Why is nobody talking about this?

why is nobody talking about this?

I dunno... You are.
Whatcha wanna say?

yeah, some people have big nostril

>jimmy smitts is darth plagueus

explain for me pls

how deep does the rabbit hole really go

Snoke is one of the four sages that gave law to the old republic. They were controversial because they openly encouraged and practiced dark side teachings.

Is that statue supposed to be a Sith relic?

So the Jedis and "dark side" are really one in the same?

Literally nothing. A ring that doesn't appear in the movie has made up stuff on it.
>Boba Fett had Wookiee braids so he was actually hunting Chewie!

How do you draw the conclusion that Snoke is one of the sages?


>doesn't appear in the movie
It very clearly does though retard

Doesn't appear on screen

Because no one is invested in the new trilogy plot after TLJ.

Who cares?

>>Boba Fett had Wookiee braids so he was actually hunting Chewie!

And every time he caught chewie he took a lock of hair and began the chase again. For parting is such sweet sorrow.

The four sages were idols of The Emperor's. His office is litered with their statues and he had many more made during his reign. I'm willing to bet before his untimely death he summoned one of those fuckers or something, and as token of good faith he bestowed the Sage with a kyber crystal taken from Vader's castle.

Yes. It does. It's fucking huge, you would have to be blind to miss it.

Okay are you just pretending to be retarded

>Black Diamond
yea jew jew is bringing him back

>force projecting literally kills Luke
>Snoke can do it to other people and does several times through out the film
>we're supposed to believe someone as powerful as Snoke was really in that room and was dumb enough to be betrayed by the same apprentice to made attempted to attack Snoke himself at the start of the movie

The thing that puzzled me in this film is when Luke is projection he is able to still kiss Leia on the forehead, and give he the dice he took from the Milennium Falcon. These are also a projection because we see them disappear when Kylo finds them and picks them up, yet Leia is able to physically hold them in her hands. But Kylo's lightsaber can't make contact?Then there's the scene where Kylo and Rey are being connected by Snoke. It is raining on the island where Rey is and afterwards Kylo notices he has water on him. Yet in the final battle, when Luke moves his footprints don't move the salt like the people who are really there. So was Snoke force projecting Kylo or was that something else entirely? There seems to be no clear defined rules on force projecting.

>disney writes original material
>nothing makes sense