Adult Swim brings back Samurai Jack, a non-original AS program...

>Adult Swim brings back Samurai Jack, a non-original AS program, to give the director a chance to definitively close his show.
>Refuses to the same for Metalocalypse, one of AS's most successful original shows.

I don't understand Americans.

Give it time, depending on the result of Samurai Jack maybe more shows will get closure.

There are rights issues with Metalocalypse. Music rights.

>Brings back critically acclaimed, universally lauded adventure story
>chooses not to bring back poorly animated gag show about 5 retarded musicians with all kinds of shitty "muh lore" about demons

Wow what awful business decisions

>Adult Swim facebook page
>New trailer comes out for Venture Bros. or Mike Tyson Mysteries
>All of the comments are people whining about Metalocalypse

Every fucking time.

meh I liked the ending with doomstar


metalocalypse costs 10 times as much per episode as a non animated show and twice as much as samurai jack

Brendan could of ended the show at Doomstar, I like the show and thought it was funny but does ANYONE actually care about the overarching "plot".

Animation takes time and money. You think Adult Swim just scooped up Samurai Jack after it was canceled. It took over ten years and two Hotel Transylvania movies before Gendy could get season 5 going.

you have to wait at least 20 years

Wasn't it cancelled all because one executive got butthurt?

brenbren small told mike lazzo that lazzo should spend less time giving 5 year old indonesian boys rim jobs and more time getting his hair plugs in order
mike didn't take it well

truth hurts

I found Sam Hyde

Metal isn't cool anymore like it was 10 years ago.

It wouldn't be popular now

"One of AS most successful shows." That's not Rick and Morty, Venture Bros., ATHF, Harvey Birdman, or Robot Chicken.

It's mostly out of pure spite. [as] executives were already very upset of the show when they decided to give all music rights to the creator and didn't anticipate that this show would help increase music sales. When the creator insulted Lazzo, who can only be described as the pettiest man in the world, they decided to kill the show and refuse to air it no matter what.

It could be their highest rated show in [as] and they still won't air it out of intense anger.

That's the silver lining. Although the cancellation is criminal, at least it went out with one of the finest hours of television from the golden age.

I hate to break this to you but metal was never cool.