They removed the fake reviews! Sup Forums BTFO

They removed the fake reviews! Sup Forums BTFO

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But it still says 92%

got em


Its at 53% nice try mouse shill

Just checked. Nice shop. It's still at 53%

>fake reviews

Show of hands, how many people just went to RT?



How do people like him get paid to write shit like that? Geez, literally every review on Letterboxd is better than that.

You were saying?

I did

THIS is the audience that hates TLJ?

Reylo's movie is now confirmed kino


Nice try, cockweed.

I did the first time I saw a thread like this, but this time around it isn't all that compelling

what the fuck

53 now? someone update this le % face pls

careful now goyim!

>critic reviews are more fake than reviews from normal people

I don't care if you're just making a joke, it's a stupid fucking point

I wonder if it will make it lower than 50

You really, truly, legitimately think the critics are in the right here?

>while adding some surprising twists

name one.

Oy vey, this is literally annudua shoah

kek, I can already see pixels from the thumb

Here ya go, lad.

7 points away from the same audience score that The Room has.


snoke doesnt matter
phasma is dead


>ARE YOU KIDDING ME the argument

Nice try, fuckface.

now i feel stupid

youre a fucking idiot

Actually, no.
Critic = in on the take
Critic = "my livelihood depends on pretending that Hollywood is really kewl always"

It's a bot

I'd probably agree with you if it was 10 years ago.

I lol'd

critics rated it as an actual movie about a theme and characters that made them feel things

autists got pissy about "not muh luke" and "muh lore muh headcanon" and brigaded the user score

Many critics don't understand the characters because they don't know the OT like many fans do. So they don't understand why the characters was so fucked up in this movie.

So just forget about the themes and feeling the entire audience had gotten from previous entries in the series right?
Rian, you're trying to hard. You had to actually watch the other films before making one and blaming the fans.

You're worshiping an idealized version of these characters that didn't actually exist so you can hold onto childish banalities and the movie is explicitly about moving on from this in favor of something new

of course autists responded with revulsion

>and the movie is explicitly about moving on from this in favor of something new
AKA: Accept our SJW-driven future.

So just sweep under the rug the fact of Luke risking his life and everything he had worked and trained for to save his conflicted father, Vader: the mass murdering dark lord of the Sith that aided in the destruction of the Jedi order and formation of the Empire.
>lul Johnson subverted fans expectations of Luke being written anything like Luke at all
They made him do the exact opposite of how he would have acted, because he's already fucking been down this path before. You truly and honestly think that Luke would have had 100% intentions to murder his sleeping nephew for something he hadn't even done yet? Fuck that.

what makes a movie "certified fresh" anyways? I've seen movies with the same critic score and percentage with only one being certified

Except every character acted like a retard, you can’t take “let the past die” seriously coming from CGI puppet Yoda with the Falcon and Leia still running around, and the plot veered more towards sci-fi than science fantasy while having a complete lack of internal logic. I don’t see how this movie was worth shit from any angle.


>You're worshiping an idealized version of these characters

Oh, you mean like how you're worshiping an idealized version of TLJ?

>Doesn't know about Ghostbusters
You just fall off the turnip truck?

how the fuck does this have a 90% this is bullshit I'm fed up with this world

Maybe five years ago or more I would've agreed with you.

Now there's just too many terrible reviewers out there who have about the same reasoning skill as the audience.

Paid critics is a valid point.

>when that OT music kicked in on the salt planet

Critics should have to work for newspapers or magazines. The online only 'news' outlets have no chinese wall.

You know RT has a "top critics" filter right?

I didn't. That should be the default setting.

>Ty actually got paid for this

Don't play with my feelings user..

I'm really not. I'm not a fanboy. Just pointing out that they destroyed the characters.


The ticket I paid for had "Star Wars" written on it, not "something new"

>critics are "professionals"

The swift clock




Because it was pure kino, that's how

Still 53% for me



It's also completely true.

Bloggers are paid to advertise movies. Their jobs depend on access to the studios marketing teams and products, something that Disney has explicitly said they will withold from writers who give them negative reviews.

On top of which, a large amount of the reviews clearly demonstrated they were making a political statement with their review, and not reviewing the content of the film itself.

The audience score is a more honest reflecting of the quality of the film.

No. Critics rated it as a Disney product that featured minorities and women in prominent roles.

That's it. They looked at the diversity quota and the blogger stand-in (Holdo) and checked what the director and producer's political credentials were like on twitter and gave it a positive review.


The user score is mixed. The critics score is overwhelmingly positive - now tell me which one is brigaded, my dude.

I dunno man that's a bit harsh. He probably deserves about 53%. Gosh I love the banter here on reddit.

> Come see the movie because of your nostalgia
> heeyyyyy don't forget to disregard your nostalgia



Underrated post

Ever, single letter of that "review" has so much going on...