Whats his end game?

whats his end game?

smurf soup??????

Transform smurs in gold????


Domination over all global media.

Papa Smurf, you must fuck Gargamel.

He wanted to SMURF the Smurfs.

>called "Brainy"
>not shown to be particularly smart, just a suck up and an egotist

Golden soup?

Not making a deal with Satan to hand over two kids leading to a war of succession in exchange for a fool proof spell that would destroy Smurf village.

Gargamel's endgame was to gather all the Smurfs and make them piss into a bowl which he would then use as the basis for a delicious soup! The man is a genius!

Actually, he was never all that clear on his motivations.

His intentions are clear, just inconsistent. Sometimes he wants to use them to make gold, sometimes he wants to eat them, and sometimes he just wants to kill them because they've pissed him off so many times.

Or, in the case of the new film, extract the magical essence from them to make himself stronger.

Truly, he is /ourguy/

>brains are evil, emotions rock!
hurdur why do cartoons do this

Smurf soup, so that way he can make a killing in the gourmet restaurant bussiness and prove Uncle Goldstein wrong. But just as he caught the blue demons, Sturmmann Gunther and Hans sent him to Auschwitz.

>muh smurfs

>extract the magical essence from them

>The Philosopher's stone, which requires Smurfs
>Turning the Smurfs themselves into gold
>Turn the Smurfs into his slaves
>Smurf soup
>Protect his home from getting demolished by the local feudal lord
>Getting laid
>Become the most powerful wizard ever
It varies, a lot

In the original he was simply called "Schtroumpf à Lunettes" or Glasses Smurf. He isn't particularly smart, but he is pretty well-read and knows more shit than anyone other than Papa Smurf.

Clearly he wants to catch the smurfs to sell them to rare animal breeders to make sure this clearly endangered species does not vanish off the earth. I mean they only have ONE female between the whole tribe for fucks' sake.
He's just gotten a bit...obsessive.

He really is the good guy. For serious.

I think you mean:
>Muh 6 Smurfillions

To play Tigger in Winnie the Pooh.


Brave little user.




To get his hands on those healthy purple berries.


Smurf this smurflane with no smurfsalive

Is this franchise worth getting into or is it just merchandise cancer? I liked Asterix a lot.

>Smurf soup
Gargamel never wanted Smurf Soup. He only tricked once a giant in finding the Smurf village by telling him Smrf Soup was the best.

Gargamel's main goal has always been to make Gold out of them.

Is that a ball sack on the top right, or the boots of a man now shoved up inside?

I personally think that the original comics still hold up, and so do many of the Le Lombard era after Peyo's death, but I grew up reading them so I might be biased.

>Every smurfs get mad at him for different reasons and beat the living shit out of him everytime
>Papa smurf don't gives a smurfing shit

Just figure how to make another Smurfette or better another Vexy. Only good part of the second movie.

A turd figurine and a spell made the first one, a really shitty version but it worked.

I thought that he wanted the smurfs so he could make a hairgrowing potion.

Get busted on "To Catch a Predator" and die in the ensuing shoot out with police. Right after taking out Chris Hansen.

Isn't that Shad's endgame?

He actually HAS that spell, didn't even need to murder a single smurf to cast it either... only it works just for beards and he didn't put a limiter on it so he filled his whole hovel with his gigantic beard, immobilizing him. Papa Smurf actually felt so sorry for him, he undid the spell without a word.

Beard potion with limiter. Some muscle growth potions. Make up some more female smurfs. Live as the buff hermit wizard with a tiny harem.

Living the dream.

So, has anyone seen the new movie?

Any stand-outs among the new characters?

Couldn't Gargamel just provide Smurf Village with free lavatories if all he's after is smurf piss?

it's the most inoffensive movie I've ever seen.