Can we all agree its time for Kevin Conroy to retire?

Can we all agree its time for Kevin Conroy to retire?

He's sounded bored playing the character for close to a decade now.

Fucking yes. I watched the Killing Joke recently and wondered how he still got work. Hamill needs to go too but at least was trying.

He should have tried more roles other than Batman
He was a good phantom Stranger.

He is fine on Justice League Action he may have just not liked the script for killing joke that movie was pretty shit.

I loved him in Venture Bros.

This. I loved them but they are getting old.

Wonder Booooooooooy!!!!

I can't understand how such a shit opinion can even exist.

Hamill can keep working, but not as the Joker.

At least he was convincing during this scene

You clearly didn't watch Killing Joke.

Conroy has sounded like shit since Arkham Knight. A totally phoned in performance.

But I honestly think Mark Hamill's Joker voice has gotten better with age, though it definitely needs to be used on older Jokers only. He should be playing a young Joker.

>Conroy has sounded like shit since Arkham Knight. A totally phoned in performance.
Makes sense, its a phoned in game.

OP Go fucking kill yourself. You piece of rotten shit.
You are a vile disgusting turd who should go off himself.
Kevin is good at what he does, he is older, everyone gets older and performances do sound different as they do. Now grow the fuck up and go jump off a bridge you piece of monkey dung.

>a phoned in performance
They're both getting old, and they've been voicing those characters for over 20 years now. Hamill has said outright the Joker voice actually hurts to do these days, and Conroy's probably not faring much better. It's just harder for them to keep voicing those characters, full stop.

I'd like them to be able to keep doing other stuff and maybe an occasional cameo, but fanboys and nostalgia-marketing suits alike need to let someone else take over the roles, preferably without throwing "not muh" bitchfits over it like they still do with Harley.

>grow the fuck up
>tells someone to kill themselves

Hamill should probably be saved for special occasions

Otherwise, I kinda wanna hear him as other villains like Penguin

Die of old age obviously

Kevin Conroy is a great Batman VA, but I think the main problem is that the only work he gets nowadays is as "grumpy Batman" with generally no range beyond that. Or, at least, that's what it feels like to me.

TAS at least let him voice act a wider range of emotions.

>But I honestly think Mark Hamill's Joker voice has gotten better with age

Really? I've heard him in Justice League Action and it sounded rather strained.

>close to a decade

1992 was a quarter of a century ago, user.

He didn't sound tired of it till after JLU.

Honestly I think he and Mark Hamill were just poorly directed in The Killing Joke.
And it's not like he has much of an opportunity to showcase emotion because Batman now has to be a 100% grumpy action man.
>tfw these guys will never be back together to voice in one last animated movie

Watching Injustice gameplay makes me wish Epcar voiced Joker more often