Why is it getting so much shit? it's far from being a bad movie

Why is it getting so much shit? it's far from being a bad movie.

Did not watch it yet, but I bet people are bumblasted because there is no LE JOKES SO RANDOM FANNY QUIRK XDDDD stuff they are used to.

Sup Forums shitposters pretending to be DC fans upset that Blunder Womyn and Just League are going to be two of the biggest bombs of the year

better to just ignore them

It's funny cause the first act is full of "funny random shit", also I'm surprised they didn't exploited the baby groot thing on every scene.

Except it is not you false-flagging faggot.

haven't seen it yet but if it's anything like all the other movies in the MCU then it's just a okay film

and the people hating it only hate it because they think it's average at best but everyone is praising it for being great

Saw this last week. Haven't had the time to discuss it here or Sup Forums. People hate gotg 2?? It has a lot more dialogue than the first one but it's definitely not bad. It still had a lot of jokes too. It also explored the characters and i liked how it balanced the spotlight for all major characters

it's probably my least favorite mcu movie

Why? I didn't particularly like the first Guardians, but I can't imagine the second one being worse than Iron Man 2.

wrote my thing here

Oh. Well that's a shame, sounds like they doubled down on the stuff I didn't like from the first movies.

Still gonna see it (cause so far I never outright hated any MCU movie, they were still fun to some degree), but I'm gonna lower my expectations a lot.

this was my first time I actively disliked an MCU movie while watching it

last act remedies a lot of it though

I saw it, liked it.
Every character had their moments, the jokes were appropriately funny and the dramatic moments were suitably dramatic.

The downsides were that I felt like everyone dropped about 20 IQ points in the first half of the movie. (Especially Drax.) I also really dislike the "lol they're all retards" thing (this includes Mantis and Groot). I also really dislike what they did with Groot, but that was inevitable seeing as he became an internet sensation.

It is much more an ensemble cast and I liked it but it wasn't a 10/10 or even a 9/10.

I saw it and it was pretty decent. It hit some good notes, but it never felt like it hit the same stride, plot wise, as GotG.

I'd watch it again though without complaint.

Oh and a lot of scenes overstayed their welcome a little.

I'm still trying to figure out why did they cut J'son if they were gonna still make the dad the bad guy. Bonus shit points because the story is just as stupid as J'son's

Is there a chance the characters will grow when they appear in Infinity War? Feige said it's gonna be 4 years after GotG2 and they're not written by Gunn anymore.

I have more faith in Markus&McFeely than in Gunn when it comes to characterization. The one thing I really hate about the MCU GotG is the fact that they're all pretty idiotic as you said and they don't seem to grow at all. It's gonna be ridiculous if after Infinity War in GotG3 they're gonna be the same immature asshats, Gunn needs to get his shit together.

I found baby groot hyped a lot in trailers but he wasn't annoying or anything in the movie, really surprised he wasn't in every single scene.

it felt like he was

I can't imagine there will be a square inch left for character development given how many characters will be there.

The rise of adam warlock, galactus smashing up every location holding every stoneis probably the entire first movie, ending with galactus locking up some people in the soul gem and everything being shit. Then the second movie is Warlock getting them out of the gem while people on the outside try to rally a resistance against what is essentially a god.
Their plan is failing when whoever pops outta the gem and everybody punches until Adam gets the gauntlet. End movie 2.

Not really he got his moment during the first act and then he had another during the ravagers ship but after that I forgot about him.
Honestly if I had to complain about a character I will go with rocket, the taserface joke went out for way too long.

Sup Forums hates things that are popular.

I'll take off-screen development if only they stop being so stupid and immature.

At the least, the Cap writers won't write them to be so comedic all the time. Even the resident jokester Tony Stark was much, much more subdued in Civil War and he acted more like a character than like a quip machine.

It was meh, meh-er than the mcu average

Why is that an invalid criticism? The ancient greeks who invented plays always talked big about balance drama and comedy. Hence, the sign of the happy mask and sad mask representing theater and films.

Marvel DOES NOT know how to balance it. And too much humor, at the wrong moments too, causes the dramatic tension to cease and movie and it's plot become redundant. Action-Comedy doesn't really work as genre, when it feels more like a comedy and that's where priorities are.

True but it's valid sometimes because when something become popular, the newer, more shallow trendy fans get catered too. So it makes the advanced fans, the people who made this thing successful enough in the first place TO get noticed, alienated and frustrated.

They came to see the characters they loved on print, on screen too. And they get goofy self-parody versions because that makes normies laugh.

To be fair, stupid and immature, with occasional glimpses of emotions, is pretty much the MO of the comics