How does this thing stay airborne?

How does this thing stay airborne?


why didn't they park one of the bad boys in fronth of the base of hoth?

Levitation spell


what a stupid thing to concern yourself with

they have a force generator thats how all ships work in Star Wars

How do they work?

This was actually a plot point, they tried doing that but the base had an Ion Cannon that knocked out two of the Star Destroyers coming in to blockade.

Space magic

Go fuck yourself.

The force


The Ion Cannon the Rebels had could disable them from the ground. It made a ground assault necessary.

Oh, that's why whenever a ship takes off it just kind of floats off the ground at first, huh. Yeah, I guess I buy that.

>he doesnt autistically think about these things

kek, been awhile

This one. It's been a Star Wars mainstay since forever

Repulsorlift tech.

With the power of Love.

pretty well, thank you for asking.

Why didn't they hyperspace into the rebel base?

leia's cameo in TLJ confirmed this since everyone has been asking for years nice of Rian to helpe the dedicated fans out

Why didn't the X-wing who crashed into the shield on Skarif just punch it into hyperspace at the last second?

Because the Admiral was as clumsy as he was stupid

by using the strength of diversity

how can star wars ships travel at light speed? also, why dont they have speeds inbetween normal and lightspeed? how does light speed even work for them to brake instantly when they are out of it having no momentum?

I’m pretty sure these things weren’t ever supposed to exist in an atmosphere.

An army of titcows expose their buttocks and continuously go brap

Dude just turn you're brain off lemao

>Watch in awe as that burning SSD crashes down during THE battle that ended the Empire for good.
>Remember that it's only thanks to NuCanon that we got such a compelling finale to the story of the Empire.
Why do you guys hate Disney!Lucasfilm so much, anyways?

star destroyers have an array of gravlock snickelsnacker timrods that keep them up in the air

Why didn't Luke get his milky from there?

BF2 even stayed true to Luke Skywalker's character... amazing that Rian managed to fuck up worse than EA