"Hey Alan, move out LMAO"

>"Hey Alan, move out LMAO"
*intense laugh track*

why are his legs so shiny?

>that episode where he catches aids

Really dark stuff

He swims in so much pussy juice and HIV meds it turned his legs permanently greasy

>Charlie why you teach Jake to be bad man
>shutup alimony Alan

Tigerblood is one helluva drug

Only lefty beta soyboys dont like Charlie.

>"Charlie, you are a disgusting alcholic obsessed by sex"
>"Well better that than a depressed failure without future like you or that stupid fucking pig with the mouth always full of cream"
>"Did someone say cream?"


>Disease ridden insane degenerate

The white man deserves better you soyboy failure

>Yes, Uncle Charlie
>Come over here and strip so I can show you how much of a creepy degenerate I really am.

Once upon a time, when Romans were fighting Celts, they asked some Germanic Warlords for help. To sweeten the deal they offered unlimited access to all of their finest traveling brothels. The Germans were so insulted that they slaughtered all but one of the envoys on the spot.

Oathbreaking is just for those that are even lower than dogs.

Comfy af show. I miss it

I really don't know how they got away with this one

it was a different time

Freshly chromed from Valhalla.

>*intense laugh track*
And nothing of value was lost.

never understood how dudes can sit like that. Does he not have balls?

>The episode where he brings a pornstar to dinner with his ex-wife and children

Cringe kino

The balls stays under the legs

Fucking horseshit of a show.

he has tatoos on his legs they covered thorughout the show

Give me 3 better sitcoms on the air in last 10 years. It may not be the greatest show, but it isn't terrible.

It's why he's called Charlie Sheen.

>that woman is hot
>well, she is wearing a sweater


>dumb fat kid: 'I need to use the bathroom'.
>*explosive laugh track




>Alan: Don't you have any sense of decency
>Charlie: Don't you have a house

>*Audience literally implodes*

>Alan: You are a pig, Charlie
>Charlie: And you don't even have a sty
>*audience implodes in chuckles*

It's a Berta takes advantage of everyone's good nature episode.

Would you a Berta?


That scene makes me lol every time