Although a complete shithead the warping to lightspeed into snokes ship was fantastic

although a complete shithead the warping to lightspeed into snokes ship was fantastic

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it wen pew den kaboom heh

how do yo do text

Why is this the first time anyone has ever utilized this maneuver? Sure it looked cool, but if you think about it beyond the surface level it completely invalidates space-based warfare as Star Wars has come to depict it. If Hyperspace could always be used to turn any ship or significant enough mass with a hyperdrive attached to it into a relativistic kinetic kill vehicle capable of obliterating entire fleets of the most advanced and massive starships in the universe, then warfare would have developed entirely differently. We wouldn't have giant densely-clustered fleets, and a weapon like the Death Star would always have just been a giant target and also vastly inferior in terms of efficiency than just lobbing a big enough rock/AI-piloted vessel at the planet of your choice.

i liek wen a space ship run into ovvr space ship and bad gais die!!! i clap!

Why didn't she just get a droid to pilot the ship or program the ship's navigation computer?

Why did she wait so long to do it, allowing other people to get killed needlessly?

Why did nobody think of doing this with remote-controlled drones before? Seems pretty obvious.

She could only do it because the ship had a hyperspace tracker that was tracking the resistance ships.

That is why it has never happened before, brainlet.

That scene broke every space battle in the history of the franchise.

There's no denying that this scene breaks one of the fundamentals of star wars. But is this going to have to be the accepted headcannon when they inevitably never mention/use it again? So as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) the old way hyper-drives worked was that they let you slip into another dimension that ran parallel to reality where the distances between things were shorter. You'd still be travelling the same speed, and I assume using sublight engines to do that, but you'd be travelling a shorter distance to reach your goal quicker. Going off the movies alone, this used to have a spin-up period and then your ship/the world around you would stretch briefly before you entered hyperspace (just a neat visual?). So what if (now) during that brief moment where your ship is stretching it's briefly in reality and in hyperspace at the same time? During that brief moment your ship is actually taking up a much larger(longer?) footprint in reality because it's already partially travelling through hyperspace and gets stretched out like a piece of spaghetti. So Admiral Warning-Hair activates her hyper-drive close to the FO fleet which then phases through them but gets destroyed at the same time by occupying the same space causing a chain reaction as her ship breaks apart and all the debris flies off in separate directions. The debris is still half in hyperspace half in reality at this point so it has the same effect on all the other ships it hits. This would make it so technically you could only use this as a weapon if you were already close to something you wanted to use it against but I guess it doesn't stop anyone from trying to weaponize it by having hyper-drives deliberately malfunction to extend the effect. It also doesn't explain why no one has thought of it before, or why they didn't take down the death stars shields and then sacrifice an x-wing from nearby instead of doing a trench run but it makes it less universe breaking...right?

why would you build giant ass cruisers and have them broadsides on other cruisers when you could build AI suicide boats (cruise missiles, essentially) that just warps straight through everything?
And are you telling me nobody came up with that shit for thousands of years until admiral gender studies showed up?
They could have at least write in some quick excuse like "mass deflectors were out of order" or something


I swear Han Solo described hyperspace as an actually separate space in the original trilogy. Can anyone confirm? I thought it wasn't really the stars going fast around you but just you entering into the other space.

And every future battle will have to explain why it doesn't continue.

You're all going about this the wrong way, trying to say if this was possible then everything would have been different. But it obviously IS possible. Going at warp speed through a ship WOULD destroy it, so it's not that the maneuver is invalidated by the Star Wars canon. In fact, it's validated by physics itself. So the question is not "why has anyone in the universe never thought of this until now?" but rather: "Why have none of the writers of all the Star Wars books and movies never thought of this until now?"

Also, this way the size of the ship would determine it's range. An x-wing getting stretched 1000 times longer would cover less distance than a couple of km long capital ship would. Or maybe faster ships would have greater range and I'm just fucking stupid.

>Build a bunch of drones.
>Hyperspeed ram every single thing in the universe.
>The weapon bypasses shields.
>All tension is sucked out of the movie.

why did she even need to go down with the ship? was she made a martyr to make her seem more heroic

they all thought about it. they never included it into the histories because space warfare would LITERALLY turn into big heavy things with hyper-drive capabilities clashing into bigger things. it's a retardedly powerful weapon that makes everything else looks useless in comparison

it aint like dusting crops boy

yes, not sure if made up or not but i read something earlier about her apparently being more of a bitchy cunt in the first draft, but they made her less of a cunt so that when she sacrifices herself people appreciate it as a heroic moment more.

>they never included it into the histories because space warfare would LITERALLY turn into big heavy things with hyper-drive capabilities clashing into bigger things.

Pieces of the EU actually prevented this.
>Interdictors prevent starships from going into hyperspace.
>Sufficient gravity pulls ships out of hyperspace.
Rian Johnson is an idiot.

But imagine the resources that go into building a vessel like the one she used; metals that are strong enough to puncture other metals, large enough to punch a sizable hole in another ship (for example an xwing would probably do nothing). So they could have these big, expensive, resource-intensive, light-speed missiles (essentially) floating around with them in case they ever need one, all the while using up fuel and resources to maintain, or they could use conventional weaponry. It makes no sense for the resistance to have so many expendable resources on hand. It would make more sense for the First Order to use something like this, but they are fighting the smaller vessels of the resistance which makes them impractical as well.

Suicide fleet-destroying ships would be less resource-intensive than fielding entire fleets.

It should have been ackbar.

More realistic to have a Muslim suicide bomber.

you wouldn't need something intricate like an actual spaceship, just anything very heavy that could be propelled by a hyperdrive

remenber they were able to destroy a whole fleet with a single kamikaze attack. if anything it's a very efficient usage of your resources

What happens if someone exits hyperspace while clipped into another ship?

Even before this movie that has always been possible.

You know what's reusable? A sword. You know what isn't? A bullet. Want to guess why we don't use swords anymore? It's because we made it cost effective enough to use guns with disposable ammunition because they're so much better than a fucking sword. If it was as good as Admiral Girl Power demonstrated it to be, it would be used by every military in the galaxy.

>it's a retardedly powerful weapon that makes everything else looks useless in comparison
what about the soccer-ball sized bombs that destroyed an entire dreadnought in one hit?

If you had a fleet of suicide vessels they would be the first thing to go in an encounter, they would just concentrate all their fire on these vessels from the outset, so then you have to make them maneuverable so they can dodge incoming attacks long enough to jump to light speed, which we know takes roughly five seconds giving smaller ships time to get out of the way and more time to attack while they are completely stationary. So then you need to outfit them with shields to make them durable enough to withstand the first volley, and the costs just go up and up, and you only get to use them once so when they're gone they are gone for good and you have to resort to conventional weaponry anyway.

you honestly think the resistance can make light-speed suicide vessels "cost effective?" they are living off empire well-fare checks

>you honestly think the resistance can make light-speed suicide vessels "cost effective?" they are living off empire well-fare checks
Make drones. They're cheap.

They wouldn't be effective unless they were 3.5km long monstrosities like the ship in TLJ

>fucking retarded enough to label it cost-ineffective
it's cheaper than their current forms of warfare, or did you miss all the ships they lost just trying to blow up one pizza slice?

Yeah it literally invalidates both Death Star battles.

well there's only like a dozen resistance fighters left and they are all aboard the Millenium Falcon, they have no fleet whatsoever left, it's basically their only option to just rig old abandoned star ships into remote controlled hyper space rockets if they want to win any space battles

not in their current state no, but if this was always possible the whole star wars universe would be a vastly different place. FTL travel is already about as accessible as public transport is in our reality, plus everyone running around with their own private jet/helicopter would essentially privately own their own hyperdrive missle. You don't think that in a universe where this was always possible the military wouldn't have funded the shit out of research into making it a more viable and cost effective weapon? and even if you ignore all of that, the resistance has lost massive amounts of ships countless times, you'd think one of them would go "well instead of us all getting killed this time like always i think i'm gonna suicide bomb the enemy so you lot can all see your wives and children later."

Not necessarily. They can attack from underneath or above and slice the ship apart that way.

I'm sure you could buy 100 of those ships for the price of the ship they did the hyperspace trick with

>it's basically their only option to just rig old abandoned star ships into remote controlled hyper space rockets if they want to win any space battles
this is sounding oddly familiar...

Are you retarded? It would be difficult to attack from a more effective angle than they did

>slip into another dimension that ran parallel to reality

Nope, SW hyperdrives just make you go really fast. That's why in ANH Han tells Luke that he needs time to plot a course around dangerous things. The visual is them accelerating to that speed. This is why Star Wars has hyperspace lanes, which are well traveled and known to be clear of dangerous stuff.

The remaining question is "Why hasn't anyone done this before?" The answer is that objects leave a mass shadow in hyperspace from their gravity. Bigger objects have a bigger shadow. If you try to ram something big, you'd just get pulled out of hyperspace. If you tried to ram something small, you'd miss.

>Are you retarded? It would be difficult to attack from a more effective angle than they did
They could also make an enormous rail of metal, strap a hyperdrive to it, drop it, and veer away.


Did the Empire use independent contractors to build either of the Death Stars?

>That's why in ANH Han tells Luke that he needs time to plot a course around dangerous things.
I don't think he said this. Can you post the footage?

see Star Wars has always been retarded

>"Sir they've dropped the hyper-rail weapon we knew they had in their arsenal!"
>"Good, deploy the anti-hyper-rail defense mechanism"
and that's how that would go

What's with all the blue wormhole-y shit around the outside of the falcon when they're travelling through hyperspace in TFA and the OT then? I always thought that the plotting a course was to avoid big things pulling you out and you then crashing into those big things. For instance if you plot a course through a star and then get pulled out you're either going to burn up from being next to a fucking star, or crash into it.

>plot a course around dangerous things
Yes, by that he meant high gravity objects like massive planets or stars because their gravitational fields will pull the ships out of hyperspace.

Absolute horseshit, because Disney themselves stated that Clone Wars are canon, but in movies and six seasons of the series nobody ever used or even hinted at the tactic, despite being in much worse situations that rebels were in TLJ.
This is what happen when you put retarded porgressives that never gave a shit about SW in charge of your writing.

you can read all about this shit under the "hazards" section by the way

the blue visuals around the Falcon are what the galaxy looks like when you move that fast

I don't know what the blue wormholey shit is, but the effect you describe is exactly the same. You'd get pulled out of your jump next to something bad.

I didn't make it up man, that's just the fanbase's explanation. Apparently even ships exert enough gravity to make a shadow that yanks things out of hyperspace. Don't ask me to relay the bro-science or lack thereof behind it, just passing it along.

Well this kinda shits on your parade doesn't it.

This is the same series where an exhaust port getting shot through once blows up a space station the size of our moon. Nobody ever did the light speed bullshit because it opens too many logical inconsistencies and takes all the drama out of dogfights. Huge maneuvers like that are visually impressive, but also remove any element of fantasy or drama because you're introducing a nuke to a gunfight. When Episode IX comes out, we may as well find out that space is full of debris and derelict ships because all anyone's been doing is shooting light speed projectiles at each other for the past couple of months.

Nobody was asking the question before because it had never happened before. Fans were free to think that there were protocols or technical reasons why it was not possible, and that would have been good enough. But now Johnson has opened Pandora's Box and now we have to wonder why this hasn't been attempted before and why it isn't all they ever do because of how effective it is. It's like when terrorist cut the theatrics with bombs and plane hijackings and just started running down pedestrians in rented cars for attention.

not exactly the same, you're saying they have to plot a course around things so they don't hit them, which implies they must know where everything in the galaxy is at all times, including all other ships, asteroids and debris so they can travel around everything accordingly. Whereas i'm saying that they have to avoid sources of high gravity because it would be dangerous to get pulled out of hyperspace near a star or a black hole but everything else they can just phase through since they're not technically in real-space...they're in hyper-space.

Turbo-Austism: The Thread

*Autism kek

Does anyone have an answer to this? I'd think that maybe your momentum would completely stop upon exiting, but that's a cop out.

not canon

Someone should take that webm, re-edit it with this song the background
and then have a bunch of derka derkas yelling 'allah akbar! allah akbar!' when crashes into all the other ships

Uh... no?
>blue tunnel of hyperspace travel
You're moving really fast, the article specifically says that when it discusses the stars extending outward when you first jump.

You made that up. Besides, that doesn't make sense anyway. They never state that they have the only hyperspace tracker or that this is the first time it's being used.

>They can afford x wings.
>X wings have hyper drives.
>Hyper drives can be mounted to large rocks/asteroids.
>Large rocks/asteroids are cheaper than x wings.
>The game changing super weapon is cheaper than an x wing.

specifically, it's an altered state of existence. Not to be pedantic or anything, but you're still existing in the same universe. Hence the weird blue lights are how you perceive the same universe you're in, just in an altered state achieved by moving that fast.

I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to say this but I'm sure it will be at least a dozen. I'm not saying it. I'm saying that people are saying it to explain this shit. They have navigational computers with a map of the known galaxy. Some routes are still dangerous, so ordinary users use the "Hyperspace Lanes" which are just parts of the galaxy cleared out and largely safe for traffic. The whole point of these lanes is that they're not filled with realspace hazards. Their ships go through realspace very, very fast, not through wormholes. I'm so sorry for you, but I didn't make this decision, so I can't reverse it.

People have asked this question several times in the EU material. Some authors say shields stop it, but that's generally not accepted because it doesn't make any sense given how fast SW FTL is. Most people say it's gravity shadows, and people have been using that one for a while. Look up the "Interdictor" ship, that creates a large gravity well to pull ships out of FTL like a net. People just scaled that logic down to ship size to explain away the hyperspace ramming thing, until TLJ just invalidated that idea.

>They could have weaponized the Hyperdrive by jumping so close to a Sun that any ship bigger than their swift and small transports has no chance of escaping the gravitational pull, expecting the First Order fleet to follow them
>Instead they make it go pew pew but silent, single handedly contradicting every conflict in the Star Wars Universe, OT, PT, canon series, EU or otherwise

Why are you talking down to me when the cannon explanation of how hyper-space works specifically disagrees with you. There is no way for them to know if a ship or any small piece of debris will be in their way if they're actually travelling through real space at insanely fast speeds, hyperspace collisions would be a very real and common threat if this was the case and no one would dare go into hyperspace unless it was an absolute emergency, it would be an insane gamble.

It wouldn't even be expensive either.
Build a massive, bulky ship without human-required facilities (med-bay, quarters, etc.) and have a protocol droid pilot it. It would literally just be a more costy missile or bomb really.

>cannon explanation

Because I'm talking specifically about the EU explanations because it was never explained in sufficient detail in canon until TLJ where we learned there is no reason. I will repeat, they do not ever know for 100 percent certain that they're not going to hit something. Hyperspace collisions are a real and common threat in that universe, which is why traffic is commonly done through specific routes to maximize safety.

>not putting hyperdrives on missiles to instantly destroy anything
>out of range in space where there is nothing to dissipate energy or slow down projectiles
>magic reactors generate enough power to break light speed but run out of fuel in sublight
only retard could dream up this universe

>the wiki is wrong about how hyperspace works after TLJ
>here's some examples from the wiki proving how hyperspace works

Maybe how hyperspace works was never made cannon in the movies but TLJ gives us the most retarded way for it to work possible. This whole argument started because I tried to theorize a way for hyperspace to function based off of what happened in TLJ and how we used to believe that hyperspace worked. I've got no fucking idea what you're even arguing for here.

>Fallout 2 lowest intelligence level

i clap wen movie over :D:DD:D

That’s obviously how they’ll excuse it, but it’s still dumb

The thing is it not only ruins all future SW movies, it also retroactively ruins the past films and makes them all look like idiots.

>A New Hope - "Sir we've worked out the final plan for the assault on the death star and it will be risky and cost many lives but it migh-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it"

>Empire - "Sir the troops are ready for the ground assault on Hoth, walkers are ready to deploy" "Just Hyperspace-Ram the shield generator from orbit then Hyperspace-ram the rebel base. Boom. All the rebels will be dead before they can evacuate, wars over, and we never had to do a ground assault"

>Jedi - "Sir they built a new death star and it's even bigg-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it" "But sir its surrounded by a shield from the Endor moo-" "Just hyperspace ram the endor Moon until you take out the shield generator, Ewoks are collateral damage, then hyperspace ram the new death star"

>Phantom Menace - "Annakin you have to take out that droid controller" "Just hyperspace ram it"

>Rogue One - "We have to take down that shield generator!" "Just hyperspace ra- actually you know what were going to just hyperspace ram the death star anyway so we don't even need these stupid plans. Lets get out of here everybody."

>TFA - My god they built an even BIGGER death sta-" "Just hyperspace ram it"

From now on, in every star wars movie ever made, every single time there is a massive fleet, large base or battlestation everyone watching will be thinking. "Why don't they just hyperspace-ram it". Johnson did this to the entire star wars cinematic universe, forever, for the sake of a ten second shot that "looked cool".

Metal doesn’t need to be stronger than other metal to break through it just needs to be stronger, hence why space dust can break glass

*it just needs to have more energy ie faster, hence why space dust can break glass

that's how FTL travel is usually done in SCI FI. Otherwise you'll die as soon as you hit the slightest bit of debris on the way

> you are now aware that the first order is fucked because rebel fighters have hyperdrives and imperial fighters don't

Imagine if we invented guns but went around using them as blunt weapons, then one day a purple haired lady decides to pull the trigger and shoots someone.

I originally responded to a guy who thinks hyperspace works like theorized wormhole travel irl. I don't know what the fuck you're on about, something about how or you'd run into shit if they were going that fast, even though running into shit is a known hazard stated in canon on film and explored in the EU extensively.

So can someone explain why they built a death star in the first place if you could just destroy planets with light speed kinetic weapons?

Imagine if one day we invented guns but they didn’t kill and were mainly used to scare the enemy into surrendering hiding behind the pikemen, then one day a pink haired lady sticks a sword on the end of gun and she charges after firing her gun and the enemy flees just like that

yes, that was me and I'm starting to realize you didn't even read my entire post. the issue is running into a large gravity well because large objects have an effect on hyperspace, not literally running into something at incredibly fast speeds. if hyperspace ever worked like that, no one would use in universe and no one would suspend their disbelief during the films. the whole point of it before was that you could go "it's magic i ain't gotta explain shit" if it was actual FTL in real-space it would be too dangerous to use and no one would buy star wars as a setting.

The last jedi not only ruins all future STAR WARS movies, it also retroactively ruins the past films and makes them all look like idiots.

>A New Hope - "Sir we've worked out the final plan for the assault on the death star and it will be risky and cost many lives but it migh-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it"

>Empire - "Sir the troops are ready for the ground assault on Hoth, walkers are ready to deploy" "Just Hyperspace-Ram the shield generator from orbit then Hyperspace-ram the rebel base. Boom. All the rebels will be dead before they can evacuate, war is over, and we never had to do a ground assault"

>Jedi - "Sir they built a new death star and it's even bigg-" "Just Hyperspace-Ram it" "But sir it's surrounded by a shield from the Endor moo-" "Just hyperspace ram the endor Moon until you take out the shield generator, Ewoks are collateral damage, then hyperspace ram the new death star"

>Phantom Menace - "Annakin you have to take out that droid controller" "Just hyperspace ram it"

>Rogue One - "We have to take down that shield generator!" "Just hyperspace ra- actually you know what were going to just hyperspace ram the death star anyway so we don't even need these stupid plans. Lets get out of here everybody."

>TFA - My god they built an even BIGGER death sta-" "Just hyperspace ram it"

From now on, in every star wars movie ever made, every single time there is a massive fleet, large base or battlestation everyone watching will be thinking. "Why don't they just hyperspace-ram it". Johnson did this to the entire star wars cinematic universe, forever, for the sake of a ten second shot that "looked cool".

They have X-wings, which have hyperdrives.
based upon what were shown in the movie, and based upon how much energy an object traveling at a significant fraction of C imparts, a single X-wing would be more than enough to destroy a star destroyer. One cheap ship to take out one very expensive ship is the very definition of cost effective.


I did read your post, all 37 pages of it. The problem is you don't understand the idea of colliding gravity shadows from smaller objects in realspace, and I've run out of the patience required to explain it to you for the 5th time.

>completely destroying in-universe rules forever

I understand that I've just wasted a lot of time arguing with someone that has no idea what they're arguing for or about.