So, next episode is about Jack and Aishi being hunted by the galaxies deadliest creature. Any bets on what it may be?

So, next episode is about Jack and Aishi being hunted by the galaxies deadliest creature. Any bets on what it may be?
I think it'll be an Aku-corrupted Guardian. I think the pigs being turned into monsters and the emphasis on all portals being destroyed means the Guardian was defeated by Aku at some point. Also, Gennedy during the interview way back during the Season premiere mentioned that the Guardian would be acknowledged in some form, but he didn't specifiy how.

Guardian makes sense to me

Are you two morons. If Aku could defeat the Guardian, then why wouldn't he just kill Jack.

And doen't say it's because Aku is afraid of Jack's sword, becuase even Jack couldn't defeat the guardian.

Because Aku is afraid of Jack's sword. It doesn't matter if the Guardian is a better fighter because the Guardian can't actually even harm him, but Jack can.

Aku is invulnerable against everything except the god-enchanted blade meant to kill him. The Guardian is just some guy, he even uses regular guns.

The Guardian is not a "creature." He is a person. It will be a new threat, one that doesn't speak English.

i think we already got our guardian mention with "the portals have all been destroyed"
thats it, the guardian is dead and the portal along with him

Doubt it. The preview has a very "Aliens meets House of Leaves" vibe to it. I'm betting on some sort of new monster.

I do hope Guardian gets some kind of mention...

But I think he's dead. The "Aku destroyed all time portals" makes me think that was our explanation.

Did someone just say imakandi?

ANy link to the new ep?

INB4 it's demongo.
what if it's ashi's sisters brought back by some foul means?
what if it's the goat?

Anyone else found the scene where aku pulls jack from the portal hilarious? The season needs more of akus goofy shit. I feel like thats the one thing its missing.

What if Aku corrupted it?

I like this idea

I'm ok with this


Aku is invincible to every form of attack except for Jack's sword, which is also the reason he can't just overwhelm him with giant/engulfing shapeshifts - it just gives Jack more Aku to hit.

It's very possible that Aku could overpower the Guardian. Even if his time portal got destroyed, though, I'm willing to bet he'd escape Aku.

It probably won't be that, but it would be fucking amazing.

It'll be that dumb bear

Anything magical works against Aku.

That sounds like a stupid fanfic senpai

People keep forgetting deities can fend off aku. The Guardian is obviously a deity; they can fend off but not destroy aku