Do Sith become force ghosts? What's the point of becoming a Sith when you can live forever as a Jedi?

Do Sith become force ghosts? What's the point of becoming a Sith when you can live forever as a Jedi?

Jedi become spirits and Sith become ghosts. Jedi can be anywhere and Sith are tethered to their tombs/temples.

>Jedi get to live forever as ghosts
>Sith power can only stop others from dying


who's that on the left? that's not Anikan.

these are the only force ghosts though

That's Sebastian Shaw, youngling. He played Anakin long before you were born.

Was he a good friend?

To Ian MacDarmid, yes.

Sith were not satisfied with being ghosts they wanted to fuck and eat and drink wine

Do sinners go to Heaven? What's the point of living for all those temptations when the righteous are rewarded with eternal life in Him?

unlimited power, live forever as an alive person

Didn't Sheev become a force ghost?

Why do sinners sin when they can live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven?

The sith doctrine embraces life and the happenings of the world while the Jedi sit complacently and await death.

I don't think anyone knew how to do that until Quigon. He told Yoda, who told Obi Wan, who must have somehow told Anakin after death. I think it's still not a thing, especially after Yoda Attacked The Knowledge.

Concerning current canon, no known Sith has achieved ghost status yet. In the EU, it totally was possible. Darth Marr did it I believe.

Yes, however, mildly covered within any medium.

didn't darth bane show up as a ghost in the cartoon, or was that just a holocron?

Last Jedi Fucking Sucked :/

According to the wiki, it was a vision conjured by one of those priestesses he was talking to.

So since the Jedi become one with the force, they get to live in the force when they die, it's a trade-off for using its power.

Sith don't become one with the force, they take control of the force so they're tethered to material objects with emotional attachments they can't move freely through it probably because they're being contained by the jedi but mostly the emotional aspect of their power keeps them contained.

Vader having let go of his emotional and material attachments gets to become one with the force.

although now that I think about it someone is gonna come along and make it so that there are two spirits of Vader one light side and one dark side where he split when he died.

Apparently they can shoot lightning as ghosts. Would've been real helpful if they'd done that a few times during the war.

Qui-Gon Jinn is also one, also Luke is likely to be one next film