Lost the beard

>Lost the beard

So Uh, this isnt happening is it

they are never going to mention the Guardian again will they..

Other urls found in this thread:


Guardian was his friend. We don't know yet. Guardian have Kanata like jack.


Yes, you can only grow one beard in your life

He isnt gonna grow it back in the last three episodes

Well, given the standard set for the pacing this season, it wouldn't surprise me.



>So Uh, this inst happening is it
Well, not up until he start ageing again. This is an old wrinkled Jack in your picture, user, not the young bearded one.

Obviously there was some ending with old Jack planned out, but that shit is done and we are heading toward some gay bullshit with Ashi end now.


Fuck season 5 this is the true ending, the closet you'll ever get to a real ending that isn't waifu shit is this scene



the guardian was addressed sadly. "That was the last portal". It's over, we will never see Jack beating the guardian and using the portal. We get to see Ashi use her inhuman ape strength to beat Aku barehanded. Enjoy.

you're all deluded if you think season five is anything but a cash grab. Genndy forgot everything about the show ages ago. It was only ever meant to make some money, and you're projecting your own nostalgic wonderings onto it.

>Fuck season 5 this is the true ending, the closet you'll ever get to a real ending that isn't waifu shit is this scene
Except Season 5 is fucking awesome.

>you're all deluded if you think season five is anything but a cash grab.
It isn't. It's Genndy's love project and it's fucking great.

>episode 10
>jack is back, back to the past
>tells people he defeated aku or sneaks up to past-aku and kills him while aku thinks he's gone
>they make him the king/emperor
>there's a timeskip
>he's been a king for a while now and he's regrown the beard
>he looks at his past self through a time portal, closing the loop

The Guardian's portal is most likely untouched. Jack doesn't count it because he can't beat the guy and Aku doesn't know about it.

When asked during that question and answer session Genndy seemed to make it pretty clear that we'd get a definite answer about the guardian one way or the other.

Could just be a timeskip, Jack looks older in general in that pic.

>Ashi's mother wakes up next ep
>mask cracks from the fall, falls off
>it's the Guardian
>Turns out the whole daughters thing was an extended plot to get his prophesied enemy back to fighting shape

>Jack leaves Ashi in the future after defeating Aku.
>Travels to the past, defeats Aku
>Is honored as king of many lands, in gratitude for his work to free them
>Grows sad, misses Ashi
>Seeks out the Guardian in his own time

Uses the Guardian portal to get BACK TO THE FUTURE after he has saved the past

He'll age accordingly once he finally gets back home, and this'll be the last shot in the series.

>What is a timeskip

Anyone have a gaijin 4 koma reaction for newest ep?

It was a future where Jack didn't get his sword back
Jack changed future

and also a future where he somehow started aging

>Jack returns to the past
>Defeats Aku
>His age catches up to him, looks 70+ years old
>His dad is already way passed his prime
>Takes over the throne and rules his kingdom, looking like pic related

It'll happen

Couldn't this be him after going back to the past?

Gendy already confirmed the guradian is going to show up, moron.
The most probable ending is Jack is gonna beat aku, become king and rebuild the world. When he is bearded hes gonna go back to the guardian (Aku most certainly missed that portal) and use the portal to save his life in the past like he did in the original guardian episode.
Then he will leave the portal / destroy it because if he goes back to the past he will erase all the people around him

>Trusting the fucking retard that is Aku.
He dont even know jack lost his sword. He probably missed dozens of portals.

Back To The Future, Part II

If you change something in the past, you don't go back to the future you knew.

It was never going to happen. Jack was never going to return to the past. He was going to build a new life in the future.

Anyone with a basic understanding of narrative structure realized that years ago.

Fucking this. That cameo episode made me realize that Genndy really hasn't forgotten anything, I doubt he wouldn't address one of the most mentioned characters in the fandom from one of the show's most famous episodes. Even said that he hasn't forgotten the Guardian outright, have some faith.

Or he was just lying to dick with Jack.

This IS Aku after all.

Does anyone have that picture saved that shows Tera Strong, Phil Lamarr, and Grey DeLisle in the recording booth with the storyboards of Jack and Aku above?

No, of course not. Kind of a bummer, that episode had me convinced Jack was going to be king of the Spartans

That would have been random. Why king of the Spartans ? He's a samurai.

Jack's going to kill Aku and live in the future as long as he can before going back to make sure it never happened.

It probably already happened

Can someone post the image from the behind the scenes that has the exact same robot heads from the guardian episode? I lost it.

>beardless Jack meets Guardian
>"You look different then I had expected...time works in strange ways."


>Gendy already confirmed the guradian is going to show up

He did?

Theory time.

His portal has been destroyed like every others, has it has been stated in season 5, But Jack will still be able to get bac in time using Aku's own Magic, but alone, without Ashi. And win.

But years in his own future (so way back in feudal Japan), After he has become King of several continents after having freed the world of Aku's domination, he will long for Asho and realize that most of his life has been in the future. So, after his parents died of old age, he decide to go back to the future and it is ONLY then that he finally get to use the Guardian's time portal, to get back to the future and rejoin Ashi.

This is why he couldn't use it yet beforehand: Because he had already used it in the past and JAck hadn't get to the point yet where he was going to use it in the past.
Some time-travel fuckery.

Hey guys, Genndy himself said he had not forgotten about The Guardian. I imagine that the last episode will address this matter for good.

I have seen this mentioned in a ton of threads but there is never a fucking source with it once

Post a sauce or this is just a Sup Forums rumor

That doesn't make any sense. He can't go back to the past - undo the future that is Aku - and then travel back to that same future he just undid. Your theory is bad and you should feel bad.

If the Guardian does show up, it will only be so he can tempt Jack with the offer to let him return so that Jack choose to remain and fight for the future.

>He can't go back to the past - undo the future that is Aku - and then travel back to that same future he just undid.

Multiverse theory is a bitch.

This and if he does mention it, it'll just be aishi kicking his ass with her retard strength

Fucking bullshit watching her fight that army was like watching fucking whitebeard take on the marines


If there's a multiverse than there's no point in him going back at all, because for every timeline where he saves the future there's an infinite number of timelines where he didn't.

Could be DBZ shit where the timeline splits

Nothing matters, Morty. Everyone's gonna *burp* die and it's all for nothing.

Jack once defeated an army of assassin bots using a stick.

>He can't go back to the past - undo the future that is Aku - and then travel back to that same future he just undid.
Maybe it's a very powerful portal that also allow to explore multiple futures.

>everyone ignored your lame theory and now you are spamming it here

>If there's a multiverse than there's no point in him going back at all
Well, he'd still prefer to be in the universe where he goes back in time and save his own.

Because I can.

(also,, other thread died and this one has a similar theme so it's better to keep it all in a single one)

Nu-PPG was a cash-crab and a propaganda project for the new hipster animators.

At least new Samurai Jack doesn't talk to a fucking transsexual unicorn or start screaming internet memes at your face.

Two possibilities:

Jack goes back a bit too long and has to wait a while longer to battle Aku

That part was set years after he beat Aku

I have a better theory, faggot, the daughters of aku are actually the real daughters of aku, that's why they materialized weaponry out of nowhere, screencap this, jack will be forced to fight against ashi

Yeah but he didn't hit them and send 5 flying like he's fucking sauron

thats not how time works dumbo

I say he finally kills Aku in the future, at a cost of his time trial immortality due to whatever. So he goes on a few more years defeating remnants of Aku's army with Ashi and Scotsman's ghost to prove his worth as the champion of good. After all traces of Aku have been ridden from the Earth. He finally allowed to go home.

>defeat aku in the future
>spend more years to fix everything destroyed by aku
>go back in time
>have to defeat aku again
thats a bit dumb no?

That portal led to the past, this may happen once he returns.


I think aku retconned it by blowing up the portals. Or maybe the whole "you will use a portal" came true because jack literally used at least one time portal but was dragged out halfway through.

Were none of you around during the first episode live stream? He confirmed it then.


It's in here.

What time faggot

>Defeat Aku in the future
>go back in time
>Aku looks dumbfounded.
>huh? I thought I just sent you into the future. Oh well go back.
>sends Jack to the future again

>So Uh, this isnt happening is it

That Jack clearly looks much older than current Jack and has grey in his mustache. This is definitely after Aku is defeated.

This whole time portal thing makes no sense to me. First of all, what he does in this episode which is jumping head first into a portal, what guarantee he has that it's going to get him back to his time? Maybe it goes back a hundred years before his time, maybe it sends him further to the future, yet the series always has you assume that all portals will bring him back to his exact time. And then, what is stopping Aku from just sending Jack further and further into the future every time they meet until the end of time?

>This whole time portal thing makes no sense to me. First of all, what he does in this episode which is jumping head first into a portal, what guarantee he has that it's going to get him back to his time?
I think that because he isn't part of the future, any time portal will naturally bring him back to his time. Like a rubberband you release.
>And then, what is stopping Aku from just sending Jack further and further into the future every time they meet until the end of time?
I suspect it was a spell he could only use once.

Not him, but at 37:20

this pretty much works