Why does Superman save suicidal people, who want to die, instead of saving actual victims...

Why does Superman save suicidal people, who want to die, instead of saving actual victims? Isn't that a little patronizing?

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Because Superman gets to decide when and how they die, not themselves.

Something something "it gets better" something "saving them from themselves" something something

He (usually) tries to talk them out of suicide rather than outright saving them from their attempt.

he saves both
everyone deserves to be saved

But isn't that just making everything worse? If some attention-seeker sees it on the news they might try to attempt a public suicide as well and hurt themselves.

he'd feel guilty if he didn't

Suicide is against the law, he's apprehending criminals.

Most people that survive their suicide attempt recall regretting their decision almost immediately.

This, in some parts of China it's against to the to die in any manner after a monthly quota is met.

>"What, you want me to actually read comics before i act like an expert on them?"

Can you fuck off with these worthless morality threads already?

>Why does Superman save suicidal people, who want to die, instead of saving actual victims? Isn't that a little patronizing?

Because you touch yourself at night.

Not the answer you want, but the answer you deserve for making this crappy thread.


Get out more.




>saving people who are mentally ill and will just continue to abuse, guilt trip, and harass those around them

Yeah, no thanks...

top kek

He's desperate for people to watch his movies.

I didnt

He saves everyone he can. He's Superman If he sees someone about to jump from a building he will always catch them.

Batman would make more sense if Batman wanted to kill the joker but the commissioner stopped him


I was gonna say something along the lines of 'the day isnt over yet'

But instead i'm gonna ask you to keep thinking of the people dear to you in your life, if any.

The grove of suicides is canon to the DC universe.

You would make more sense dead.