What went wrong?

What went wrong?

All those magiswords and not one dog dick.

That is a fuckable artstyle.

They didn't air it

airing it in the afternoons
overhyping it and then never running any ads about it, aside from hijacking weekends by bothering the viewers about a shitty cellphone game
jokes falling flat
girl is perfect while guy is wacky slapstick failure wanker

The shows creators are aware of the criticism towards the pacing of the show and are looking to improve it in the next season. I'm actually hoping it will get better and slow down a bit.

>airing it in the afternoons
>overhyping it and then never running any ads about it, aside from hijacking weekends by bothering the viewers about a shitty cellphone game
To be fair, that game had me hooked for a bit, and I know I absolutely would've been obsessed with it as a kid. The dumb joy I got for being so overexcited by it made me feel like a young kid again, which was pretty great
>jokes falling flat
I'd say more hit than miss
>girl is perfect while guy is wacky slapstick failure wanker
They balance each other out, the guy isn't too bright at times, but the sister can be severely unhinged at other times.

well, the fist looks like it could be useful for... things.

Giant fist makes miniature earthquakes by pounding the ground.
There is a jackhammer magisword, though


is this official art?
Because holy shit that girl is a top-tier semen demon

Yes it is. Yes, she is, since the beginning too.

at least there's the blowjob sword

That's not how you sword-swallow!
You're doing it all wrong!

It's so bizarre to me that this guy's lifelong passion project turned out to be this goofy, episodic, jokey horseshit

Is there anything to this show besides waifus?

The writing is terrible. Like, the jokes are rapid fire,they think more jokes = funnier.

It feels like I'm watching a show at 2x speed.
Guess it was made for people with ADD.

The pacing settles down a bit in the later episodes

It's incredible how a character design that shows that much leg still manages to be utterly unattractive.

It baffles me that any of you can fap to this. A travesty, even.

using Slayers influence towards forgettable CN content

Whoa I'm really liking the one on the left's design. Was it too detailed or something?

Yeah it feels like they tried to cram way too much content per episode. Maybe they should have just made them 22 minutes long.

too similar to Lina's design

The show had a weak premise.
nice that it resembles slayers a bit though.

You don't say

I don't really get what anyone sees in her design or this entire style either. But I'm cool with letting people like what they like.

His lifelong passion project was to do a ripoff of Slayers?

How long are you going to keep shilling that anime?

different user, but slayer was good.