Libcucks now in full denial mode about how bad the new Soy Wars: The Last Roastie is

>libcucks now in full denial mode about how bad the new Soy Wars: The Last Roastie is

Muh scary altright did it!

No, Jews and sluts. Your movie is trash.


We did 9/11
t. Alt-right General

>claim you did something
>people believe you
>complain that they believe it for their agenda
sounds like you brought this on yourselves silly alt-righters

also show me a real news site that is running these articles, who cares if some asshole's blog is writing about this


Of all the sins the last jedi committed, the sjwisms were by far the least severe

Your mistake is to assume online leftwing publications aren't "some asshole's blog," tier at this point.


I missed my local chapter meeting. Can any other Alt-Rightists fill me in on what the Grand Wizard wants us to be mad about regarding this Disney flick?

>Claim you did something

We're not the only ones.

The alt-right are becoming too powerful. They can do anything!

>laugh at leftists for believing
>unironically believe an anonymous Sup Forums post claiming to be disney

>double dubs
oh shi

>Moderator of Alt-Right Facebook group said..

We also came up with invading Iraq.
t. literally Hitler


this "alt-right" is a false flag

Do you honestly think he believes that? He's obviously posting it to point out how easy it is to just make spurious comments on this board and how stupid someone would be to believe them. Read the goddamn filename for fuck's sake.

This is obviously putin, the chinese, north korea and the alt right joining forces to sabotage a jewish modern classic


Why would I not believe it? It was anonymously posted on the internet.

That's all the proof we need to believe that Le Russian Nazis hacked the RT scores, right?

>"quick,lets say that everyone who dislikes this movie is a nazi!"

I did it

Personal assitant to George Soros here.

We paid reviewers to give The Last Jedi good reviews and we also paid police not to investigate pizza parlors frequently attended by Hillary Clinton.

The Last Jedi is actually a carefully constructed psy-op by the Rand Corporation to instigate mass white genocide and make the master race compliant and agreeable as it happens.

btw pls do NOT screencap this anonymous and unverifiable post as this is 100% real evidence of my claims and we don't want anyone to know.


What pisses me off is a few sites tried to blame Sup Forums w/no evidence whatsoever

>From my point of view, the Alt-right are evil!


This really changes things. Man, I sure hope Huffington Post gets onto this quick!

Does the term "Alt-Right" even mean anything?

No, *I* am the person who didn't enjoy The Last Jedi!

weird how alt-right wasn't a thing until hillary clinton made it up huh?

>pander to people who don't give a shit about your franchise apart from superfluous affirmative action bullshit
>daemonize original fanbase
>attempt to use Star Wars as a tool to fuck Blomp
>franchise starts going down the shitter
>fans wont defend you because you've been shitting on them for so long

It's the new MSM term for wrong think.

It's an umbrella term used to describe people who don't think Hillary Clinton was the condensed avatar of the universe's benevolent will and that Islam is a pro feminism peaceful ideology.

It's an independent book store in Brooklyn.

Popular with Buzzfeed staff.

My name Adolf "Nigger Grave Digger" McAltrightson, Senior Shill in the Counter-Shill and Raid's Department of the Alt-Right.

It was us, I can take this burden anymore I want to turn myself in. I'm sorry

What about RT coming out and confirming the score is authentic? Are they going to factor that fact in or what?

You people have some nerve! Taking the food from a humble jewkike's children's mouths by bad talking this film. Now shut up and enjoy your children's movie and watch Luke milk that sexy alien.

This is god damn hilarious.

>write article after article making the altright out to be some super powerful mysterious force able to affect culture at will
>wtf why is the altright growing?!

>Right 'rigs' the user reviews
>Left 'rigs' the critic reviews

So what's the problem? They want to rig both?

Does "liberal"?

Not for two years at least by now.

Straight from wikipedia:
>The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely defined group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of white nationalism. White supremacist[1] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism and did so, according to the Associated Press, to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.[2][3][4] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election.[5]

So it was invented in 2010
Became popularised in 2016
When the media called Trump supporters alt right, then a lot of Trump supporters called themselves alt right because, even by that point, no one really knew what it meant?
And now, it's a total buzzword that not even Trump supporters call themselves with no real meaning?

Where do I apply to join the alt-right club? These guys seem like a riot.


Yes but whenever you see it used in news media or on Sup Forums it's being used incorrectly.

All this will do is piss off the normies that think the movie is shit

NOOOOOOOO How could they do this to us my alt right brothers???

We did the armenian genocide
-the jewish people

I was one of the masterminds behind the Mongol conquest.
t. Alt-right founding member

all this literally is is a marketing ploy by disney to get more limp wristed soycucks to see their garbage movie if they claim the alt-right boogeyman doesn't want them to succeed

They're correct though. Tons of racist shits on the internet whose only complaint about the movies are that there's a black lead. Get over yourselves and go back to pol

I am not an alt-right faggot and yet I hated the new Star Wars shitfest. Does that make me a nazi then?

that makes you equal to exactly 0,666... hitler

why would any group claim responsibility and discredit the low score

no one likes niggers though, not sure why you're happy with left wingers trying to normalise a nigger infestation of society

Sorry sweetie I personally used 24,276 bot accounts to down vote TLJ because I hate women, blacks and the LGBTQIABRAAPP community. I rigged the system just like the article says. It's posted on a website and we all know everything posted on websites is true.

This is cringe

This is correct though

>moderator of alt-right facebook group

They are going to push support for white nationalism to at least 20 percent by term's end. What is the thought process behind dismissing critique as merely racism?

Honestly, this is pathetic even for them.

It was a term for people with right of center politics who weren't neocons. It got smeared as racist to stifle political change.

In the mainstream sense, basically anyone rightwing who doesn't get on his knees and declare himself anti-Trump.

In the real sense, it's 15-16,000 people who subscribe to Richard Spencer's channel.

Richard Spencer claimed he created it to garnish attention

You tell 'em Britney.

Not as much as getting pissy over it.

>something something, bad, internet, something=alt right
every time

altrights are retarded

I make this hard, I make it right; I make it wet, I make it tight because i'm alt-right.

are maybe it's just complete bullshit and there is no "alt-right" bogeyman in the real world

>claim you did something

who did?

the lefty journalists are so pathetic at this point

>moderator of alt-right Facebook group
Isn't it weird that TFA had the same SJW propaganda and wasn't raided?