can track its gravity skid marks


Because gravity wells distort gravity. So if you are tracking's using their gravity distortions while you are fucking up gravity around you it wouldn't work.

It's like if you are tracking someone's foot prints and you have some retards in front of you trampling about. All the foot prints get mixed up.

>Luke died
>Leia marysued her way back into the spaceship cause reasons despite Carrie Fisher being dead

that's why this is important see
they have the gravitation signatures of the ship so they can't be leaving foot prints every where. It's also why they can't just ahead of the ship and wait for them. The resistance ship could just jump and since they "muddied the waters" around the area they'd lose the resistance.

hahahahaha fucking bastard.

>Why not say, have the explosives propelled by small rocket engines.
so something like missiles? and then why not launch them from miles away?

They were able to jump to hyperspace earlier, then were tracked.
So they are still able to jump. They just were going to be tracked. Thats all it is.
Besides, they were always able to ram the destroyer with the ship, because Finn failed to disable the fields

This doesn't make sense, they hyperspaced just near the rebels before, remember? when Kylo and a couple of TIEs attacked the convoy, why "now" is a problem?

>bombers don't work in spa-

They were able to jump because gravity wells were off. Holdo obviously knew that and planned to ram the ship into the other ship. Probably thought it was weird and that's why she planned to do it.

You are just supporting what i've said.

I've always imagined TIE bomber as basically having a downwards firing gun, on account of the trajectory of those projectiles.

There's gravity in space, though.

Those are actually self-propelled and guided "bombs" if you believe the cross section books.

They hyperspaced close because they knew where they were at and were planning kill them off. Hence why snoke was so fucking pissed when they didn't. Snoke calmed down when Hux said we got them tracked.

they are launching them

>seriously bring up artificial gravity
Please don't do that. Aesthetics is a reason good enough. I don't need anything more. The more you bring up the more it embarrass itself

what were they doing here? I know they're looking for the falcon but what's the point dropping these bombs everywhere which seem to do nothing

that looks more like photon "bomb" like Y-wings used in ANH

They suspect the falcon was hiding in the shadow of a crater somewhere so they're bombing the shit out of it to flush it out.

It doesn't look like metal ball.
More like plasma or some shit

>cause the dreadnought is bigger
Like how if i take a walk outside i just fly off into the sun because it has a bigger gravity well.

At least Kylo and Hux survived the hyperdrive ramming

The effects could be made to work though. Like if on the approach the bombers suddenly jerk and start sinking towards the dreadnaught one by one as they cross an invisible barrier, then have them fire up some downward facing thrusters to keep them flying level. That will get the feeling across.

fair enough

well yeah look at gas

Why not indeed

>in space there is no gravity to pull the bombs toward your enemy
>you can only pull the bombs with a device on you ship
>you can't use artificial gravity because people would ask why the bombs outside the ship won't be falling back to the ship.
>at the same time you need to use artificial gravity to help the crew to stand
>the crew fall to her death because of the gravity

That's a big asteroid. Probably has some gravity. But those also look like some type of plasma bomb.

They also had vacuum when the shields failed and shit started to get sucked out. .

The same way the TIE Bombers dropped their bombs on the Asteroid Han hide the Falcon.

I don't see you shitting on ESB though.

>Gravity wells are a technology that can be switched on and off, like shields or lights, not a fundamental principle of matter and property of anything made of atoms

Because, according to the cross section books, those are self-propelled guided "bombs".

it wasn't magnetic iron ball u pathetic fucking mouse

The Cross Section books aren't canon anymore, though.