How come he counts as a white male when he's masplaining to Laura Dern but he's hispanic when he's being shipped with...

How come he counts as a white male when he's masplaining to Laura Dern but he's hispanic when he's being shipped with Finn?

I though he was Palestinian or something middle eastern

Whatever he is he's oily as fuck

>Birth Name: Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada
>Place of Birth: Guatemala
>Date of Birth: March 9, 1979
>Ethnicity: Cuban, Guatemalan, French

Is he not some sort of Mediterranean?

hispanics are schrodinger's minority when it comes to rhetoric
see also: zimmerman

I don't get it, he looks white to me

He's a Jew.

Oscar Isaac is an honorary white.

He's a Guatemalan Jew.

i want off this jew ride

And yet the only likable or interesting new characters are Kylo Ren a white dude and Poe Dameron a vaguely white dude.

>I don't get it, he looks white to me
Sweet Christmas vacationing child...


90% of this pic is just magazines pandering to their demographic. Black dude wants more black dudes in movies, wow. Women wants women to be paid equally in entertainment (even though debatable), wow. The gay shit was a joke, you would know that if you actually looked into the things you post.

The rogue one dude is a legit retard but this image is cherrypicked as fuck. Fuck off pol

>looks white to me

>when the Sup Forumstard invades

(((Mickey Mouse))), you took it too far. The goyim have rebelled. You can't damage control yourself out of this shit.

i drive


personally I thought he was jewish with the name of isaac


Much like the Italians or Irish before them, a large amount of Hispanics will find themselves upgraded to White in order to preserve the status quo.
You already see it happening, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio despite being Hispanic are now "White People". In 50 years we will have a bunch of Rodriguez's and Sanchez's complaining about how America should only be for whites like themselves.
you have to understand that race is not a scientifically based fact based on any kind of genetics but a cultural mode of thought. What the different "races" are and who belongs to them is different based on time and place. Our current racial categories for instance only date to about the 1600's/1700's. If you told a Roman he and a Gaul belonged to the same "White Race" he would laugh at your face because the Gauls were obviously a different race than the Romans in his eyes. Similarly whether Jewish people were counted as white has always been more of a political question than a genetic one. Or take for Instance how Native Americans have always been considered their own race when they are genetically very closely related to certain East Asian populations that are categorized as "Asian".

unironically woke

gas lighting jew samefag

get the fuck out of the west, kikes

He’s 100% correct, my Italian friend is very tan and some black people mistook her for black. When she told them her heritage they stopped talking to her entirely.

ummmm, no sweetie

why is this even a word?


Super thread full of smart important people

>not changing a tab to gay porn/anime shit
disappointing desu

>schrodinger's minority

To crazy people yes. To most people no.

Everything bad is the fault of white men, it's the go to scapegoat, and feminists really think they don't need us for anything.


I looked this up, and it appears to mean "any attempt to reason with a woman using logic and reason".

Idk my dude. It's a mystery. Almost like most Americans have never seen a WHITE person in real life.

How is this bad? Old people are physically weak. Also he said he refrained from using the force.











you can't be "Racially Hispanic" you fucking idiots. It's a geographical term, not a racial one. All these brown fucks are brown due to their INDIAN genes.

The whole point of "White Hispanic" was for spanish people, not mestizos like zim zam. Thanks media....

Hispanic is not like irish or italian because there's 23 hispanic countries, they aren't going to look the same.

Some hispanics are white and some are clearly not. You could tell a spaniard from a mestizo easily. Ted Cruz is white cause he's unironically white, someone like George Lopez? No.

We say "Hispanic" because "Mexican" can't cover brown people from other places south of the border. And, we don't say "mezistos" because it's a disgusting word to say. I can't even stomach it, when I type it. Typing it means I have to read it. It's fucking awful.

Well not all hispanics are mestizos

How is that fair to a hispanic with no native genes?

Why did Luke get angry, proceed to attack her and then only defended himself? Is the power of Marey Sue so overwhelming?